"...'Gods' Space' can also have such a low-level bug?" Eve asked doubtfully.

"Absolutely true! I'm still thinking of a new name! Which grandson took my name... Don't let me catch you..."

The black-haired young man was excited for a moment, and then immediately collapsed again, like a dead fish that was trying to jump but was not dead.

"Don't say that!" Eve reminded him quickly.

Knowing the name the young man used before, she was a master of destiny after all, and she had actually guessed what was going on, but the answer was too ridiculous...

"So, what was the name you used before?" Lei asked curiously.

The young man turned his head and glanced at the source of the strange voice asking the question, and said weakly: "You are Lei... My previous name of the Gods Space was named after my superpower, called 'Night Crow'..."

Night Crow: "..."

Lei, who immediately guessed what was going on: "..."

Eve, who got the final word: "..."

In short, the faces of the two people and the crow immediately became strange.

"...Huh? What's wrong with you?" asked the young man who realized the difference belatedly.

Upon hearing this, Eve hesitated and didn't know how to start.

However, the Night Crow didn't have so many concerns. It immediately flew off Lei's shoulder and landed on the coffee table in front of the young man. It cleared its throat and said: "Ahem! Let me introduce myself. My name is 'Night Crow', a superpower crow."

"I know you. Eve mentioned you in her message on bb." The young man said, and got up with difficulty, changing from a dead fish-like lying position to a crooked sitting position.

Until then, he noticed that he didn't seem to invite the guests to sit down, so he waved his hand weakly and said to the two people at the door: "Don't stand there, come and sit down... Just close the door, no need to close it."

"Oh..." Lei, who was closer to the door, closed the door and followed Eve to sit down.

On the coffee table, Night Crow looked at this seemingly not very smart trialist, thought about it, and said frankly:

"Actually, earlier today, I couldn't wait, and happened to meet an acquaintance who was also a trialist, so I simply asked him to invite me to join the 'Space of Gods'."

"Oh... It seems that I won't be needed..." The young man said indifferently.

"Well... Actually, my name in the 'Gods Space' is also 'Night Crow'..."

"..." The young man didn't react at first, then his eyes widened, and finally he pointed at the crow on the coffee table with trembling fingers, his lips trembling with excitement, but he couldn't say a word, "...!!!"

Night Crow was actually quite embarrassed.

She really didn't expect that the serious and cold "Gods Space" would quietly deprive someone else of their name...

At that time, she was happy for a while when she found that the name "Night Crow" was not occupied, but she didn't expect the truth to be like this...

Out of the thought of finding a way to compensate, Night Crow asked: "If you don't mind, can you tell me your scores in the 'Gods Space'?"

Before the young man answered, Eve on the side said directly: "Before the last mission, his scores were, comprehensive A, combat power A, mystery D, and survivability A."

"Hey!" the young man protested.

"Mystery D?" Night Crow blinked in confusion.

"Oh, his ability is very simple, it's just a portable space without any special features, and all his means rely on technological equipment." Eve casually revealed the young man's background.

"Hey!!!" The young man protested in a stronger tone.

"I see..." Night Crow scratched his head with his wings, "I was thinking of helping him win an epic mission as compensation..."

"Don't, he can't handle your big scene." Eve said.

This time, the young man simply ignored Eve like Eve, and said provocatively to the crow on the coffee table: "You are so arrogant, you just joined the 'Gods' space' today, and you dare to say that you can help him win an epic mission... May I ask what your rating is?"

"I am a follower of Chang'an." Night Crow said.

"Uh..." The young man's expression collapsed, and his voice suddenly dropped eight degrees, "I mean, your rating..."

"I can also be a follower of Guanghui." Night Crow said again.


"Boss, do you still need leg accessories?"

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