"But we already know." Lenari calmly pointed out the key to the problem, "If the 'Boatman Death' has really been devoured by it... If I'm not mistaken, now, knowing the 'Boatman Death' is equivalent to knowing 'it'."

"Besides, I even know the '4 conditions'." Lenari said.

Anthony was speechless.

After a moment, he sighed and said, "Wait, don't leave the 7th team's base yet. This matter is too big. I have to ask my superiors."

"Don't worry, I won't go anywhere before getting accurate information." Lenari promised.

Although she is fine now, it is probably because she is also a weird relationship... Lucia and Miles don't have such a "gold medal of immunity from death". Lenari doesn't want to leave even a little bit of risk that will cause them to suddenly die without eliminating it.

After Anthony left, the office became quiet again, and everyone was thinking about their own things.

Suddenly, Lenari felt the cat's claws pulling at his shirt. He looked down and saw that Lucia's emerald eyes were full of anxiety, and she seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?" Lenari asked softly.

Lucia hesitated and whispered, "You... What are the four conditions of 'that god of death'?" How many have you met?

Lucia didn't have the courage to ask the following words, for fear that Lenari would suddenly disappear like Vivian in the next second and never come back.

Lenari gently stroked Lucia's head and comforted her, "Don't worry, since I didn't die on the spot, it means that it can't kill me... After all, 'that god of death' is an instant death type."

"Really..." Lucia murmured, and the anxiety in her eyes was slightly reduced.

At this time, Miles, who was sitting next to him, suddenly said, "So, how many conditions have you met? What are the four conditions?"

Hearing this, Lucia became nervous again.

Lenari sighed and said, "In fact, I have met all four conditions... Relax! Since I am still here, it means that 'the god of death' can't kill me."

Lenari tried to smooth down Lucia's hedgehog-like short hair with a slightly rough movement, and comforted her: "I am a powerful S-level psychic, the kind with a power that reaches the 'concept', and most of the ghost stories are also effective in the 'concept'... Obviously, the instant death effect of 'the god of death' is not strong in the concept, at least, it can't do anything to me."

Hearing this reasonable explanation, and most importantly, Lenari is still alive and well, Lucia barely calmed down.

Lenari said again: "Look, Anthony has met the conditions for so many years, isn't he alive and well?"

The final word.

Lucia completely relaxed, lying softly in Lenari's arms, her emerald eyes slightly moist, muttering: "I'm scared to death..."

After a series of ups and downs in her emotions, Lucia suddenly relaxed and felt sleepy.

Not long after, under Lenari's gentle caress, the black kitten fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing that Lucia fell asleep, Lenari looked up and glared at Miles with a hint of condemnation.

Miles looked apologetic and whispered, "Sorry, I didn't think it through..."

Lenari shook his head gently: "It's okay... I'll tell you sooner or later."

"The four conditions for 'the god of death' are: 1. Know its existence; 2. See it, even if you see it remotely through supernatural powers, the specific range is not clear; 3. See the body of the victim whose life it took; 4. Look at it for more than 3 seconds." Lenari explained, "Except for the first one, you probably didn't meet the rest... 2 and 3 are inevitable, but if you are alert enough, you can still actively avoid the 4th one."

Miles nodded and changed the subject: "Were there any victims at the time?"

Lenari nodded: "At that time, there were two bodies floating beside the boat under its feet... One of the bodies should have died of ordinary homicide, and as for the other..."

Lenari didn't say anything else, but Miles understood.

——"I was caught at the murder scene, so I agreed to go on the boat to wait for an opportunity to kill him, but as soon as I got on the boat, it was game over" and so on... It is both ridiculous and makes people feel sad about the decline of morals.

In short, the moment Lenari saw that picture, the second and third conditions were met at the same time. After that, she, who knew nothing, looked at the black-robed "boatman death god" again. It was not until the 3-second limit passed that she was told these "conditions" in the dark.

As a weird, Lenari's essence is different from ordinary "life". Facts have proved that this "death god" cannot take away her "life" that she doesn't know whether it is true or false.

……I wonder if the Yellow Springs Shuttle is the same?

Lenari muttered curiously in her heart, but she didn't plan to get on the bus to try.

——The Yellow Springs Shuttle can make her feel dangerous, but "that Death God" can't. Lenari is willing to trust her intuition.

Twenty minutes later, Anthony and Elizabeth each came back with a pile of documents.

Elizabeth put down the documents and left, while Anthony sat down directly on the sofa opposite the coffee table.

Putting down the documents, Anthony pointed to two large piles of documents and said, "The records of 'that Death God' and the strange story of the Reed River 'Boatman Death God' are all here."

Lucia woke up sleepily after noticing the movement, and asked in confusion: "So, what are the four conditions? Why will there be no problem if you stay in the Seventh Team's base?"

"The four conditions are..." Anthony explained in detail, which was similar to what Lenari said before, but the difference was that the definition of "seeing" was clearer.

The scope of "seeing" here is limited to "seeing with your own eyes". "Seeing" through telescopes, glass, mirrors, etc. is effective, but it is invalid through recording media such as videos and photos.

"... In other words, as long as you see a suspicious human figure in a black robe, just don't look at it?" Lucia concluded.

"That's the theory." Anthony said, "But when you actually encounter it, there will always be various situations. Considering comprehensively, it is better to "not know."

"But we all know..." Lucia said depressedly.

"Knowing has its benefits. Just like you said, just don't look at it." Anthony comforted.

"Well." Lucia nodded, barely cheering up a little, "As far as I know, the story of the 'boatman's death' on the Reed River has been circulating for a long time, and almost everyone living in that area knows it..."

In response, Anthony could only smile bitterly: "At present, the Public Security Bureau has sent people to urgently block that section of the river... We can only hope that the General Administration will send people to seal it."

"What if it can't be sealed?" Lenari, who was flipping through the documents, looked up and asked curiously.

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