Anaki City, a villa-type high-end community.

Sevia suddenly woke up from her sleep, staring at the familiar bedroom layout repeatedly, and finally had some sense of safety after a long time.

The smart home product that my aunt got from somewhere has always adjusted the room temperature very well. Even if it is icy and snowy outside, the room separated by a floor-to-ceiling window is warm as spring.

Sevia lifted the thin quilt, stepped barefoot on the thick plush carpet, picked up the thermos on the bedside table and poured herself a cup of warm water.

Just after taking a few sips, Sevia's mobile phone placed on the bedside table kept ringing. ——This is the exclusive reminder tone when she sends a message to the BB friend she has set to pay special attention to.

Picking up the phone and unlocking the screen, Sevia was not surprised to see that it was indeed her good friend who grew up with her.

Once, she and this bestie almost broke up because of a scumbag, but fortunately she woke up in time, not only to save this sincere friendship in time, but also to become closer than before.

[Ragdoll Fairy Cat: Weiwei! You can't guess what I just went through!

Ragdoll Fairy Cat: Can you imagine? The brainless romance novel that I wrote casually in the third grade of elementary school, which I can't even remember, was suddenly dug up by a group of inexplicable netizens and commented on it...

Ragdoll Fairy Cat: [Vomiting]

Ragdoll Fairy Cat: It's so embarrassing that I almost ascended to heaven! [Cover face][Cover face][Cover face]

Forest Handsome Cat: Oh.

Ragdoll Fairy Cat: I've risked being laughed at by you to cry to you, and this is your reaction? !

Forest Handsome Cat: I just got up and I'm not fully awake yet... What did you write? What did those netizens say?

Ragdoll Fairy Cat: [a link]

Forest Handsome Cat: Let me see...

(Half an hour later.)

Forest Handsome Cat: ………………

Ragdoll Fairy Cat: Have you been watching this for a long time? Forget it! You say, aren't those guys really too much? It happened so many years ago! They even dug up the article that had been buried for many years and had no traffic and commented on it! Who didn't have some brain-dead black history when they were young and ignorant!

Forest Handsome Cat: I heard that a new holographic simulation fighting game was released recently, which is very relaxing. Let's go play it together?

Ragdoll Fairy Cat: Huh? Aren't you not interested in games and fighting?

Forest Handsome Cat: I changed my mind. Think about it, many movies and TV series now have fighting scenes. At least you won't make a fool of yourself if you know more about them.

Ragdoll Fairy Cat: That's right... But do you have gaming equipment?

Handsome Forest Cat: I'll buy it right away. If I order the highest-end version quickly, I can play it in two hours at most, including the installation and debugging time.

Ragdoll Fairy Cat: [ok]


Putting down her phone expressionlessly, Sevilla held the mug, and after a moment of silence like a sculpture, she suddenly showed a ferocious expression of gritting her teeth.

"I told you to write all kinds of nonsense! You made me play such a stupid drama for so long with fear... Wait! I will beat you to a pulp in the online battle later!"

It turned out that the script that Sevilla experienced in the "Never-ending Studio" of the ghost story was the "masterpiece" of her best friend when she was in the third grade of elementary school...


Two hours later, in a "friendly match" of a holographic fighting game.

Sevilla was lying on the ground, unable to get up, with a confused look on her face:

"No, aren't you a weak and helpless lady? How can you fight so well?!"

"Oh, that!" The best friend who was unscathed after a fierce battle lifted the hair by her ear, shrugged and said, "It's just the character setting! After all, if you act too 'brave', what if the high-quality target is scared away by the wrong first impression?"

After a pause, the best friend added: "My mother said that girls should know how to protect themselves, even if they have to pile up resources, they have to pile up some skills. I think it makes sense."

Lying on the ground and being beaten to a pulp, Sevilla suddenly had a bad feeling.

"...So, what is your skill level?" She asked with difficulty.

"Average, just a high-level body temperer."


"Eh? Weiwei?... Why did you go offline?"


Bohr's house.

The maids were surprised to find that Miss Sevilla, who always paid great attention to her image even at home, was running in the corridor with disheveled hair, barefoot, and wearing pajamas, shouting and yelling.

"Aunt! Aunt!"

"What's wrong?" Feminis, who was drinking afternoon tea in the glass greenhouse, asked in surprise.

"Teach me! I want to become stronger!”

“? ? ? ”

A little earlier, inside the “Never-Stop Studio”.

Night Crow II flew all the way with the heroine “Shabas” who was not much different from the “NPC”, and finally stopped in a small forest more than ten kilometers away from the town of Graystone.

This is the place in the script where “Carlo” was caught up by the male protagonist and fought a battle and was defeated.

Even if she had not stopped the plot, the blame would only be on the actor who played the male protagonist, but… she coveted the original hard work of the male protagonist.

The characters in the script are essentially fake objects created by the “Never-Stop Studio”. After leaving the specific studio environment, they will disintegrate and dissipate by themselves. Such a body is theoretically a disposable item and has no value for cultivation.

But doesn’t this have a mobile phone brick?

With the ability of the mobile phone brick, the “Never-Stop Studio” dares to create, and the mobile phone brick dares to take it away…

Having said that, according to Kampers’s estimation, even if Night Crow II takes all the vampires that appear in this studio, Kill them all. The collected blood of origin is only enough for "Carlo" to advance to S-level in the present world.

According to the current progress of the script, Night Crow No. 2 obviously has no chance to "collect all" the blood of origin. Therefore, she will not let go of any vampires she encounters in the next script.

Night Crow No. 2 found a clearing at the edge of the grove, and as if afraid that the male protagonist would not find it, she controlled the blood-colored chain to pick up a pile of dry firewood and lit a large pile of Bonfire.

Well, the affectionate "male supporting actor" ignored the possible danger and insisted on warming and grilling the hungry and almost hypothermic heroine. There is nothing wrong with that.

I don't know what went wrong. Night Crow No. 2 took care of the heroine with a stern face and silence for almost two hours. The late figure of the male protagonist appeared under the bright moon in the distance.

Night Crow No. 2 stood up with a stern face, coldly told the overly lively heroine to hide, and then turned to meet the aggressive "chasing" male protagonist.

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