Obsidian Temple.

Lenari used his mobile phone to privately chat with Kampers: "Do you have a list of the laboratories at the end of the super power factory? Give me a copy."

"Okay." Kampers responded, and the file was sent to Lenari's mobile phone. "By the way, do you want to...?"

"Nothing, I just suddenly became interested in the most cutting-edge biological sciences." Lenari replied.

"Uh... As for the laboratories in the super power factory, there is actually more knowledge on the mysterious side..."

"It's okay, strictly speaking, the mysterious side of knowledge is also a kind of science."

"That's right."


Inside the strange story "God Hidden Mist", on the deck of the Peace.

Hongfeng casually handed the fishing rod with a big fish hanging on the end to Lei - the latter subconsciously took it, and then, under the leadership of Yalin, walked to the lower cabin of the three-masted fake sailing ship.

Not long after the fishing rod was in Lei's hand, the nearly three-meter-long fish suddenly began to struggle violently again, splashing Lei's distracted body with water.

The salty, cold sea water kept splashing on Lei's face, and Lei immediately broke free from the various effects of the demon blood in his body.

Holding the fishing rod, Lei hesitated for a moment, sighed, and turned one hand into multiple curved and thick tree roots, swarming up to grab the big fish.

——Anyway, the fish has been caught, send it to the kitchen first.

The second-to-last cabin of the Peace is equipped with several laboratories full of high-tech equipment, and the most heavily guarded one of them is where Coco's body is placed.

To be honest, Yaerlin was almost annoyed all the way to explain the situation to Coco's father. Now that he knew that the other party had been watching the ship for a long time in some way, he felt relieved.

——Since this monster named "Red Maple" still chose to appear here calmly after nearly a month of observation, it means that Yaerlin no longer needs to emphasize anything.

Sure enough, when Red Maple came to the huge glass container that maintained Coco's state under Yaerlin's guidance, he did not have any special reaction, but just looked up and quietly stared at Coco's peaceful face in the container.

After a while, Red Maple's eyes moved away from Coco's body and fell on Yaerlin's body. His expression was still indifferent, as if nothing in the world could shake his heart.

"I took Coco away." Red Maple said calmly.

Yaerlin nodded slightly, and then asked inquiringly: "About Lei and Eve..."

"Maple Island welcomes you." Hongfeng said, "Red Butterfly will guide your route."

Hearing this, Yaerlin smiled and said, "I believe that the scholars on the ship will be happy with this development."

Hongfeng nodded, said nothing more, turned around and stretched out his hand in the direction of Coco.

The next moment, Hongfeng and Coco in the container disappeared together, just like when he came, without a trace.

Yaerlin blinked, thinking.

A few seconds later, there were hurried footsteps approaching from afar, and then the girl's voice, which was slightly sharp because of her tension, sounded at the open door:

"Mr. Yaerlin, where is that, that... gentleman?"

"Gone." Yaerlin turned and walked to the door and answered, "He took Coco back first."

"...Is that so." Eve, who hurried over after hearing the news from her assistant, was a little confused for a moment, whether she was more disappointed or more relaxed at this moment.


Phantom City, deep underground in a community on the outskirts of the city.

"...So, this is completely relying on the high status of the subject itself, without any technical content, and extremely vulgar pot stew!" The young woman in a white coat, beautiful but lacking curves, said indignantly to the microphone.

Karina George, the person in charge of the terminal laboratory of this super power factory, has been operating here for nearly fifty years.

By the standards of the other world, Karina's style of doing things is quite law-abiding. Therefore, she was unfortunately killed in the Inisel incident that year, but she was fortunate to become a member of the Phantom Clan and was resurrected by the Radiance Principle to continue her career.

Of course, Karina George is now more willing to be loyal to the Lord of Darkness than the Super Energy Factory.

Unfortunately, the only religious organization that openly believes in the Lord of Darkness, the Dark God Cult, is just a religious group spontaneously formed by the believers of Darkness, and has never been certified by the Obsidian Holy Tower.

And the first apostle of the Lord of Darkness, Lord Kampers, publicly stated that the Lord does not need servants...

In short, although the current Phantom City is almost full of fanatics, the organizational structure is really just aIn an ordinary city, even the right to govern the city is in the hands of the "City Hall", not Lord Kampers, who is closest to God.

——Although the City Hall would feel uncomfortable if it did not ask Lord Kampers for his opinion whenever it made a major decision, the power is indeed in their hands.

Karina once seriously considered the feasibility of disbanding the laboratory and going to the City Hall to get a job. Unfortunately, as a dead-house scholar, she was not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, so she had no choice but to give up.

Karina originally thought that she would never have the honor to serve the great Lord of Everlasting Darkness directly in her life. Unexpectedly, today, when she had just completed an experiment and was considering the next one, Lord Kampers actually contacted her on his own initiative...

Now she is extremely grateful that she did not really act on impulse.

"I understand... If the same material is given to you, do you have the confidence to handle it more perfectly?" Kampers asked on the other end of the microphone.

Karina did not answer immediately. She asked cautiously, "May I know what effect you intend that subject to achieve in the end?"

There was silence on the other end of the microphone, as if he was considering.

After a moment, Kampers' voice sounded again: "There is no specific goal, but the Lord thinks it's 'interesting'..."

Suddenly hearing the news of the Lord whom she admired and respected, Karina felt as if her heart was hit hard by something and suddenly tightened.

In her increasingly rapid and intense heartbeat, Karina unconsciously held her breath.

She almost shouted, extremely enthusiastic and joyful, but restrained and reserved, and said clearly:

"Please give this task to me!!!"

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