Holding the "famous wine" with a gorgeous name and terrible taste, Night Crow No. 2 slowly walked to the bulletin board on the other side of the hall and browsed through the many commissions posted on it one by one.

The technical gap like a bug in the broken script was clearly visible in such a hall.

On the bulletin board, the most conspicuous position was the commission to find the heroine "Shabas" inside the vampire territory. The long string of "0" in the reward column attracted attention, and I couldn't help but want to count how many digits there were.

——Anyway, Night Crow No. 2 was too lazy to count.

In this broken script, the collapse of the monetary system is just the most insignificant point.

After staring at the commission for a long time, Night Crow No. 2 stepped forward, peeled it off with one hand, and then walked towards the registration counter with it expressionless.


The moon was high in the sky, and a luxurious banquet was going on in the ancient castle with a depressing style.

According to the script, Night Crow II successfully sneaked up on a lone waiter NPC, dragged him into the lush bushes in the courtyard, and stripped off his coat.

Putting the waiter's tuxedo jacket directly on the long windbreaker, Night Crow II transformed into the other party's appearance, quite a bit of Wang Bao's style.

Regardless of the principle, Night Crow II succeeded in infiltrating.

She bent down and picked up the tray on the ground with an unopened bottle of red wine, and walked towards the banquet hall leisurely.

It was a lively time in the candlelit banquet hall.

Sevilla, wearing a red evening dress with a tube top, walked around the banquet hall in fear.

She could feel the aggressive predator-like eyes around her that kept falling on her, but she could do nothing about it. She could only follow the script, with an impeccable and perfect smile, and walk with impeccable and perfect steps, like a hostess walking on the dark red carpet in the hall.

The owner of this castle, a blood prince, was actually a handsome man whom "Shabas" met not long ago when she ran away from home in anger and signed up for a foreign tour group alone.

The entangled, reluctant and welcoming journey between the man and the heroine "Shabas" was exactly the first half of this script.

Although Sevilla, as the "female lead", got the entire script at the beginning, the heroine "Shabas" did not know who the owner of this castle was. After suffering a few days of bad experience of being "kidnapped" like a livestock, she was confusedly dressed up by the maids in the castle and pushed into the banquet hall.

The explanation in the script is this: Shabas has been loved by everyone since she was a child, and it is natural for her to be the focus and queen of the banquet.

When I first saw this, Sevilla felt that it was full of complaints.

Who is not a spoiled daughter?

But which daughter would be so careless and brain-dead, and completely forget the painful experience of being transported like a livestock?

What's more outrageous is that she really has no thoughts after seeing the experiences of those "fellow travelers" around her who were also washed and dressed up and sent to the banquet hall and were sucked blood by the guests?

If the male protagonist hadn't asked the maid to put on the necklace with the family emblem on "Shabas" to indicate that she already had a master, what would be the difference between her and the "blood livestock" in the eyes of those vampires?

Now, when she was really there, Sevilla was no longer able to complain. She was filled with fear and hoped that this absurdity would end soon.

Finally, the script moved to the next stage. Sevilla breathed a sigh of relief and walked to a hidden terrace on the second floor with an elegant pace.

The thick, bunched curtains blocked Sevilla from the banquet hall, which made her feel a little bit of false security.

After taking a deep breath of fresh air outside, Sevilla seized this rare "no plot" time and began to adjust her state.

--Next, the vampire hunter "Carlo" who successfully sneaked into the castle pretending to be a castle waiter, the fourth male in this script, will take the opportunity to rescue her and take her away from the castle. On the way to the vampire hunter's base "Graystone Town", he fought a fierce battle with the male protagonist and fled with injuries.

Although she has an aunt Feminis who is said to be very powerful in the other world, and a best friend Chloe who is indeed very powerful in the other world, Sylvia herself is not interested in fighting or magical powers. In addition, she has never awakened any special powers, and her mother's overprotection makes her naturally become a helpless young lady.

Sylvia has seen plots like "killing with a sister in her arms" in animations and movies many times in the past, and she thought the male protagonist was so handsome when she watched it.But when it was her turn to play the "sister"... she felt that it was not good enough.

It was too outrageous and scary!

Sevilla just hoped that the fourth male "Carlo" would come later, she was not ready to experience such an exciting scene.

Unfortunately, Night Crow No. 2, who was determined to kill through the script and had made preliminary preparations, had no intention of dragging it out.

When Sevilla was hugged from behind and flew towards the bright moon, she was completely confused.

In the cold wind at night, she shivered with cold, while adjusting her posture with difficulty, reaching out her hand and pressing hard on "Carlo's" chest as if to confirm.

Well, soft, bigger than "Shabass".

...And bigger than she is in real life.

Is the fourth male "Carlo" actually a woman? !

Sevilla's face was suspiciously flushed in the wind.

On the other side, Night Crow No. 2, who was flying with bat wings and holding the heroine "Shabas" in one hand according to the script, twitched his mouth and almost couldn't hold his expression.

In theory, the "Never-Stop Studio Upgrade Enhancement Patch" created by the Radiant Truth has been installed and put into use, and the actress should not be stuck in this script.

But when she learned that the actress was "old acquaintance" Sevilla, and her acting skills were strong and she would not make any mistakes for a while, Night Crow No. 2 couldn't help but feel a little - well, just a little - curious.

She wanted to meet Sevilla Bohr, who was said to be "a different person" now.

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