"Castle Tales", originally named "Castle Thirteen Days Tales", was originally a game-based ghost story, but later fell into Lenari's hands and was fed to mobile bricks by her.

After mobile bricks digested and reorganized "Castle Thirteen Days Tales", after "Castle Thirteen Days Tales" was "re-launched", the "castle" element was barely retained, but the "thirteenth day" element disappeared without a trace...

In response, Lenari decisively asked mobile bricks to change the name of this game that had become unrecognizable.

After chatting casually in the chat room for a while, Lenari closed the chat room interface and officially separated a trace of consciousness equal to that of "Night Crow", and injected it into the body of the former Night Crow No. 2, now Night Crow No. 4, named "Kalodira".

——It was said that "Night Crow No. 2" is the unified code name of the temporary clone, so it is.

"Carlo Dila" was originally named "Carlo", a product of "Castle Tales". After being carefully adjusted and designed by Night Crow and Lucia, her appearance is very different from the original one.

This humanoid body is tall, with charming curves, white skin as if it has never been exposed to the sun, long black hair with slightly curled ends, and blood-red eyes that are both dangerous and charming.

The clothes on her body were decided by Night Crow and Lucia after a fierce discussion and consulting professionals. It is a set of all-black, slim-fitting, heavy-textured shirts, trousers, long windbreakers and mid-heeled boots decorated with belts, dark gold metal and a small amount of rubies.

Overall, "Carlo Dila" looks both cool and charming, with a magical style of a vampire deliberately dressed as a medieval vampire hunter.


On the second floor of "Rumor has a family office", in the room shared by the Night Crows.

Night Raven No. 4-Kalodira opened her eyes, pushed open the cover with dark red velvet lining in front of her, stepped out of the coffin-like "bed" transformed by the rumor, and stretched lazily.

Just after stretching, a prompt popped up on the virtual mobile phone interface of the mobile phone brick.

Kalodira opened the invitation text message sent by Night Raven to become a "Gods Space" trialist without any surprise, and clicked OK without thinking.

——"Night Raven" has made an appointment with someone to carry out the subsequent "Artificial Moon Plan" of Viren Star on the 3rd of this month. In order to avoid any unexpected delays, Lenari plans to let this clone stay at home for the next two days.

The default background of the personal space of "Gods Space" is as perfunctory and stylish as always.

Kalodira admired the starry sky of the universe that she had not seen for a long time, and then withdrew her attention without interest, looking at the familiar input box floating in the center of her vision.

[Please enter the name: ______ (Note: This name will be used as the name and ID of the trialist in the Gods Space. It cannot be changed without special props.)]

Obviously, the "Gods Space" has very tactfully distinguished "Night Crow" from "Kalodila".

Kalodila used her mind to enter the name "Blood Realm Queen", a rare middle school feeling from Lucia, and then opened the personal attribute panel of the current "account".

[Trialist: Kalodila

Overall score: A

Combat power: A

Mystery: A

Survivability: S

Ability: Blood Realm

Props: Artifact-Castle Hunting Suit, Hunting Thorns]

"Artifact-Castle Hunting Suit" is the outfit Kalodila is currently wearing, and it is made by the same master of refining as the "Sea Moon Heavenly Clothes" and "Sun Heavenly Clothes" on Night Crow.

The weapon master was named "Hua Silu", nicknamed "Golden Thread Fairy", a cultivator who had just entered the Spiritualization Stage, a weapon master specially trained by a major sect, who had never fought many times in his life, and was particularly good at refining clothing-related magic weapons.

Hua Silu's aesthetics and clothing design level were unquestionable, and she was also very good at accepting new things, but Lenari suspected that she was a bad name, but unfortunately there was no evidence...

"Hunting Thorns" was Lenari's own work, a special magic weapon specially tailored for "Kalodira", with the main body hidden in the blood world and using thorn-shaped chains as a means of attack.

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