Lenari: "It's okay. At most, we can perform a few more times in different ways. As long as we don't cause any more damage, Team 7 won't interfere... Speaking of which, you calculate the repair cost, increase it by 30%, use the green coins in the 'fake doctor' account, let the Green Coin Bank cash it out into green dollars and directly remit it to the City Hall's public account, and note 'repair funds for the small green park on Bar Street'."

Campers: "Remit directly through the Green Coin Bank?"

Lenari: "This is the safest way... Never underestimate the foundation of the strongest 'power' on the planet."

Campers Perth: "I understand. Counting the operation time of Greencoin Bank, it can be done within 10 minutes."

Lena: "Don't worry, wait two hours."

Campers puzzled: "Why?"

Lena: "We can't let Team 7 think too highly of the mysterious team of 'Fake Doctor'."

Campers: "Oh~"


The whole play is urgent, and there is no time to make a fake identity. However, there is a convenient thing like "RV", so it is not necessary to stay in a hotel.

The two punk sisters wandered around the city for a few hours seemingly meaninglessly. Finally, they met in a remote wasteland on the outskirts of the city.

On the wasteland, there was an 80% new unlicensed RV parked. The sister who arrived first had already built a bonfire near the RV.

The younger sister, who arrived later, just slowed down the car hesitantly, but because her sister said "You're back, little cutie~", she angrily turned the accelerator and drove away. It seems that she is not going to come back tonight.

The elder sister shrugged and continued to stir the soup pot hanging on the campfire without caring.


In the dark realm, Kampers suddenly shouted: "Got it!"

Lenari's voice suddenly sounded in the small compartment: "What got it?"

"Transmitter!" Kampers said excitedly, "There is a transmitter hidden under the motorcycle! Both of them have it!"

Hearing this, Lenari smiled: "Where are the traces left by the ghouls?"

"Four hours ago, it did approach your motorcycles one after another!" Kampers said very quickly, "I just noticed it, before 'discovering' the transmitter."

"Very good! It seems that the prey has taken the bait." Lenari said with satisfaction, "How is the negotiation with the fake identity merchant?"

Campers: "It's settled, 200,000 green coins per set, 50,000 green coins prepaid, to ensure that the fake ID can be used normally, including driving license test, ordinary bank account opening, etc.... Of course, it still can't withstand the strict inspection of Team 7."

Lenari: "It's enough. It's just a fake identity anyway. Team 7 also knows it's a fake identity. It's OK as long as it can function normally in society."

Campers: "Miss Miriam's reward is 5 million green coins. Even if 500,000 notarization is deducted, there are still 4.5 million, which is very sufficient... How many fake identities are you going to make?"

Lenari thought for a while and said, "Punk sisters Carola Ross and Diana Ross, these are the two for now. As for you, think about it yourself."

Campers was stunned for a moment: "I think about it myself? Anything is fine?"

Lenari: "It must be reasonable."

Campers: "Okay! No problem! Thank you, master!"


At three o'clock in the morning, "Carola" was almost asleep while browsing her phone. A few meters away, a hoarse and unpleasant low laugh suddenly came, followed by an indescribable stench.

Corolla immediately looked up alertly, and a deformed man with ugly appearance, long and strong limbs, dark brown and pitted skin like old tree bark, who looked more like something else than a human, suddenly came into view.

Corolla's beautiful eyes narrowed dangerously: "'Ghoul'?"

The deformed man - the mutant code-named "Ghoul" laughed twice, stretched out his slender and twisted tongue, licked the uneven corners of his mouth, and simply admitted: "Yes, it's me!"

Corolla slowly stood up, with muscles all over his body ready to go: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Hearing this, the ghoul laughed jokingly: "Hahahahaha - just you?"

"Just me." Corolla said calmly, clenching his fists, ready to attack at any time.

"Hehe..." The ghoul laughed contemptuously, and his eyes of different colors scanned La Lola's almost perfect body. "Now? Do you still dare to brag?"

"...What?" Carola frowned, not knowing why.

"..." The ghoul's ugly smile faded, and he looked at the woman in front of him with doubt.

Carola, or Lenari, examined her in detail for a long time, but found nothing different. He immediately ignored this "inexplicable" trick, kicked his legs, and punched straight.

Seeing this, the ghoul sneered, put away the doubt in his eyes, and did notHe followed up with a punch without giving in. ——Today he was going to teach this big-breasted, brainless woman what true despair was.

In a flash, two fists, one large and one small, met in the air, and then...

Nothing happened.

In the ghoul's wide-open eyes, darkness engulfed him.



Lenari, still wearing the "Corolla" leather, stepped on the back of the ghoul's head with a high-heeled shoe, and stepped the deformed man, who was struggling to raise his head and was pierced by darkness all over his body, back to the "ground".

"How is it? Can you see the traces outside?" Lenari asked the void.

"It's OK." Kampers' voice came from the void, "Even the ghouls can see it."

"Very good." Lenari said, "You guide 'Diana' to deal with the traces, as for me..." "Carola" licked her bright red lips, "I have to think carefully about how to 'entertain' this rare 'guest'."

Having said that, whether it is the clone pretending to be the real one in school or Diana, they are just the result of Lenari's multitasking manipulation... Although it is a pity, she seems to have no ability to separate that kind of relatively independent clone.

"Impossible!" The ghoul struggled hard and said hoarsely, "How could you continue to use superpowers in the 'superpower nullification area'!"

"Oh?" Lenari raised his eyebrows and finally understood the true face of the ghoul's "inexplicable tricks" before. "It turned out to be a super rare superpower like 'superpower nullification'... No wonder he is so confident." Lenari said softly, "It's a pity that this darkness is not a superpower."

"Impossible! How could this thing not be--" The ghoul's roaring voice stopped abruptly, and he thought of a possibility, a possibility that made him tremble all over.

"That's right..." Lenari said slowly, "This darkness is the true form of a certain ghost story."

"..." The ghoul's struggle suddenly intensified.

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