Seeing this, Valya subconsciously wanted to apologize again: "Yes--"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Lenari's clone shouted.

"..." Valya was choked back the words that were about to come out, and shrank back silently.

Ignoring the girl's fear, Lenari's clone continued to ask: "Explain the so-called 'passing by'."

"Yes, yes..." Valya's voice trembled slightly, "I am, I am a ghost..."

The girl secretly glanced at the loli in the gothic skirt, and seeing that there was no impatience on the other's face, she continued: "When I was alive, I committed suicide... After I died, I became a ghost, I can live in lily of the valley, and I can also move in different lily of the valley..."

Valya began to sneak a peek at Lenari's clone again.

Lenari's clone was a little impatient and urged coldly: "Continue."

"Yes, yes!" Valya was startled and said hurriedly, "That's not right. Today, I just got tired of the balcony scenery of a family, so I just picked a place I had never been to, and I didn't expect to jump to the flower and bird market... Today's weather is not bad, I took advantage of the lily of the valley and wandered around the flower and bird market for a while, then I felt tired, so I just picked a good-looking one and fell asleep..."

At this point, the girl began to sneak a peek at Lenari's clone's face again: "I, I didn't expect that the potted plant would be bought by you... Sorry, sorry ...I..."

"Okay!" Lenari's clone interrupted impatiently, "Why did you commit suicide?"

Perhaps because she mentioned the sad things, Valya's tears fell on the spot: "Wu... Yes... Wu, my parents are divorced, my father doesn't want me, my mother hates me... Wu... But, but the judge awarded me to my mother... Hiccup... She had to take me with her... Wu, Wu... Later, hiccup, later she remarried and gave birth to a sister with her current father... Then, Wu, she disliked me even more... Wu... The new father never liked me... Wuwu..."

"What happened next?" Lenari's clone urged impatiently.

"Later," the girl sobbed and spoke intermittently, "Later, one time, their family went out to attend a banquet, and when they came back, they said that my new father's business partner had taken a fancy to me and wanted to marry me as a second wife... I didn't want to be a stepmother, so I said I didn't want to, so they locked me up... woo..."

"The wedding date, hiccup, the wedding date was approaching, and the man's family came to see me. I, I found out that, woo, it turned out that the man had married several wives, woo, the youngest, hiccup, children, were several years older than me, "Hiccup..."

"I can't accept it... woooo... hiccup..." Perhaps it's a talent, even if Valya hiccups while crying, she still looks pitiful, "I really can't accept it... woooo... so I pulled up my only... woooo... freedom, the 22 pots of lily of the valley planted on the balcony of the room... woooo... all of them were eaten... woooo..."

(Dangerous behavior, do not imitate; the whole plant of lily of the valley is poisonous, please seek medical attention in time if you eat it by mistake.)

"..." Lenari's clone rubbed his forehead and did not comment on this novel way of self-destruction.

"Have you ever taken revenge after becoming a 'ghost'? Have you killed anyone?" Lenari's clone asked coldly.

Valya, who was crying and hiccuping, was shocked and stared at her watery, clear light green eyes in horror: "I didn't! How could I kill someone? !"

Lenari's clone nodded: "I think I understand... Come with me to the police station."

"...Ah?" Valya was dumbfounded and her mind was shut down.

Anthony’s office in the basement of the seventh district.

“The results are out.” Anthony, who looks young and strong, but has a rare ability of “vaguely sensing the smell of sin from pictures and texts”, which is very similar to the sixth sense, walked over tiredly with a thermos cup in one hand and a folder in the other.

Lenari was holding Lucia and saw the middle-aged man throwing himself on the sofa opposite. He asked in confusion: “Have you been working overtime recently? Nothing seems to have happened in Inisel City?”

Anthony handed the folder to Lenari, unscrewed the lid of the thermos cup and drank a sip of coffee, and said helplessly: “This city has been very peaceful these days...but the city next door is not.”

“The city next door?” Lenari asked casually, opened the folder and put it flat on the coffee table, and browsed it with Lucia.

Anthony seemed not to want to talk about the things in the neighboring city. He pointed at the folder and said, "Just like what is written in the report, the girl is not a ghost, but a special ability user... Her ability is closely related to the lily of the valley. Her act of taking lily of the valley to commit suicide accidentally activated this ability, allowing her to survive as a soul.""I see..." Lucia, who was more willing to listen carefully than to watch, nodded, "It's a blessing in disguise!"

"Indeed." Anthony agreed.

"What about the criminal record after the awakening of the superpower?" Lenari asked.

Anthony shook his head: "No... This girl is very well-behaved, or submissive, whether it is factual investigation or psychological evaluation."

"After becoming a superpower, the most serious illegal behavior she committed was trespassing, peeping, etc.... You know, Team 7 usually doesn't care about this." At the end, Anthony laughed first.

Lenari nodded in agreement. If Team 7 was in charge of this, the first person they would arrest would be themselves who were monitoring the whole city at will...

Looking at the column of Valya Rin's education, with no academic qualifications and an exaggerated experience of ten years of bridal courses, Lenari asked Anthony: "Valya should be a rare psychic, right? Does Team 7 have any plans for her?"

Anthony shook his head: "Rare, barely rare, but not very useful... Why?"

Lenari said honestly and sincerely: "I think there is a rumor that an agency is short of a live-in nanny and a beautiful waitress..."

"I see..." Anthony thought for a while and said, "It's not a big problem. Valya's original identity has already "died". Re-establishing a new file can be done within three days if it's not urgent. Besides..."

Anthony hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Lenari asked in confusion.

"Well..." Anthony looked a little embarrassed, "Someone above is looking for trouble, thinking that it's not appropriate for a minor to live alone..."

"Lenari doesn't live alone!" Lucia suddenly raised her paw and waved it angrily, "And me! I'm an adult cat!"

"Yes, yes, and Lucia..." Anthony perfunctorily comforted the young black cat, "In short, the higher-ups think it's not appropriate for a minor and a cat to live alone..."

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