【Lord of Darkness: I am not a real child, Uncle Nuclear Blast, don’t be so nervous.

Frozen God: Can the shapeshifting system be classified into the six existing evolutionary routes? What is the upper limit?

Green Star: Shapeshifters cultivate shapeshifting, which belongs to an alternative path for cultivators, and the upper limit is directly mythology.

Lord of Darkness: Great!

Frozen God: It sounds great... I wonder if our myths can adapt to shapeshifting?

Green Star: There are currently six evolutionary routes for civilization on the planet, and only the Purifiers conflict with the Shapeshifters.

Lord of Darkness: Huh? !

Green Star: Don’t worry, as long as the divinity has not been involved, it is easy for the Purifiers to transform into Shapeshifters.

Lord of Darkness: That’s good, you scared me...

Green Star: [patting head]

Cat Lady: You have to abandon everything you have learned and cultivated in the past...

Lord of Darkness: Don’t rush to make a decision, let’s go and test the waters first.

Frozen God: Yes, we have plenty of time.

Lady Cat: Yes, thank you.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Sisters don’t have to be so polite.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: By the way, what kind of disaster happened over there?

Green Star: A bug in the rules.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: I know it’s a bug… What is the specific manifestation?

Green Star: It’s called “Ghost Corrosion” in translation. We’ll know the details when the time comes.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Oh, okay.

Green Star: If there are no other questions, I’ll go to sleep… zzz…

(The chat room was quiet for a few seconds.)

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: By the way, this New Year is quite lively.

Frozen God: Yes… The younger generation in my family seems to be planning a big event.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: What big event?

Frozen God: I don’t know, it’s so mysterious, I’m too lazy to ask, it’s not bad to keep a little expectation.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Then I’ll keep a little expectation too.


After chatting casually for a few more words, Lenari exited the "World Mission Chat Room" and picked up his mobile phone to chat with Lucia privately.

[Forever Gothic Lolita: Anything you want to ask?

Lady Cat: I don't think I have anything to ask... Speaking of which, is it okay for Lei to not follow? It's full!

Forever Gothic Lolita: It's only one bar, no problem! Besides, isn't Halozuki following?

Lady Cat: If you encounter a strange story, it doesn't feel safe at all without the backing of divinity...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Don't worry, Lei will cry for help if he is in danger. He is not the kind of person who grits his teeth and holds on because he is worried about bothering others.

Lady Cat: That's right.

Lady Cat: By the way, can I tell others about the New Year's crossing of Green Star?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Of course, there is nothing worth keeping secret.

Lady Cat: OK, I'll go talk to the teacher, see you later.

Forever Gothic Lolita: See you later. 】

Anaki City, as a well-known "city of chaos", is of course also a typical "city that never sleeps".

But even in such a prosperous city, there are also deserted and unpopular areas.

Near an old city that is being demolished, on a street with cracks and dents on the road surface.

Lei wandered aimlessly, looking at the mark on the back of his hand from time to time.

—— Fortunately, the engraved pointer still stayed at the 3 o'clock position, and it seemed to be satisfied with the current position and had no intention of moving further.

Long Yue, who followed the local customs and wore a beige windbreaker and hid the dragon horns, followed the red-haired young man quietly, and from time to time curiously and seriously studied some things on the roadside that were ordinary or even outdated for modern people in the Federation.

The cold night wind blew, and Longyue subconsciously raised his hand to gather a few strands of messed up hair. Inadvertently, his eyes glanced at something seemingly insignificant on the street.

Lei Yi walked silently and vigilantly at a walking pace. Suddenly, a sense of awkwardness as if something was wrong came to his mind, and the moment he was noticed, it fermented into a strong sense of uneasiness.

The moment he paused and looked around vigilantly, Lei Yi finally realized what was wrong.

——Longyue's footsteps disappeared.

With his whole body tense and ready to fight at any time, Lei Yi slowly turned around.

——Longyue, who was wearing a light color that was very close to pure white and very conspicuous at night, was standing intact a few meters away, and it seemed that he had not encountered any accidents.

In shock, Lei called out cautiously in a low voice: "Mr. Longyue?"

"Just call me Longyue." Longyue said in a gentle voice, "I seem to be the target of a ghost story..."

"I... what? A ghost story? Where?!" Misled by the other party's overly gentle tone, Lei belatedly exclaimed.

"I saw a beverage vending machine with serious paint peeling, and I couldn't take my eyes off it..." Longyue's voice was still gentle.

"..." Lei tried hard to control the urge to follow Longyue's gaze and took out his mobile phone, which had been running more and more smoothly recently. "Don't act rashly, I'll find some information."

After a while.

"Found it..." Lei's face was a little strange, "The strange story 'Late Night Surprise Vending Machine' randomly appears in the streets and alleys where there are few people at night. The victims who see it will be 'stuck' by it until they buy and drink a drink."

"The purchased drink must be drunk by the victim within an hour, otherwise the victim will be drained of all the liquid in the body."

"The effect of the drink seems to be random. The existing information shows that there are poisons and rejuvenation drugs."

After reading the key information, Lei couldn't help but say: "Let's ask for help? Random effects are too risky!"

"But I really want to try..." Longyue looked a little eager to try, but also a little worried and embarrassed.

"...Ah?" Lei was stunned.

"In theory, my resistance to 'liquid' poisons is much higher than that of the human race of the same level..." Longyue tried to persuade Lei to agree to his adventure.

Obviously, he was not good at "persuasion", Lei expressed his incomprehension:

"Why? You are an immortal species, you can live for tens of thousands of years, and the effect of this strange drink is obviously aimed at the short-lived human race. At least in the records, the best effect is only rejuvenation."

"I'm not greedy for its effect... I just want to try it." Longyue said stubbornly, "I hope you can help me."

"This..." Lei hesitated for a while, and finally agreed, "Okay... But once I think the situation is not good, I will ask for help immediately."

"It should be so." Longyue smiled and walked towards the side of the street where his eyes were pointed.

Lei remembered that when he passed by that direction before, there was nothing except a temporary wall made of rough boards.

But ghost stories...

Lei watched Longyue walk out of his sight nervously, trying to listen to the movement over there.

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