Back at the office restaurant, Night Crow was happy to find that Lei and Chloe had just started eating.

Sitting down with his head in his hand next to a set of dishes and tableware, Night Crow blinked and said eagerly: "My head is broken now, but the blood is flowing as usual... What if I eat?"

"Just like blood, it will directly enter the esophagus of the body through the air." Chloe said uninterestedly.

Night Crow puffed up his cheeks: "Okay..."

"Didn't the Radiant Principle help you fix it?" Lei asked vaguely while biting a piece of bread.

"I think this decapitation effect is quite interesting, so I'll leave it." Night Crow said.

"...As long as you are happy."

No one cheered, Night Crow was too lazy to do anything, so he directly pressed his head on his neck to fix his hair in a way that it was wrapped around his neck, picked up the knife and fork and said while eating: "Next, what are your plans?"

"Learn, understand this era as quickly as possible." Chloe replied.

"Not yet... If you have to say, clear the energy of the mission imprint in time and wait for the expedition team to set off?" Lei said uncertainly.

"Then do you want to go to the 'Gods Space' to play?" Night Crow asked.

"Forget it." Lei shook his head and refused.

"'Gods Space' itself is a strange story. If you are inside it, the mission imprint will not only not store energy, but will also be slowly emptied by itself!"

"Really?!" Lei confirmed with surprise.

"Not guaranteed." Night Crow said, and before Lei looked disappointed, he added, "Didn't you notice? After coming to the 'Rumored to Have a Family Office', the pointer on your hand has not moved at all."

"I found it, but I'm not sure why..." Lei stroked the back of his left hand and said hesitantly.

"Don't you know if you try it? 'Gods Space' is actually quite easy to talk to." Night Crow urged.

Lei hesitated for a long time again, and finally sighed and said, "Forget it... Let's talk about it after I come back from the country."

"Okay..." Night Crow was a little disappointed and stopped persuading.

On the side, Chloe hesitated silently for a long time, and finally said nothing.

——It's still more important to study. She doesn't want to be illiterate... half or even half illiterate.


"Gods Space" personal space.

Night Crow lay on the pile of debris, tossing his head to play, while muttering: "Can't you really give me a single-player mission to play? There is no news from the Green Star Federation. It's boring to wait..."

The system did not respond.

"I said I would complete it, and I will definitely do everything I can to complete it. Don't you trust my credibility and strength?"

"Even if I accidentally lose this body of the Day Angel, I can just ask the Radiant Truth to make a better body that is more suitable to act as the sun..."

"Say something, stop pretending to be dead!"

"The time here is a hundred times faster than the outside world. If it really doesn't work, I can leave early and let the unbearable waiting time pass faster..."


Night Crow kept talking for a long time, and I don't know which words touched the "Gods' Space". With a pleasant "ding——", a pop-up window that firmly occupied the center of her vision suddenly appeared in front of her.

[Trial: The sequel to the story

Introduction: "The brave man defeated the devil and lived a happy life from then on." Such sentences are often used as the ending of fairy tale adventure stories. However, is the truth really so simple and pure?

Mission: Find and kill the real "devil"

Time limit: None

Temporary authority: Temporary exit channel is open (cooling time 24 hours)

Reward: 1000 points, several surprise boxes. 】

Only 1000 points... Never mind, it's good to have it, especially this mission can be temporarily left, no need to worry about taking too long and missing the artificial sun mission and the national scientific expedition team.

In the "Gods Space", "save point" and "temporary exit" are two concepts.

The former leaves from which time and space node, and will still enter from that time and space node later, just like the save of a stand-alone game;

For the latter, leaving is just leaving, just like an online game, a player goes offline, but the game is still running and will not stop.

Putting his head back on his neck, Night Crow touched another armband below the "Yangyan Bow" armband, and began to clean up the pile of debris, looking for items that might come in handy.

——The new armband is a space storage prop specially made by Lenari.

After all, the Day Angel is not like the "Raven of Time", which has its own Night Raven for storage.

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