Hearing Carlodila's rather sudden words, the humanoid figure's face, which looked like a plaster sculpture, showed no expression, as if it was really just a stiff dead object.

As always, the humanoid figure hid its mental fluctuations very well. Carlodila, who was suppressed to the B-level cap in all aspects, could not see any clues for a while even though she had prepared and concentrated her mind to observe carefully.

It's just...

"...There has never been any 'hero'." The plaster-like humanoid said slowly, finally giving up the performance, "There are only a group of mortals who have their own thoughts but have to join forces, and their respective representatives."

Not surprisingly, Kalodila nodded, and asked again with some curiosity: "So, what 'hero' are you?"

"Eighth." The plaster-like humanoid still had no expression on his face, and spoke so slowly that it made people anxious, "Can we know the purpose of your coming to this world?"

In response, Kalodila felt that there was nothing worth hiding, and shrugged sincerely and said: "Recover the orb on the other side."

"...'Recover'?" The plaster-like humanoid - the former "eighth hero" repeated the word in a low voice, as if trying to chew out the true meaning behind Kalodila's words.

Carlodila was not unhappy about the suspicion of the "Eighth Hero" - after all, she looked like she was cheated by the "Goddess of Savior" in the name of recovering and purifying the Orb of the Other Shore. Instead, she patiently explained:

"At least so far, I really just want to recover it... A great being once made a contract with this world, and 'recovering the Orb of the Other Shore' is the end of this contract."

The "Eighth Hero" fell silent, his plaster-like eyebrows drooping, as if humble and thoughtful.

After a while, he raised his eyelids and asked without seeing or hearing any emotion:

"Do we have the honor to know the name of this great being?"

Carlodila thought about it and found that if this question really needed to be explained clearly, it would be really troublesome...

So, she shook her head with a regretful expression and spread her hands: "It's too troublesome to explain it clearly... I'm too lazy to talk about it."

"..."The Eighth Hero" was silent.

"However," Carlodila spoke again, holding a particularly thick black cover book with an unknown black metal corner guard in her left hand. At the same time, her expression naturally became pious and a little fanatical, "If you don't mind, I can introduce you to my Lord 'Eternal Darkness', He..."

Imitating the missionary of the folk sect "Dark God Cult" in Phantom City, Carlodila performed a hearty impromptu performance as if no one was around.

——The holy book in her hand was not even the version published by the Dark God Cult itself, but the "True Holy Book" compiled by Kampers himself, certified by Lenari, and never intended to be passed on. Most people will go crazy after reading it.

In the dim and empty underground hall, time passed quietly.

I don't know how long it took, Carlodila finally ended this uninterrupted, almost perfect missionary performance with a sense of satisfaction, and her mood unconsciously became particularly happy.

——She had wanted to perform this in its entirety for a long time, but unfortunately she had never encountered a suitable opportunity...

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