[Fate Weaver: Please let me go! [Sit down. Expression]

Forever Gothic Lolita: ...?

Fate Weaver: I found a way to get rid of the influence of the "seed shell" and the "ghost story list system" and reincarnate cleanly with only my memories, but now everything about me is under the control of the Green Star and the Radiant Principle...

Forever Gothic Lolita: This is none of my business.

Fate Weaver: But they are willing to listen to you... I know that I have done a lot of bad things in the sense of universal values ​​in the past, and I have indirectly offended you, but I am willing to atone for my sins and just ask for a way out.

Forever Gothic Lolita: You are really willing to go out of your way... Unfortunately, I don't have the final say on this matter.

Fate Weaver: You have a grudge against me, is it more because of Lucia and Vivian? I have a solution for this.

Forever Gothic Lolita: You dare to bring up this matter on your own initiative... If your plan is not good, I will go over and kill you now.

Fate Weaver: I have no doubt about this.

Fate Weaver: Over the years, I have never given up my research on life and fate. By chance, I found a perfect way to rescue people from history. This method, for your status, has almost no threshold.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Is this your condition?

Fate Weaver: Not only that, as long as I can do it, you can make any condition, even if I want to make a public apology live worldwide.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I will tell the person involved.

Fate Weaver: Thank you very much! [Sit down. Expression]]

In the dark realm, Lenari threw away the mobile phone brick, lay on his back on the "ground", and was in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, Lenari floated up and returned to the world with the mobile phone brick.

[Night Crow: Are you there? ]

Logged into the BB account of the small account, Lenari asked the mobile phone brick to send such a message every five minutes.

Finally, when the mobile phone brick conscientiously sent the 101st message, Lucia replied.

【Cat Lady: Sorry, I just saw it. What happened?

Night Crow: It’s okay. I was abrupt. I knew you were in seclusion...

Night Crow: It’s like this. The Lord of Everlasting Darkness that I believe in asked me to tell you that the “Weaver of Strange Tales” who designed Vivian suddenly surrendered and was prepared to seek a way out by offering a “perfect method of rescuing people from history” as a condition.

Night Crow: Because you are the person involved, my Lord asked me to ask you what you think.

Cat Lady: I ​​am just a cat. What virtue do I have?

Night Crow: My Lord feels that he owes Lenari something...

Cat Lady: What do you mean by feeling that he owes Lenari something? He... She must be Lenari. 】


Obsidian Temple, Inner Hall.

Lenari was so shocked that he threw his mobile phone brick.


【Night Crow: ? ? ?

Lady Cat: Alas... I understand her feelings... But...

Lady Cat: Forget it, tell her that if the power is no longer out of control, let's talk face to face.

Night Crow: OK...】


Obsidian Temple, Inner Hall.

"I'm dying, dying, dying..."

Lenari was so anxious that his tentacles were dancing.

"Glory, save me!"

"?" Radiance still did not show up, only conveying a doubtful thought.

"How did Lucia know that I was Lenari? No, how did she know that Lenari was the Lord of Everlasting Darkness?! It was too sudden! I was not prepared at all!"

"Lucia's second body ate a ghost, and that ghost happened to be the type that knew a lot." Radiance replied, as reliable as ever.


"Eat ghosts?! Second body? Isn't it a fat orange?!" Lenari was shocked.

"It's Fat Orange, for sure. An orange cat with the critical 'swallowing' ability."

In the past, the calm voice of the Radiant Truth could always effectively soothe Lenari's mood, but this time, it only shocked her repeatedly, and it can be said that one wave has not settled down, and another wave has risen, and one wave is even stronger than the other.

The so-called critical level means the strongest below the conceptual level. It has been improved. One step further is another world.

"This..." Lenari was dumbfounded and a little surprised.

Yes! Lucia has always been a European emperor. When it comes to the critical "lottery" of the second body, how could she really only draw an ordinary fat orange?

Lenari, who understood where the problem was, was both happy and panicked.

The good news is that Lucia, who can help eat ghost stories, will undoubtedly become Green Star's biological daughter.

What she was worried about was that all of her aliases were about to be exposed...

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm really going to die, ah ah ah ah ah——" Lenari was so panicked that she was twisted and distorted, "Help me think of a solution, Guanghui..."

"You know, I only have divinity and cannot understand these subtle human natures." The Radiant Principle said calmly.

Today, the great Radiant Principle is as reliable as ever.

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