Night Crow was very excited and took Longyue to visit the headquarters of the agency while introducing the strange story "Rumored to Have an Agency" in detail.

While Night Crow was helping to arrange the "room", Longyue finally found an opportunity and asked tactfully: "You... Is this body of yours my kind?"

Hearing this, Night Crow, who was fine-tuning the hydrological data in the room to make it closer to the sea inside the "God Hidden Mist", was stunned for a moment. After thinking for a moment, he hesitated and replied: "It shouldn't be... right?"

"This body is based on the special divine creation 'Night Angel'. It was first roughly transformed by the Siren Girl, and then carefully adjusted by the biochemical experts of the Super Energy Factory... Some of the 'materials' used by the Siren Girl do seem to be of the same origin as you, but..."

Night Crow hesitated for a moment and finally chose to be honest: "If This makes you feel unhappy, I promise I won't use it in front of you in the future. "

"I don't feel unhappy, but..." Speaking of this, Longyue paused for a moment, as if considering the right words, "I don't know how to accurately describe this feeling, I always feel a little... strange."

Ye Ya scratched his head unladylike, apologetically said: "I am indeed inconsiderate about this matter, I am so glad that I didn't offend you..."

Longyue shook his head: "The dragon monsters in the country are actually a very large category. At least, among the same clans that are close to me, no one has had a direct conflict with the Siren."

The implication is that none of his relatives and friends have suffered from the Siren's poisonous hands, and Ye Ya doesn't have to worry about anything.

"That's good..." Night Crow nodded and passed the topic, "Is the saltiness of the sea water okay? Do you want more algae?"

"...Very good, exactly the same as the sea I'm familiar with." Longyue praised sincerely, "This is really a magical 'room'..."

"No matter how you look at it, it's still a top-level weird story backed by a real myth." Night Crow said proudly without any modesty.

"By the way," Night Crow said seriously as if he suddenly remembered something, "Boss Lucia is currently in the 'God Hidden Mist' to 'assist in compiling the "Japanese Museum Records"'. As a local demon, do you want to join? Or stay outside to get familiar with the 'new world' first?"

Longyue lowered his head to think for a moment, raised his head and replied: "I'll join that commission too. With a local demon like me as a guide, the boss and his commission can at least take fewer detours."

"Okay, let's go, I'll take you to handle the federal identity certificate and employment procedures." Night Crow said happily.

George Laboratory, deep underground in a community on the outskirts of Phantom City.

Karina was alone in the study room attached to her own personal laboratory, sorting out and reviewing a series of data from this particularly special "experiment". Suddenly, on the desk, next to the pen holder, a seemingly ordinary crystal ornament silently lit up with a bright glow.

Karina, who was wandering in the vast ocean of formulas, numbers and symbols, was stunned for a long time, and then suddenly woke up, and hurriedly reached out and pressed an inconspicuous switch on the base of the "ornament".

The soft light emanating from the crystal ornament with a distinct presence dissipated, and a metallic voice that could not be distinguished between men and women sounded briskly:

"Good evening, I hope I didn't affect your precious ideas?"

"Good evening! Lord Kampers." Karina responded to the greeting first, and then explained, "I was just reviewing it later and was not disturbed."

"That's good... I have a 'private' order to consult."


Karina was a little confused, but she didn't show it on her face. She just said politely, "Please go ahead."

"It's like this, do you know 'robot girl'?"

"Robot girl?" Karina, who occasionally seeks inspiration from two-dimensional works and has an ACG enthusiast great-granddaughter, was stunned, "The two-dimensional kind of robot girl?"

"That's right!" Kampers' tone rose significantly, "I was worried that you didn't know these two-dimensional concepts before... Anyway, it's easy if you know."

"I want to customize a shell with normal human senses and appearance, which relies on mechanical operation as my avatar carrier. It's best if the connection with my original body can be more stable and will not be easily affected by various 'network fluctuations'. What do you think is feasible?"

"Ah this..." Karina was a little dumbfounded, "Although I have some experience in mechanical things, I am not good at it..."

"From the biochemical perspective that you are good at?" Kampers asked.

"Biochemical perspective... I remember that there are several 'flesh mechanization' abilities in the sample library of the super power factory. If we can use that as a basis, we can mechanize it.If it is modified... it should be feasible. "

"However," Karina emphasized again, "I am not good at mechanical things. In recent years, the Super Power Factory has also been trying to expel me, the terminal laboratory, from the network... It is not easy to get the most critical samples."

"It doesn't matter. At most, I can place an order directly to the Super Power Factory as a customer." Kampers said indifferently, "They will probably not refuse."

"In fact," Karina said tactfully, "The strengths of the Super Power Factory lie in 'customization of superpowers', 'few rules', and 'strong confidentiality'. The rest... is not as good as the technology of Team 7."

"I know, it is the 'few rules' and 'strong confidentiality' of the Super Power Factory that I value... With my current status as the 'actual ruler of Phantom City', every move will inevitably be thought of by the Green Star Federation officials. "

"In short," Kampers said, "you should communicate with the superior unit of the Super Power Factory first. If it doesn't work, you can place an order directly as a 'customer', and I will reimburse you for the required expenses in my personal capacity. "


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