I don't know how long it took, Chaos finally barely adapted to the confrontation with the strange animated malice, and was able to squeeze out some spare energy to pay attention to his appearance and the situation around him.

He slowly got up, slowly tidied his appearance, and smiled bitterly at the Night Crow who was looking at him with interest:

"Excuse me..."

The Night Crow, who was bored and tied a bow on his long tail, shook his head and praised frankly: "You have done well enough, far better than I thought."

"You are too kind..." Family knows their own business, Chaos sighed, and changed the subject, "What is this station? Is it also a demigod?"

The Night Crow nodded : "He is the fusion of the remains of the fallen mythical 'Evil of All Living Things' and more than a hundred mortal warriors. Whether in terms of status or size, he is not comparable to the previous ice demigod."

"... There is indeed no comparison." Chaos nodded, and forced a decent smile, "Here? What is this place?"

"A strange 'different space' that is difficult to describe with 'space'." Night Crow said, shaking his knotted tail and scattering it into pieces of fine moonlight.

The next moment, the moonlight gathered and reconstructed into a smooth and smooth long tail, as if it had never been tied into a bow.

"There are no established rules here, only chaotic reflections of the present world." Night Crow explained naturally, as if he and his tail were two different creatures. "The power of 'cognition' is almost infinitely magnified here. At the same time, some strange and indescribable existences also exist here."

"Indescribable existence?" Chaos was a little confused for a moment, "Is it more indescribable than 'the evil of all living things'?"

Night Crow thought for a while and replied: "In terms of the degree of indescribability...the two should be about the same? However, the essence of 'the evil of all living things' exists in the present world."

"I roughly understand..." Chaos nodded and stopped talking.

This alien space between reality and illusion was temporarily quiet.

In silence, Night Crow spoke softly, asking: "There are still several stops to go, do you want to continue?"

Chaos hesitated for a moment, but he didn't try to be brave. He smiled bitterly and said: "I think I need some time to slow down..."

Night Crow nodded, waved his hand, and Chaos felt a flash in front of his eyes, and his body became lighter, and he returned to the quiet sea under the bright moon.

Just as the blond young man was about to say something, his feet suddenly became lighter, and he fell into the water with a "plop".

Just as he instinctively wanted to use swimming skills to keep himself afloat, Chaos found that even if he did nothing, he would not sink to the bottom of the sea.

With a slight doubt on his face, Chaos looked up and looked at the initiator of everything.

——From this perspective, the white dragon girl with fluttering clothes happened to float in the middle of the huge moon. Her backlit figure did not show any gloom, but was made more holy by the background.

"Seawater and moonlight will help you purify the pollution in your body, so take a good 'break'." Night Crow said friendly, "Next stop, I will take you to see the weakest myth of the Green Star."

"'The weakest myth'..." Chaos simply lay down, spreading his limbs in a relaxed manner without any grace, letting his body rise and fall with the gentle waves, "Actually, you wanted to kill me before, right?"

"Oh?" Night Crow held his chin with one hand and raised his eyebrows.

"I think I am very accurate in judging people, and you have never seriously hidden your inner malice." Chaos said casually.

"Because there is no need." Night Crow also said casually, "But you are wrong, I have never thought of killing you from the beginning to now."

"No?" Chaos expressed disbelief.

"Really not." Night Crow spread his hands nonchalantly, "At first I wanted to take you to Team 7 for a bounty, and later I wanted to hire you as a chef."

"Chef?" Chaos frowned slightly.

For some reason, although it was an ordinary option, it gave him an indescribable sense of horror.

Out of a certain cautious mentality, Chaos asked casually: "Now, do you still want to hire me as a chef?"

"Of course." Night Crow raised the corner of his lips, paused, and added, "It's just that I was originally a full-time chef, but now I can only be downgraded to a part-time job."

Chaos' eyelids twitched, and he said calmly: "Part-time work is actually quite good. It's not easy to lose interest because of overly repetitive work."

"Well, you're right." Night Crow nodded perfunctorily, his eyes focused on the air, not knowing what he was looking at.

Seeing this, Chaos calmed down tactfully and began to concentrateUse the power of this dream to remove the pollution of oneself.

There is no time in the dream. Chaos woke up from a long meditation. When he looked up, he found that the Night Crow was still floating in the same place, but…

How to say it?

Chaos was not too surprised to see that the Night Crow, who had awe-inspiring divine beauty and should have been holy and dignified, was now holding an extra-large cat head pillow, lying in the air crookedly without any image, like a dead otaku who never went out.

On the other side, noticing that Chaos had woken up, the Night Crow raised his head from the wonderful novel downloaded in the virtual mobile phone, carefully looked at the blond young man half soaked in water, and nodded with satisfaction:

"It seems that you have recovered... Let's go?"

Unexpectedly, the Night Crow was so vigorous at this moment. Chaos was stunned for a moment, and then said apologetically: "Sorry, I may need more time to weave protection..."

"Oh, then you weave it, and squeak when you are done." The Night Crow nodded and continued to immerse himself in the wonderful world described in the novel.

Chaos, floating on the sea, adjusted his posture slightly, closed his eyes again, and remained motionless.

Of course, this time, he was not meditating, but weaving a defense with all his strength.

The familiar walk on the sea, the familiar way of unveiling the curtain.

The only difference is the "reality" presented behind the curtain.

In just a moment of glimpse, Chaos's carefully woven defenses for several days were all blown up, and his body, soul, and consciousness almost joined the carnival of self-explosion.

However, even if he managed to survive with difficulty, the blond young man's current state could not be said to be "complete".

The terrifying energy released by the defense that exploded from the inside out shattered his body. If he had not been in this strange space where the power of cognition was almost infinitely magnified, Chaos felt that he would have returned to the arms of death long ago.

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