Under the hood, Lucas's head has been completely transformed.

The dark brown hair merged into a messy strip of tentacles, waving wildly and aimlessly.

The gaps between the face, neck, and hair, and even the strip of fleshy hair itself, were all densely covered with strange demon eyes of different sizes, without eyelashes, black background and red pupils.

It is hard to say what Lucas is now.

The moment his evil true face was exposed, several princes and ministers immediately transformed into twisted "monsters" in hysterical screams, waving their hideous limbs without wisdom, and couldn't wait to join the meaningless carnival of fighting driven by frenzied instincts.

Sensing that something was wrong, the "Princess" who turned away her sight at the first time quickly glanced at the chaotic hall, then looked at the "brave man" who was left with only the wreckage, bit her lip, and suddenly retreated quickly behind the towering throne.

——For some reason, the monsters in the frenzied fight ignored her.

On the other side, Lucas, who was in so much pain that he could not stand and had to crawl on the ground, struggled to fight against the tearing of many frenzied wills in his body, and struggled to crawl towards the debris of the "brave man".

——Eat them!

His disordered thoughts and confused mind, guided by his only remaining instinct, told him so unanimously.

Eating the holy blood and flesh can purify him and free him.

If possible, Lucas is more looking forward to the salvation of the great being named the Radiant Truth, but unfortunately...

They don't allow it.

The wills that usually tear each other apart madly, meaninglessly, and endlessly have learned to cooperate at this time, and they all try their best to prevent him from finishing the last prayer.

At this moment, no matter how hard Lucas struggled, he could only make meaningless howls, and he was not even allowed to think completely.

However, they had not yet realized the threat of the flesh and blood of the glorious messenger who had turned into a shattered corpse.

So, swallow them before they react!

In the chaotic palace hall, no one… No, one person noticed that when the "brave man" was lifted into the air by the hideous tentacles and torn into pieces, a small black shadow flew out from the shadow of the shattered limbs and disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye.

——If I am not mistaken, it was a crow.

The "princess" who successfully retreated to the throne and hid most of her body behind the wide backrest of the throne, did not give up and avoided the "demon king" who was crawling on the ground, and carefully searched for the crow.

But, a crow?

Why did a dark and ominous crow emerge from the corpse of the messenger of the great god named "Glory Principle", the "brave man" who should be extremely holy?

Could it be that even this holy "brave man" was polluted by that filthy power?

While the "princess" was puzzled, the anxiety and hesitation in her heart grew uncontrollably.

In the illusory river of time, in the old and yellowed palace hall.

The night crow stood on the top of the backrest of the throne, quietly watching everything that happened in the hall with a "delay" of half a second, and occasionally looking back at the "princess" behind the throne.

The night crow did not want to save those living people who almost filled up half of the hall, but... the strange reaction of the "princess" who lacked any mercy was really very eye-catching.

The night crow, who did not know the truth, could only be patient for the time being and quietly observe the development of the situation.

In the hall, the chaos continued.

Seeing Lucas approaching the remains of the Day Angel little by little, Night Crow, who was becoming more and more focused, suddenly heard the voice of the Radiant Truth:

"You want to save him?"

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