Under Night Crow's guidance, Pamela began to pray on the spot.

Although Night Crow said that the posture didn't matter, Pamela still insisted on kneeling with her hands clasped together and praying to the sunlight outside the window from afar.

Night Crow was complaining in his heart.

After all, showing piety to the gods of another world with the prayer posture of nuns of the mainstream religion in this world...

There are many complaints!


A few minutes later, Pamela opened her eyes and stood up with a slightly strange expression.

Night Crow looked the girl up and down and asked in confusion: "You didn't choose to turn back into a human?"

As for the possibility that the Radiant Principle could not do this, Night Crow had never thought about it.

Just as her true essence is "end", the true essence of the Radiant Principle is "creation".

Even if it is only the "light" side of Him that wakes up, it is too simple to tinker and paint.

Under Beavis's nervous gaze, Pamela said slowly: "He gave me another choice..."

"Is that so."

Night Crow did not ask further what the choice was, she had already guessed it.

"Vampires", or blood races, are obviously much better than ordinary people in terms of physical fitness. Unless Pamela does not want to go deeper into the mysterious world, there is no need to give up the power she has already obtained.

As for the various defects of blood races in this world...

In the room, Pamela stared at the sunlight shining into the room from the window, opened her hands, and stepped forward step by step.

In Beavis' increasingly nervous and excited eyes, the girl walked to the window calmly and bathed in the sunlight thoroughly.

Staring blankly at the increasingly brilliant sun in the sky, crystal tears fell from the corners of Pamela's eyes.

After a long time, Night Crow, who had been watching silently, finally couldn't help but say, "That's enough. If you keep watching, your eyes will be blind for at least a few hours."

——After the magic transformation of the Radiant Principle, the vampires will no longer be afraid of the sun, but looking directly at the sun in late spring and early summer, or near noon, for a long time...

Not to mention Pamela, whose eyesight is much better and can even be measured in "times", ordinary people will go blind.

"..." Pamela turned around and walked back silently, walking slower and slower until she stopped.

——There was only a piece of light in front of her eyes now, but she was not used to relying on other sensory activities...

"...Anyway," Night Crow sighed, turned to Beavis, who was excited, and said, "Go get a computer that can receive wireless signals. The larger the storage space, the better."

"Ah, okay, as you say!" Beavis barely suppressed his surging heart and walked away in a hurry.

——When he left the room, he even forgot to close the door. After walking a long distance, he hurriedly ran back to close the door.

Night Crow, who was thinking about how to remotely close the door of Pamela, saw this, folded his wings, comforted Pamela briefly, and turned back to enjoy the chocolate cake and milk coffee made by the chef of the castle with top-grade ingredients.

When Beavis hurriedly came back with a new laptop and a mobile hard drive, Pamela's eyes had recovered for a while, and she was testing her new ability in the open space of the room away from the afternoon tea table where Night Crow was.

Screaming to avoid the light golden frost that almost covered his face, Beavis hurriedly held the things in his hands, closed the door in shock, and could not wait to report to Night Crow: "The things are here!"

On the side, Pamela, who was also in shock, was scared and secretly regretted that she should not have tested her ability on the door panel.

——The blessing given to her by the Radiant Truth before, in simple terms, is "weapon enchantment".

Everything that can be used as a "weapon" and everything that she throws out will be silently "enchanted" with the effect she named "Brilliant Blazing Sun".

"Vampires" are defined as "dark magic creatures" by people in this world. If even a hair touches an item enchanted with the "Brilliant Blazing Sun" effect, it will be exploded like a small sun on the spot.

Beavis is still a dark magic creature "vampire". If he is hit, the consequence is that he will be like the countess, with nothing left.

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