When Chaos woke up, he saw Night Crow brewing coffee next to him.

In the tempting aroma of coffee, milk, cream, and chocolate, Night Crow picked up two cups of brewed coffee at the same time: "Iced coffee or hot coffee, which one do you want?"

"Hot coffee." Chaos said without hesitation.

"Very good! Congratulations, you have passed another level." Night Crow nodded with satisfaction, controlling the cup of hot coffee with a lot of cream and chocolate sauce to fly steadily towards the blond young man who was usually soaking in the sea.

Chaos raised his hand with great effort to take the coffee, put it to his lips and took a sip. In an instant, an indescribable sweetness exploded in his mouth, almost making him frown.

After taking a few gulps of hot coffee without changing his expression, the biting coldness in his body finally dissipated a little. Chaos changed his posture to a more sitting position and asked with a faint smile:

"What if I happen to like iced coffee and hate hot coffee?"

"It doesn't matter." Night Crow drank the remaining cup of iced coffee, looked at the coffee making tutorial stored in the virtual phone, and said casually, "I believe that after experiencing the real cold, no matter how much people hate hot drinks, they will yearn for a sip of hot coffee."

"...You are right." Chaos nodded and silently drank the cup of "hot" coffee in his hand that was so sweet that it was choking.

Noticing that Chaos's cup of coffee was almost empty, Night Crow raised the coffee pot and asked with a smile, "Another cup?"

"..." Chaos hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but suggested, "How about I make it?"

"Okay, okay!" Night Crow nodded immediately, and with a wave of his hand, all the utensils and materials flew up and were placed in an orderly manner on a piece of finely polished floating marble that appeared out of thin air.

After a moment of silence, Chaos chose not to expose Night Crow's little trick, as if nothing had happened, and skillfully began to make coffee.


Somewhere in the mapping space.

"Hmm, delicious!" Lenari held the milk coffee and took a sip happily.

On the side, Fitz took a sip of the hot espresso and nodded in agreement: "The craftsmanship is really good."

"At this time, another piece of cake would be even more perfect!" Lenari said happily, and stretched out his hand and dragged a large piece of chocolate cake from the shadow that appeared out of thin air, "The cake made by Apophi, let's try it together!"

"It looks very delicious just by looking at it!"


After making various coffees for several hours, Chaos was finally let go by the satisfied Night Crow.

After drinking the last sip of hot coffee, Chaos asked: "Who is the next stop?"

"It's the Radiant Principle, you should have heard of Him." Night Crow said casually while taking a bite of chocolate cake.

"I have heard of the famous 'Radiant Principle'." Chaos nodded, and a sense of relief that "as expected" came to his mind.

"The Radiant Truth is a natural concept, and its status is far beyond the previous ones. Don't take it lightly just because his concepts and deeds sound positive!" Night Crow kindly reminded.

"I am not one of those dull and mediocre people. I will not despise anything based on a little impression." Chaos answered seriously.

"It was not like this when you 'invited' me before..." Night Crow teased.

Chaos shook his head and explained: "I did not despise you... I know very well what risks I might encounter if I rashly invite a 'real' existence like you, but I don't care."

Night Crow nodded: "I roughly understand... You should prepare well, as usual, and squeak when you are ready."

"I will."


At the gambling table of the gods, the challenge of breaking through the levels is in full swing, and then...

Under the attention of a group of high-level beings who are quietly watching, in the mapping space, Chaos glanced at the mapping of the Radiant Truth here step by step.

At that moment, the blond youth smiled slightly, and his whole body radiated a light golden holy light, just like the holy apostle sent by the gods to spread the gospel in the world as carefully depicted in religious murals.

"World Mission Chat Room".

[Ms. Pain: Oh, did I win?

Glory: His self-awareness is still there, and the final result has not yet come out.

Ms. Pain: Although I bet that he would fall at the "Glory Station", it would be a pity if such a talent really fell halfway.

Lord of Darkness: Indeed... but there is no way, this is his own choice, although it was me (my clone) who facilitated it.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: According to the previous practice, he survived the first wave of impact, and you... your clone will help him, right?

Lord of Darkness: Yes, a little bitLimited help.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: What? You want me to stop helping?

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: That's not the case... Actually, I'm quite conflicted, but since you think it's okay... Then I'll trust your judgment.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Don't worry, after seeing the "only and absolute truth" promised by me (my clone), the only choice he can make is to embrace it actively or struggle to stay away.

God of Ice: What if he gives up?

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: If he gives up casually, he won't be able to withstand the impact of facing ■■ directly.

Lady Cat:? !

Lady Cat: What is blocked? !

Green Star: A little high-level information that ordinary people should not touch, don't worry about it.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Well, don't worry about it.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: ... Actually, I am a little concerned.

God of Ice: Think about it yourself, there are children in the chat room.

Lady Cat: I care more!

Lord of Darkness: A lot of high-level information is polluted. When your status is high enough, I will explain to you what you want to know.

Lady Cat: It's settled!

Lord of Darkness: It's settled.

God of Ice: What if, I mean what if, he finally chooses to "take the initiative to hug", what are you going to do?

Lord of Darkness: Then we can only destroy him.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: [terrified]

Lady of Pain: [terrified]

God of Ice: [terrified]

Lord of Darkness: No, what are you doing? Don't line up just because you disagree!

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Ahem, just kidding.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: In short, Chaos Devitt is a wanted criminal who is allowed to be shot on the spot. If he really chooses the wrong direction, it would be easy to destroy him.

God of Ice: Don't you understand it?

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: It's been so many years, even if you're slow, you should have noticed something.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Speaking of which, the latest trend on the Internet has changed a bit... Has the Federation started to lay the groundwork for revealing the mysterious side?

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Yes.


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