Peace departed as scheduled.

Night Crow and the others were tired of the scenery on the sea, except Lei.

But even Lei, who was going out to sea for the first time, would soon get tired of the unchanging scenery.

Fortunately, Peace was equipped with a convenient large teleportation magic array.

As the early departure fleet sent another confirmation of the destination coordinates, the countdown to the start of the teleportation sounded on the radio installed at intervals in the cabin.

Soon, the countdown returned to zero.

In the large restaurant on the ship, Night Crow only felt a little dizzy, and the teleportation was completed.

"... Is the current large teleportation array so stable?" Night Crow asked Eve across the table in surprise.

"This ship uses the latest technology..." Eve said tactfully, "There are many things to consider when upgrading facilities. Generally speaking, it is difficult to popularize them quickly..."

Night Crow was not interested in this. She just praised it out of habit. Therefore, she only responded politely to Eve's serious explanation, and her main focus was still on the mobile game she was playing.

It must be said that when Night Crow focused most of her attention on the "virtual phone", she looked like a fool in a daze...

Of course, everyone present knew the existence of the "virtual phone", so they didn't think there was any problem.

After the Peace was successfully transmitted, it just stayed on standby and did not immediately set out to approach the "God Hidden Mist".

——The "God Hidden Mist" is currently drifting rapidly on the sea, and the Peace, which is not known for its speed, is not suitable for chasing it.


It was not until the evening that the fog, which was the appearance of the "God Hidden Mist", finally slowed down until it was almost still.

After another smooth transmission that would have been almost silent if not for the countdown broadcast, Peace said goodbye to the auxiliary ships, lit the white candle lantern hanging high on the bow, and headed straight for the suspicious fog that was visible to the naked eye and stood still in the strong wind not far away.

The fog of "God-hidden Fog" is thick and clean. When you are in it, you feel a dreamlike, illusory and unreal feeling, like an extremely real dream.

Peace sailed slowly in the white fog, and the sound of waves caused by the hull moving was hazy as if separated by heavy curtains.

On the deck, Lei looked at everything in front of him and whispered, "This feeling is so wonderful..."

"It is quite wonderful." Rex, who was on duty on the deck and was ready to assist the Peace in dealing with the storm, replied, "But I suggest you go back to sleep, or stay with Night Crow and the others."

"I do have A-level combat power now, and I don't need special care..." Lei subconsciously defended himself.

"No, you do." Rex answered firmly, "Your luck tells you that you do."

Lei: "..."

"Go back to the cabin." Rex persuaded, "No one knows what will happen if you accidentally fall into the sea in this situation..."

"...Okay." Lei sighed helplessly, and he was no longer able to quibble about the fact that his event constitution was controllable now.

After all, even if there was no event constitution, his luck in "accidents" was really...

In short, the more lucky he was in the lottery, the more unlucky he was when facing various "accidents" and "accidents".


In the restaurant, Night Crow, driving the body of Day Angel, was playing a smart group game with a lot of village rules with the enthusiastic Fitz Rabbit and the absent-minded Eve.

When Lei came over, he saw Fitz Rabbit's fierce operation, jumping on the face of the indescribable evil god and being torn into pieces...

"No, you know it's an evil god, why do you still 'jump on the face'!" Lei couldn't help but say.

Fitz Rabbit himself can't speak, but during lunch, a "biologist" on the ship generously gave him an alchemical prop that only requires a "trace" of mental power to operate. At this time, this collar-like alchemical prop gave him a hoarse and lively answer on his behalf:

"Don't you think it's funny to see a rabbit jumping on the face of the indescribable evil god?"

Yes, the character used by Fitz Rabbit this round is a "normal" rabbit that can speak.

"...As long as you are happy." Lei pulled the corner of his mouth, pulled a chair over and sat down, and began to watch the actions of the remaining two investigators.

So Lei watched with his own eyes as Night Crow's mystic role and Eve's detective role were torn apart by AI because of their outrageous operations...

The former was based on a similar fun mentality as Fizz Rabbit, and was seriously committing suicide in the hope of AI can give a card tearing CG.

The latter... is purely absent-minded, operating without thinking.

This point is seen by everyone and non-humans, and Eve herself is obviously aware of it.

"Sorry... I can't calm down..." Eve said apologetically.

"I understand... a glass of milk, and then go to sleep?" Night Crow took out a bottle of iced milk in a glass bottle from the cabin of Night Crow, looked at Eve and asked.

"Thank you, but I don't think I can sleep..." Eve declined tactfully.

"Okay..." Night Crow shrugged, opened the lid of the milk bottle, and drank it all in one breath.

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