Hegar District, Burnt Castle.

As soon as the 20 minutes were up, the three helpless and furious kidnapper brothers were immobilized by the old butler with green eyes, and then dragged away lightly by the maid who appeared in an instant and had a blurry face.

The extra tableware and chairs were removed by the maids.

In the huge restaurant, only Night Crow, Lei and Diana were left alive.

With just one dish, the number of survivors was reduced by half. This was obviously a very scary thing, but Diana just felt happy.

On the other side, with three less annoying guys, Night Crow was in a happier mood.

——The second dish has been served, which is a huge chocolate cake that Night Crow loves to eat, with a large pot of iced milk coffee.

In the early morning, the sun just popped out, and all the strange phenomena in the restaurant suddenly disappeared.

The chair suddenly disappeared, and Night Crow, who was putting a spoon of ice cream into his mouth, not only bit it empty, but also almost fell on his buttocks.

Balancing himself, looking around the empty stone room covered with traces of burnt stones, Night Crow curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and was more reluctant to leave.

"It's over..." Lei got up from the ground, brushing off the dust on his windbreaker, and said with emotion, obviously he was also reluctant to leave.

To be honest, the food and drinks provided by this strange story are fake, and the taste is always extreme, but they are indeed very delicious.

On the other side, Diana, who also fell on her buttocks, got up from the ground silently, trying to reduce her presence.

The north wind in the early morning whistled in the castle with missing doors and windows, which was particularly refreshing.

Night Crow adjusted his slightly messy hair, turned his head and said to Diana: "Okay, where is your home? It's time to take you back."

"...Lopufus City in the southwest." Diana said softly.

"Can you walk by yourself?" Night Crow asked.

"Yes..." As if to prove her words, Diana took a step confidently.

The next moment, the young lady's legs softened and her knees almost hit the stone floor. ——If Lei hadn't supported her in time.

Looking at Diana's confused expression, Lei said helplessly: "The food you just ate was fake... How long have you not eaten before that?"

Diana's eyes wandered, and she stammered: "I'm losing weight recently... But my best friend asked me to have dinner again..."

Ye Ya raised her eyebrows: "So how long?"

"The last meal was the day before yesterday... I had a salad..." Diana's voice became smaller and smaller, and her face became redder and redder.

Lei sighed, confirmed that Diana could stand steadily, let go of her arm, walked to her and squatted down.

"Come on, I'll carry you."

"... Thank you."

Diana thanked in a low voice, and lay on Lei's back with a red cheek.


At the gate of the scorched castle

Lei looked around at the unfamiliar environment with overgrown weeds and natural beauty, and turned to ask Night Crow, who frowned and looked serious for some reason: "Which way are you going?"

"..." Night Crow did not answer.

"...What's wrong?" Lei's intuition suddenly started to scream, and he widened his eyes and said slowly in disbelief, "Could it be..."

Night Crow nodded with a heavy expression.

"..." Lei staggered immediately, causing Diana on his back to let out a small, suppressed cry.


Obsidian Holy Tower, Temple of Ever Darkness, Inner Hall.

Lenari held a chocolate bar in his mouth, looking confused: "Why did 'Night Crow' lose contact again?!"

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