Inside the "Never-ending Studios", outside a small forest near the town of Graystone.

A few suspicious noises that didn't seem like a fierce battle suddenly sounded, and then everything fell silent.

The heroine "Shabas" hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help sneaking out from behind the bunker - in fact, Night Crow No. 2 found it, but pretended not to find it - and then, she just happened to see the broken body of the hero falling from the sky and falling to the ground. An extremely familiar, horrified face with eyes open in death, whether it was a coincidence or something, happened to be facing her direction.


The heroine immediately recognized the "happy enemy" who had accompanied her all the way and brought her infinite joy. The heroine shouted in grief and rushed out from behind the bunker.

The large cloak that was not fixed was blown up by the airflow because of the heroine's overly violent movements, rolling and flying, and finally fell into the dust and stained with dirt.

The heroine lay on the tattered body of the hero and cried bitterly. After a long while, she raised her head with tears in her eyes and looked at Night Crow No. 2 who was standing quietly beside her. She asked in great pain:

"What did he do wrong? How could you be so cruel?!"

At this time, Night Crow No. 2 was actually quite impatient.

——The hero was dead, why hasn't this broken script ended yet?

But if the character is broken here, this body of "Carlo" cannot be taken away without additional cheating...

So, Night Crow No. 2 answered painfully, melancholy, and forbearingly according to the character setting - in fact, it was the lines of "Carlo" in other scenes: "Being a vampire is the biggest mistake."

"Being a vampire?" The heroine looked at "Carlo" with disbelief, and her voice unconsciously became sharp, "Aren't you a vampire?!"

"...""Carlo" moved his lips a few times, and his expression became more and more painful, "Yes... I am."

"Hehe..." The beautiful red-haired woman smiled in a suppressed and desperate manner, and her beautiful face was full of sadness, "Ha, haha..."

While maintaining his acting skills, Night Crow No. 2 watched coldly as the AI ​​generated by the "Filter Patch" according to the script character setting performed to its heart's content. He felt neither sad nor happy in his heart, but only felt extremely impatient.

--Hurry up and finish it! I'm in a hurry to test my new body!

On the other side, the heroine laughed and laughed, her laughter changed from suppressed to unbridled, from low to high.

Suddenly, she stopped laughing, turned back and caressed the hero's face lovingly, and after a while, she slowly, slowly lowered her body.

Fine, continuous biting and swallowing sounds continued to sound, shocking Night Crow No. 2 who was working on a character setting.

What the hell is this? What's going on?

Is this the legendary blackening?

But this is too black, right? ! It has to be censored!

Night Crow No. 2 looked at the heroine's outrageous operation in a daze, and couldn't figure out how to continue the play for a long time.

Fortunately, it seemed that "Carlo" didn't need to respond at this time.

Soon, in just about two minutes, the heroine had eaten the hero whole, including bones and hair.

She was silent for a while, and suddenly she slowly floated up as if she was about to transform. Her soft and slightly curly red hair was like seaweed, ignoring gravity and fluttering in the night sky like red silk.

An ominous blood-colored airflow surrounded the heroine, lifting her blood-colored skirt.

Suddenly, the heroine turned around and stared at "Carlo" who was still standing silently beside her with tears and blood in her eyes. Her voice was shrill and somewhat hysterical:

"Just because he is a vampire, you have to kill him, so, what about me? Are you going to kill me too?"

... Girl, do I know you well?

Night Crow No. 2 wanted to say this, but considering that she couldn't collapse her character, she could only act like a show, staring at the other party in great pain, and answered in a suppressed voice:

"Vampires...all have to die, whether it's you or me."

In the script, Carlo at this time did not give up his ambition to exterminate vampires including himself.

"...Okay, very good!" The heroine laughed wildly while she shed tears of blood, "Then come on! Try to kill me!"


Half a minute later.

The heroine, whose red dress was soaked by a large pool of blood, lay on her back on the muddy ground, her distracted eyes staring blankly at the bright moon in the night sky that seemed to never move, and whispered weakly:

"××× (name of the male protagonist), I'm here to find you... Will we meet... in... hell...?"

As a crystal, shining teardrop slid down from the corner of her eye, she died.

As soon as the heroine died, the surroundingThe scene suddenly began to darken.

In just a few seconds, all that was left in front of Night Crow No. 2 was pure darkness, and a huge white sentence floating in the middle of her vision: "The End of the Play".

"..." Night Crow No. 2 pulled the corner of her mouth and silently called Kampers, "What should I do next?"

Text: "The phone brick said that role transformation and adaptive adjustment will take some time, estimated to be one hour and twenty minutes."

"Oh... Then I'll take a nap first, call me when you're ready."



"Rumor has it that there is an office", the lounge on the second floor.

As soon as Night Crow, in the form of a day angel, came in, she found Lucia lying on the sofa, concentrating on reading a book.

When she got closer, Night Crow was so scared that she exclaimed on the spot: "The Love Manual?! Lucia, do you want to fall in love?!"

"No way!" Lucia jumped up with a big reaction, "This is for Vera!"

It wasn't that Lucia wanted to fall in love, so Night Crow relaxed immediately.

She patted her chest to calm her frightened heart, and asked in confusion: "Vera? What happened to her?"

Vera Vickers, the reincarnation of Vivian Grot, the owner of the "Rose and Rose" cafe in the ancient city of Fever, the daughter of a clergyman of the Church of Light, and a good friend that Lucia got to know and became familiar with again.

"She broke up again, alas..." Lucia sighed and lay back in her original position.

"'Again'?" Night Crow asked curiously.

"Yes, again..." Black Cat sighed, looking distressed, "I finally found a good partner, but after only six months of dating, the other party broke up with the reason that 'you are too good, making me always worried about gains and losses, and ashamed of myself'..."

"Uh... think about it on the bright side, at least I didn't meet a scumbag." Night Crow comforted her with something better than nothing.

"What's good about that!" Lucia sighed again, "Vivian was like this before. She dated either a high-quality man who thought she was not worthy of him and took the initiative to break up, or a stingy gigolo who was self-righteous and didn't even want to pay the minimum cost, and gave broccoli, kale and colorful leaf lettuce as flowers and thought he was unique and romantic..."


"Fortunately, those gigolos couldn't get past me in the end, otherwise Vivian might have really picked one to marry with the mentality of keeping a flower pot..."

"Emmm..." Night Crow scratched his head, tried to hold back, but couldn't help it, and asked hesitantly, "So, um, how did you Guarding the gate...?"

"That one." Lucia said with disdain, "There's no need to guard it at all. Vivian treated me like her own daughter and raised me in luxury. Almost all the expenses were the best and most expensive. Those stingy gigolos who regarded Vivian's property as their own before they got married simply couldn't accept it. "

"On one side is a crude flower pot that is actually not very good, and on the other side is a daughter. Of course, the daughter is more important! So the gigolos were dumped in the end. "

"Yeah, I see..." Night Crow nodded, and then asked, "Now that Vivian has been reincarnated... Is Vera's luck in love still the same?"

"Yes..." Lucia nodded helplessly.

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