On the evening of October 16th, Green Star Calendar, Lei finally arrived at the ancient city of Feifu.

During the journey, he encountered numerous cases of theft, robbery, drug selling, kidnapping, etc., and even once, two superpowers fought on the train on the spot...

In short, Lei had to transfer several times even though he had bought a direct ticket (sponsored by Night Crow) and took a maglev express train that was not much slower than an airplane.

After walking out of the maglev train station, Lei took out his mobile phone and looked at the address sent by Night Crow, and decisively called a taxi.

—— For this trip, the service company not only refunded the ticket in full, but also paid a considerable amount of extra compensation (the ticket comes with insurance)...

In addition, the Public Security Bureau also enthusiastically gave Lei several considerable bonuses.

In short, Lei became rich immediately after sitting on this train, and completely bid farewell to the financial difficulties that had accompanied him for many years.

However, Lei was not happy at all.

The best hotel in the ancient city of Feffer, the Hymn Hotel, No. 405.

After listening to Lei's explanation of why he was late, Night Crow laughed and fell on the coffee table.

After finally stopping laughing, Night Crow panted and teased: "You are worthy of being a famous detective! You will inevitably encounter incidents when you travel!"

Lei rolled his eyes unhappily: "What kind of famous detective am I! I am more like a bad detective..."

"Anyway, Lucia happens to be free now, let's go and meet her."



The Cathedral of Light, the back garden of a monastery, the pavilion.

The black cat squatted gracefully on the stone table, looking up and down, carefully looking at the changed Lei, and after a moment, he said with emotion: "The unlucky child who was embarrassed at the beginning has grown into a very handsome boy..."

"Although he is still unlucky." Night Crow added on the side.

"..." Lei, who tried to put on a reliable face, immediately had a bit of a fall in expression.

With a sigh, Lei sat down on the wide, low stone railing of the pavilion that could be used as a bench, and said somewhat helplessly: "Night Crow is right... So, did I pass the interview?"

"Of course." Lucia said without hesitation, "Welcome to the Rumored Family Firm."

"Thank you."

"Since he has officially joined, we are a family, no need to be so polite... Apophi, go and help him with the entry procedures."

Black Cat turned around and instructed Apophi who was standing beside him.

"Yes." Apophi nodded, and suddenly disappeared in an instant.

Lei was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Do I need to do anything?"

"No, Apophi will take care of all the procedures." Lucia said, "I have been busy in seclusion recently, you can handle the commissioned matters by yourselves, it doesn't matter if we don't open the office."

"Ah, okay..." Lei didn't expect to get such a, um, "Buddhist" instruction, and he almost didn't react in time.

"See you later." Lucia said, jumping off the stone table lightly.

Just after taking a few steps, the black cat paused and turned back and said, "By the way, the vegetarian dishes for dinner in Canteen No. 3 are very delicious. Remember to try them when you have time."

"Why dinner?" Night Crow asked puzzledly.

"Because the chef is a part-time chef."


Five Ancient City, White Rose Community, Building 4, No. 503.

Frederick held the teacup and looked at the man and the crow who came in through the window expressionlessly: "I don't think I have ever refused you?"

"It's too troublesome to go through the door." Night Crow landed on the tea table and said confidently, then picked up a corner of a flower cake without any courtesy.

"Sorry..." Lei apologized with a guilty conscience.

"Forget it..." Frederick sighed and put down his teacup. "I've seen Lucia, shall we enter the trial now?"

"Yes." Night Crow nodded vaguely, swallowed the flower cake in his mouth, and added, "Only me, Lei, won't go in."

Frederick nodded and gave a last warning: "'Gods' Space' rates the trial participants based on their comprehensive strength, and non-combat lone rangers are at a disadvantage."

"It's okay, I'm immortal." Night Crow was full of confidence.

"Then let's get started." Frederick said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a mechanical, cold electronic synthesized sound rang in Night Crow's mind.

"Trialist 'Vampire Hunter' invites you to join the Gods Space, yes? No?"


"The Novice Trial is about to begin, countdown, 5..."

Night Crow was stunned: "Novice Trial?"

Frederick explained quickly: "Every trialist must go through the Novice Trial, and S-level newcomers are no exception."

"...1, transmission begins."

Night Crow's eyes went dark, and then the world spun.

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