Busy and fulfilling time always passes quickly. In a blink of an eye, it is already the second day that the "Snow Rabbit" of the Stilness family officially entered the "God Hidden Mist".

Afternoon, Obsidian Temple, Inner Hall.

The grandly designed ceiling is covered by a strange shadow crack directly connected to the roof. The bright sunlight of late autumn pours down unimpeded, illuminating the well-ventilated but rather dim inner hall in the past.

Under the unobstructed blue sky and ink sea, Lenari is bathed in the bright sunshine, with a half-opened jewelry color brochure on her face, lying on her back on a huge cushion in a relaxed and quiet manner, with the lower half of her body transformed into abstract black tentacles spread all over the ground.

She is taking a nap and sleeping soundly.

In a daze, Lenari vaguely feels that something is approaching her little by little.

The breath of the thing that kept approaching became clearer and clearer, and its momentum became more and more rapid. After a while, it actually accumulated a kind of unstoppable and unreturnable momentum.

Lenari, who was still half conscious in her sleep, was driven by curiosity and cast a look at the thing that broke into her perception without malice.

It looks a bit "familiar"...

Lenari muttered.

Because of her sleep, her thinking was much slower. It was not until the abstract and vague "thing" that was as weak as dust and light was about to hit her that Lenari realized what that "thing" was half a beat late and belatedly.

The next moment, Lenari woke up from her confused sleep.

Several dark tentacles rose in response, and the ends reached into the concept of nothingness, facing the glimmer.

Block, buffer, and...


Under the dissatisfied crowd of several tentacles that had been emptied, the one that "successfully grabbed the ball" and completed a series of actions wandered and swayed in the void, as if it wanted to find something to throw.

But soon, several tentacles were forced to withdraw from the conceptual state, transformed into indescribable dark entities and returned to the world, wandering unconsciously on the shiny, low-key and luxurious floor tiles in the inner hall of the temple, like restless cat tails.

Waking up from the sweet and leisurely dream, Lenari sat up somewhat dazedly, letting the promotional brochure covering his face fall to the side.

After a few seconds of reflection, Lenari suddenly grabbed the mobile phone brick on standby.

"Food Lovers Club" chat room.

[Forever Gothic Loli: Something happened! Something happened! @Nuclear Explosion, @Not Natural

Nuclear Explosion:?

Not Natural:?

Forever Gothic Lolita: That guy named Rex, go check on him!

Nuclear Explosion: ? ? ?

Not Natural: What's wrong? I've been keeping an eye on that island, don't you feel anything?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Just now, he was running towards me on a conceptual level!

Nuclear Explosion: [Shocked] Isn't that guy an ice type? !

Not Natural: [Shocked] Running towards you? ! What kind of heaven-defying path did that guy take? !

Forever Gothic Lolita: Leng Ji...

Not Natural: ...

Nuclear Explosion: ...

Not Natural: Good guy! The boy is really brave! This kind of taboo concept, even if I was back then, I only dared to think about it casually...

Nuclear Explosion: This type of concept is taboo?

Not Natural: You can figure it out even if you think about it with your heels! This kind of concept that directly points to the nature of "end" and "destruction", is it something that a rookie who has just sublimated can touch? Even if he really has extraordinary talent and luck and comes back intact, Green Star will not let him go. The only outcome is to be sealed and fall into eternal slumber.

Nuclear Explosion: I was above the island, and it looks like... nothing unusual inside?

Not Natural: That's because I got there first and dealt with it.

Nuclear Explosion: ... How is it going?

Not Natural: One good news and one bad news.

Not Natural: The good news is that he is still alive and sane; the bad news is that this is probably the end of his life...

Nuclear Explosion: What is the specific situation?

Not Natural: Simply put, because he directly chose the overly lofty concept of "coldness" as the core, when he disintegrated himself and integrated into the concept, he could not control himself and ran towards the "close at hand" higher-level concept Lenari...

Not Natural: Fortunately, at the last moment, Lenari firmly rejected him and threw him out... Otherwise, there would be no "Rex" in the world.

Nuclear Explosion: ...

Forever Gothic Lolita: After all, he is a talent who wants to become a god. Don't you Green Star Federation do popular science?

Nuclear Explosion: There are so many people in the Federation who have been stuck in S-level/super-level for many years. Who would know if they didn't take the initiative to apply? That kid used toHe was awkward there, and didn't reveal that he had touched the "boundary"...

Nuclear Explosion: Later, he applied for relevant knowledge. The person in charge of the connection saw that he was confident, so he didn't ask more questions. After all, whether it was the details of the superpowers or the core concepts, they were actually quite private... Who knew that this kid would quietly make such a big mess!

Nuclear Explosion: Oh...

Not Natural: Think about it in a positive way, at least the Federation got a demigod, not nothing.

Professional Secretary: Is he okay?

Not Natural: Not very good, he needs to rest... Mental stability must also be treated with caution, it is recommended to arrange for him to recuperate in Phantom City.

Nuclear Explosion: ? ? ?

Not Natural: This is natural, right? So close to Lenari, the upper concept standing at the top... It's a miracle that he can still retain some of his self and not be completely assimilated.

Forever Gothic Lolita: [awkward][looking up at the sky]

Nuclear Explosion: [holding his head]

Nuclear Explosion: It seems that the Federation needs to add a compulsory course for sublimation...

Not Natural: It should have been long overdue.

Not Natural: Anyway, you already have a mature secret department "Mythology Research Group" that specializes in contemporary concept-level research, so give them some work.

Nuclear Explosion: You actually know? !

Not Natural: If I think about it, the Federation doesn't have many secrets that can be hidden from me... Lack of strong concept-level protection is ultimately a huge "defect", and you can't ascend with confidence like this.

Nuclear Explosion: I'm trying hard, but sublimation is really something that can only be encountered by chance...

Forever Gothic Lolita: @Not Natural, it sounds like you don't plan to ascend with the Federation?

Not Natural: Indeed, I don't plan... I have other ideas.

Forever Gothic Lolita: [Curious] Tell me?

Not Natural: Do you know "Chaos City"? 】

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