"...That's how it was. It was purely accidental that Apophi was finally caught." Lenari said confidently, "In fact, Apophi didn't even recognize it as my clone at first, and wanted to throw 'Night Crow' back into the sea when you weren't paying attention!"

"...That's exactly what Apophi would do." Lucia thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you're fine."

The black cat lay down on the table and relaxed, its furry tail swinging leisurely from time to time.

"Speaking of which, what exactly is Apophi? He doesn't seem to be a living thing..." Lucia finally couldn't help asking the question she had been wondering for a long time.

"Apophi, he was originally an 'invader' from another world. According to the will of the green star, I captured him." Lenari said, recalling.

"Originally, I was going to kill him directly, but at that time, I happened to be exploring my own power, so the Apophi you know appeared... Now he is my subordinate ghost story."

"Can a ghost story become a god?" Lucia asked puzzledly.

"The essence of myth is the embodiment of rules, and ghost stories are the embodiment of 'wrong' rules." Lenari said, "Generally speaking, ghost stories cannot become gods unless they can sort out their own rules and make them perfectly self-consistent."

"But in that case, ghost stories are no longer ghost stories."

"But you said that you are a ghost story." Lucia said, "In addition, according to this statement, aren't all ghost stories the opposite of gods?"

"I am a natural myth, and my power is quite special. I put on the skin of a ghost story for negation." Lenari explained, "If my existence is judged as 'wrong', it will be beneficial to the stability of the overall seal."

"In short, this will be beneficial to everyone, including myself. "It is a good thing for all tangible and intangible existences, including oneself."

"In addition, ghost stories are the opposite of 'nature', not the opposite of myths." Lenari explained, "Because the so-called gods are just a part of nature."

Black Cat thought for a moment and nodded in understanding: "I understand! Gods, that is, what you call 'myths', represent natural things above a certain level, while ghost stories have no obvious boundaries and may correspond to natural things of the lowest level or the highest level."

"In fact, most of their levels are at a lower level, and only occasionally there will be a few that can catch up with the weakest myths." Lenari said.

"Because once a 'mistake' of too high a level appears, it often means that the 'nature' it belongs to is about to collapse, or has already collapsed?" Lucia said.

"That's right." Lenari nodded affirmatively, and then changed the subject, "But Green Star is quite special. His status is said to be at a relatively high level among the myths of the multiverse, and he has a lot of high-level weird stories..."

"..." Lucia shook his beard, because the fact that "Lenari is a god" was confirmed and he inevitably slacked off, the sense of urgency rose again.

This back and forth, Lucia suddenly realized that she had unknowingly developed a lot of dependence.

This won't do!

Lucia secretly warned herself.

Lenari... even the Radiant Truth, they all have their own missions, and they are not as easy as they seem. Otherwise, they would not walk in the world in this "sleepwalking" posture now.

Even "sleepwalking" is burdened with heavy shackles.

Calmly arranging her mood, Lucia raised her head and continued the previous topic as if nothing had happened: "'It is said'?"

"The Glory said." Lenari shrugged.

"... Well, He does not seem to be as restricted as you." Lucia nodded and changed the topic, "About that alienated office... Is it really controllable?"

"It is now a subordinate weird story with considerable independence, just like Apophi. Although it has not yet evolved true self-awareness, it has its own set of behavior patterns."

"And, because its 'food' comes directly from my dark domain, it has always been of guaranteed quality and quantity. Therefore, in addition to following my will, it is very lazy and will not even take the initiative to 'hunt'."

Lucia nodded: "In other words, it is very safe."

"Yes, unless I go crazy and give it some crazy orders." Lenari said.

"I don't like to hear this." Lucia said a little unhappy.

"Then I won't say it." Lenari said.

She reached out her hand for the first time in a long time and gently stroked the soft and smooth fur on the black cat's head and back.

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