"Ah..." He Ping was a little dumbfounded.

Feminis was even more stunned.

Feminis had been a trialist for so many years since her teenage years, and had worked hard all the way to become an S-level dual-powered person standing at the top of humanity. This was the first time she encountered such a trial task...

This task is difficult, but preparing the power of the sun can ensure that you can get out of it unscathed; it is not difficult, but if you want to complete it, the outrageous ability of the hand-rubbing satellite and the power of the sun are indispensable.

No wonder it has been on the bounty list for so many years!

On the side, Frederick, who had been silent for a long time, said: "Are you going to use local materials to build a satellite?"

"Or do you have a better way?" Night Crow asked.

Frederick hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Why not borrow the power of the Radiant Principle? With the power of the Lord, it is easy to illuminate this planet."

"What happens after illuminating it?" Night Crow asked.


Night Crow shook his head and said, "Don't forget that this planet has been exiled, and there is the 'curtain'... Without the 'Gods' Space' as a transit location, unless the Glory completely 'baptizes' this planet, there will be no anchoring weight, and the coordinates will be lost when we look back."

"..." Frederick was speechless.

"Of course, building a few Glory altars as shelters for us to advance the project is indeed the easiest solution."

"Do you really want to rub satellites by hand?!" Feminis couldn't help but say.

"You two are S-level spellcasters, and you have the assistance of alchemy. It's easier to rub them by hand than to build a complete industrial system from scratch, right?" Night Crow said.

"..." Feminis couldn't refute.

Rubbing a satellite by hand sounds romantic, but think about the amount of work...

Feminis suddenly felt dizzy.

"Don't worry, we will only inspect the local products this time. The specific design will be sponsored by the Federation after the save point is activated." Night Crow comforted.

"Let the Federation sponsor it?" He Ping asked hurriedly after hearing the key words.

"Although I think I have a good knowledge reserve and alchemy skills, I am still far from building an artificial sun that can run smoothly for tens of thousands of years." Night Crow said as a matter of course, "I believe the Federal Academy of Sciences will be interested in this project."

Those guys are indeed interested in this, but...

He Ping thought about it and asked, "Just the design drawings? And why tens of thousands of years?"

"The first question, depending on the situation, if there is really no alternative material locally, we can only ask the Federation to sponsor it."

He Ping: "..."

"Believe me," Night Crow said seriously, "Being able to participate in building an artificial sun with divinity, even if all the materials except the core are provided, the Federation will not lose."

After all, the most difficult and most critical core material is her, a day angel with a hint of divinity.

Moreover, the ambition of the Federation is to break away from the cradle of Green Star and successfully step into the appropriate universe to become an interstellar civilization.

Building an artificial sun is a very valuable project from any perspective.

"...I really can't decide on this." Heping shook his head and said seriously, "But I will report it truthfully."

"That's enough." Night Crow said, "As for the second question..."

"Although the mission only requires 'seeing the light of day again', wouldn't it be better to do the best and get it done in one step?"

"Green Star's 'contract'..." Heping paused thoughtfully and asked again, "But why tens of thousands of years?"

"..." Night Crow pulled the corner of his mouth and had to explain further, "Although the evolution of species on the mysterious side is generally faster, it also takes a considerable amount of time, not to mention that in the case of Viren Star, it almost has to start from scratch... Tens of thousands of years is already a very bold estimate."

"Of course, if it is really technically difficult, we can also lower the standard and only use the clearance mission as the bottom line."

"We have no say in which specific plan to adopt. Let the federal leaders worry about it after we go out."

"I agree with this!" Heping immediately expressed his opinion.

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