"This scale... is probably accurate." Night Crow's eyes wandered, and he quietly floated up again, so as not to break the scale.

——This "scale" has a very high technical content. It is a hybrid technology that combines mystery and technology. It can even weigh souls, but this model is designed for "people" after all...

"But... how can it be 1700kg?" Karina was confused, "Lord Kampers told me before that the 'Night Angel' only weighs 17kg..."

"After all, a lot of extra materials have been added..." Night Crow shrugged.

"But, 1700kg... When I dressed and combed your hair before, I didn't feel anything at all?" Karina was puzzled.

"... Because I'm cooperating with you." Night Crow said helplessly, "Try to pick up my hair now?"

Hearing this, Karina immediately stepped forward and grabbed a strand of Night Crow's long hair and tried to pick it up.

"... It's so heavy!" The scientist, who looks young but is actually almost 90 years old, exclaimed in surprise.

"Is that so? What's the next test?" Night Crow quickly changed the subject.

"The next one... The next one can't be tested directly, you need to provide information." Karina calmed down and turned to a new page in the notebook in her hand. "As far as I know, the 'Night Angel' has the divinity of 'night' and 'moon'. What about now?"

"Let me see..." Night Crow closed her eyes and felt herself carefully. After a moment, she opened her eyes and said, "The divinity of 'night' and 'moon' is still there, and there are additional 'tide' and 'dream'. Overall, the strength of the divinity is about the same as before."

Karina nodded while taking notes: "Night and moon are both common associations with dreams. As for tide... after all, it has been used a lot. The water-based materials produced by the ocean, and the moon is directly related to the tidal phenomenon, are not surprising. "

As she remembered, Karina suddenly sighed: "The newly added 'dream' and 'tide' are obviously the result of the spontaneous extension of the divinity of the previous 'Night Angel'... The so-called 'divinity' is indeed not so easy to be influenced by mortals. "

Hearing this, Night Crow raised his silver-white eyebrows and said in surprise: "Have you tried to influence the divinity of the 'Night Angel'?"

"Yes, the result was obviously unsuccessful. The precious materials specially added were just digested and decomposed into nutrients..." Karina said with regret.

Night Crow shook his head in disapproval: "Divinity, no matter what its specific attributes are, is very dangerous to mortals. It is easy to cause irreversible distortion and alienation. I don't recommend you to try it easily unless you can reach the critical level."

"Critical... That's quite difficult. I'm only at level B so far." Karina sighed and wisely crossed out the "divinity" related topics in her mind.

——Compared to challenging the mysteries of divinity with lofty ambitions, she has many more practical and feasible topics waiting in line.

After that, Night Crow cooperated with Karina to conduct a series of questions and answers, tests and sampling.

When the work was about to end, Karina suddenly remembered something and slapped her head and said, "I almost forgot! The name 'Night Angel' doesn't seem to suit you now... Think about it, how about a new name?"

Night Crow thought for a moment and spread his hands: "What name do you think is better? I'll take it as a reference."

Karina seemed to be prepared for this and immediately said, "What do you think of the name 'Sea Moon Dragon Girl'?"

"Sea Moon Dragon Girl? It sounds good, but it's a pity that this dragon is not a real dragon..." Night Crow pondered for a moment and decided, "Let's call it 'Sea Moon Angel'!"

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