If we don’t count the sunlight that shines on a wider and wider range, the process of the “artificial sun” launching is actually very quiet.

After all, this is a purely mysterious “artificial sun”. Whether it is charging or power, it all comes from that elusive sun divinity.

According to the estimation of the “Artificial Sun Project Team” of the Federal Academy of Sciences, if that trace of sun divinity is not replenished, it will be consumed in about 30,000 years.

But, that is another matter.

For Marjorie and others now, it is time to enjoy success.

The “artificial sun” successfully arrived at the predetermined position and began to move at a constant speed around the silent Vilen Star, selflessly illuminating and warming the dead earth, like a loyal small satellite.

Everyone failed to appreciate and enjoy this light that seemed like a real sun for too long. Soon, the countdown of the transmission of “Gods Space” sounded in their ears.

— Including the night crows that died and came back to life in the core of the “artificial sun” due to the high temperature.

“Gods Space”, personal space.

Night Crow slumped on the pile of debris with her claws facing the sky, and it took her a long time to catch her breath.

——It was really painful to be dying in the high temperature flames! Unfortunately, the system of "Gods Space" couldn't find her in the river of illusory time...

After lying dead for a long time, Night Crow finally kicked her claws and turned over.

Because it was a team task and the points were divided equally, Night Crow only earned 2,000 points this time, which was 1,000 points away from her favorite "Eye of Destruction", the distance of an epic task.

In addition, as an extra reward, "Gods Space" generously gave out a lot of surprise boxes.

Among them, there were 10 black, 20 gold, and 20 purple, which was a great harvest.

It is always pleasant to open the box. Night Crow stood on the top of the small pyramid made of surprise boxes, and opened them one by one from top to bottom.

[Special Item: Aphrodite Cube - Day Angel

Introduction: Special Aphrodite Cube does not occupy the second body quota. ]

[Armor: Sacred Costume - Sun

Introduction: A leg ring worn on the thigh. Wearing it, you can instantly change into a set of very strong clothes. Of course, the leg ring must be exposed! ]

[Special Item: Aphrodite Cube - Night Angel

Introduction: Special Aphrodite Cube does not occupy the second body quota. ]

[Weapon: Moon Cold Bow

Introduction: A longbow. ]

[Armor: Sacred Costume - Silver Moon

Introduction: A leg ring with a set of clothes. ]

"System, I think you have a problem." Night Crow looked at the three π cubes, two leg rings, an arm ring, and various materials piled up into a small mountain in the distance, and said expressionlessly.

The system of "Gods Space" did not respond.

Although she was very skeptical about the intentions of the main system of the "Gods Space", the "second body" was really good...

Ye Ya hesitated for a moment, but still activated two golden special Aphrodite cubes.

The Day Angel was no different from before, and the Night Angel was more like a "Moon" Angel than a "Night" Angel...

After all, the Night Angel's body had silver hair and silver eyes, and even its own power and a hint of divinity were classic Moon-style...


Of course it was exactly the same as the Day Angel, except for the color.

Putting the two leg rings back into the cabin, and wearing the Moon Cold Bow Arm Ring on the left arm as usual, the Night Crow in the form of a Night Angel reached out and picked up the last colorless and transparent π cube, hesitating for a moment.

Now that the "Gods Space" didn't even pretend, and directly sent her a special Aphrodite cube that "didn't take up a quota", then the one in front of her should be really random...

What could it be?

Ye Ya was so curious that she wanted to "open the box" on the spot.

However, she already has two "second bodies". Wouldn't it be a waste of resources to have another one?

Thinking of Apophi, who has "nothing" so far, and Kampers, who has always longed to have a body that can move freely, Night Crow struggled again and again, but finally suppressed his curiosity.


【Ice Song and Snow Ballad: Second body? I already have it, master, don't worry about it.

Night Crow: ? ? ?

Ice Song and Snow Ballad: It was bought by Lady Lucia at an auction a few years ago and given to me.

Ice Song and Snow Ballad: Although the Aphrodite Cube is extremely rare, it can occasionally be seen at major auctions in the other world.

Night Crow: ...So, what is your second body?

Ice Song and Snow Ballad: A special race called "Snow Girl", now it seems that it should be a monster from the country.

Night Crow: ...】

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