The only shrine on Maple Island is called "Maple Island Shrine".

At this time, in the deserted courtyard behind Maple Island Shrine.

"Speaking of which, where are the people on the scientific expedition team?" Lucia asked curiously.

"They have their own work, and they are probably in Takamagahara now, right?" Lenari said.

"Where is Eve?"

"Eve is with them, and the divination of high-level fate magicians is still very useful." Lenari said, "Besides, Lei is still sleeping."

"Then where is your... um, colleague 'Night Crow'?" Lucia looked at the lush red maple tree crown above her head and the giant tree roots like a hill that stretched across the distance with a guilty conscience.

"Night Crow... is still being transformed on the seabed." Lenari said, spreading his wings.

"Still transforming? Converting the time, it's been almost three years, right?" Lucia said in surprise.

"Outstanding scientists are usually more picky about their own topics..." Lenari said helplessly.

"Uh... okay... where is Mr. Hongfeng? We have been here openly for a while, he should have noticed it, right?" Lucia asked in confusion.

As soon as the black cat finished speaking, a neutral, pleasant and familiar voice sounded not far away:

"I'm here."

Lucia was startled and turned her head to look.

In the open space of the courtyard not far away, a slender figure with fluttering bright red clothes appeared leisurely from nothingness, just like an unreal dream invading reality.

"Sorry, I was just entertaining friends." Hongfeng said apologetically.

"We are just visiting presumptuously..."

Lucia humbly said a few polite words and introduced each other.

——This should have been done by Lenari, the only person who knew both parties, but she was now acting as Night Crow's colleague, so she shouldn't know Hong Feng yet...

After the two sides greeted each other, Lucia shook her tail and got straight to the point: "Regarding the invitation from the Lord of Everlasting Darkness...what have you thought about it?"

Hong Feng nodded slightly: "Lei and Coco both want me to move to the outside world...I will go out and wait for them to wake up."

"Uh...Aren't they still awake? Why are you..." Lucia wondered.

"They are all in good condition at the moment. It's not a problem if they just communicate in dreams." Hong Feng explained.

Lenari quietly watched the conversation between the man and the demon, and suddenly said:

"My Lord said that you can actually take your old friend and the villagers of Takigawa Village that he can't let go with you."

Hongfeng's expression was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he said in embarrassment: "But the humans of the country can't..."

"Haven't they all received the "blood gift"? Why not just cross that "boundary" and become "non-human"? " Lenari said.

Inside the "God Hikari Mist", for three whole years, the "Chinese scientific expedition team" sent by the Green Star Federation has been busy, and the results are very gratifying.

It is said that the "blood gift" ceremony invented by the Takamahara demon gods and the "genetic diversity" of the demon species itself have indeed made a very huge contribution to the development of the federation's biotechnology, especially the genetic technology related to superpowers.

Just as Lenari knows, there are already three larger and independent "scientific expedition teams", or "project teams" that are setting off.

In this case, whether it is the biological scientists of the Federation or Karina who is still busy in the sea, they will be very happy to take over this troublesome matter if they can directly kidnap the villagers who have received the blood of chaos in a village.

"Anyway, with the degree of blood chaos in the bodies of the villagers in Takigawa Village, there is no future at all if we let it go. It is better to go out and try the medical and biotechnology level of the Green Star Federation." Lenari finally persuaded.

Hongfeng was silent.

After a moment, he said tactfully: "My old friend Longyue, I just mentioned this matter to me. How did you..."

"Darkness is everywhere. If my Lord wants, there is almost no place in the world that His will cannot reach." Lenari said seriously without blushing or panting.

"..." Lucia, who was squatting on Apophi's right shoulder, turned around gracefully, lowered her head and tried to hold back her laughter.

"I see." Hongfeng nodded, and seemed to accept this answer well.

"Longyue, the current protector and ruler of Takigawa Village, is still at the sea villa. How about I introduce you to him?" Hongfeng asked.

"What does Boss Lucia think?" Lenari asked seriously.

"I, well, no problem! This is a good thing, no problem at all!" LuciaYa tried to make himself look serious, but the words that came out of his mouth almost broke, and his tone was indescribably weird.

Fortunately, whether it was because he was used to big storms or because he was just a thick-skinned person, Hongfeng didn't take the black cat's little abnormality to heart.

"This way." He led the way.

Except for the greeting, Apophi and Frederick, who remained silent almost the whole time, immediately followed.

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