Night Crow shrugged, and actually took out another can of soft white sugar, unscrewed the lid and tentatively scooped up a spoonful.

Too much!

Fitz Rabbit quickly indicated with his movements and eyes.

So, Night Crow looked at Fitz Rabbit's face, tilted the spoon, and let the soft white sugar in the spoon leak back into the can little by little.

At a certain moment, Fitz Rabbit suddenly nodded sharply.

Night Crow quickly put the spoon flat, visually estimated the amount of soft white sugar left in the spoon, and said speechlessly: "Have you studied the taste of snow rabbits?"

Fitz Rabbit turned his head away.

Night Crow grinned, added the soft white sugar to the carrot juice for him, and stirred it evenly.

On the other side, Rex, who subconsciously watched the interaction between Night Crow and Rabbit and almost forgot about the main business, finally came to his senses and said a little depressed: "You are really thick-skinned..."

"It has nothing to do with whether you are thick-skinned or not, right? As far as I know, the Frozen God has a good temper." Night Crow said, "He doesn't care about such trivial matters."

"...I really envy you." Rex said with a straight look in his eyes.

"Envy us? Why? Have you offended the Frozen God?" Night Crow asked curiously.

Lei and Eve, the siblings on the side, nodded silently, silently urging Rex:

Tell the story quickly!

"I didn't really offend him... But," Rex smiled bitterly at this, "As the saying goes, 'competents are enemies', it is really unfortunate to be born as an ice-type after Him..."

Fitz Rabbit looked up at Rex thoughtfully, then lowered his head and continued to taste carrot juice in small sips, as if he had heard nothing.

"What do you mean?" Night Crow asked puzzledly, "No matter how you think about it, you can't compete with each other, right?"

"This is the fatal part!" Rex sighed, "The reason why the concept level is the concept level is that they are the embodiment of a certain concept rule."

"And the same concept rule can only have one master." Rex's expression unconsciously became serious, "Take me as an example, I am the peak of the S-level of the ice system. If I continue to move up, I will naturally move closer to the 'concept of ice'."

"When the corresponding concept already has a master, the closer you get, the more you will be affected by it, until you completely become a part of 'Him'." Rex said sadly, "This is not a question of the temper of the corresponding concept master."

"Because for him, once he is surpassed in the concept he symbolizes, it means complete death."

"..." Night Crow's fingertips subconsciously played with the cold coffee can, as if digesting the sudden heavy information.

In fact...

[Forever Gothic Loli: Is this really the case?

Not Natural: Half and half.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Please elaborate.

Not Natural: "Concepts" are extremely broad and ambiguous.

Not Natural: Take me as an example. My current core concept "Ice" is partly contained in "ice" and partly irrelevant to "ice".

Not Natural: Although I really want to become the real "Ice" master... Unfortunately, with my current progress, I may not be able to do it even if I refine it for another ten thousand years.

Not Natural: In addition, under the premise that some of my core concepts do not belong to "ice", even if the real "Ice Lord" is suddenly born, I will not be assimilated by Him casually, because the part of my core concept that does not belong to "ice" anchors me.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I see... That's why you said that the breadth and depth of concepts are equally important.

Not Natural: Yes, the former anchors the self and avoids the end of being assimilated by the higher-level concept as much as possible, while the latter is a pure struggle of status... In short, breadth and depth are indispensable.

Not Natural: Of course, you and the Radiant Truth don’t have to care about this.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Indeed, “I” naturally stand at the top.

Not Natural: I’m really envious…

Forever Gothic Lolita: I suddenly thought of something that I didn’t care about before, but it’s actually quite important…

Not Natural:?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Lord of the Underworld. 】

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