Lenari shook his head: "Just let Lucia live in... There are secrets everywhere in the underground area, right? It's not appropriate for a superpower like me to live in it."

Miles nodded gently, turned into the bedroom and took out the black cat who was sleeping soundly, and said: "This time Lucia ate a whole flower in one breath... I should be able to get this done before she wakes up."

"That's the best." Lenari said, "I'll move back first, anyway, it's the same anywhere."

"Understood, I'll go there as soon as Lucia is settled." Miles said.

"No, you just stay with Lucia and take care of her." Lenari said, "I don't plan to go out in the near future."

Miles hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.


Dark Realm.

Lenari's real body took out a commemorative silver coin and muttered: "Iris's inherited blood crystal is suitable for Lucia... Iris's inherited blood crystal is suitable for Lucia..."

Repeated this several times, Lenari closed his eyes, threw the silver coin up, and let it fall freely.

The silver coin rolled around until it lay flat.

The reverse side.

"..." Lenari pursed his lips, picked up the silver coin with his shadow hand, closed his eyes and silently recited the content he wanted to divination several times, and threw~

The reverse side.

"..." Lenari had no expression, and the shadow hand picked up the silver coin again.

The reverse side, the reverse side, the reverse side...


When the reverse side appeared for the 100th time, Lenari sighed and gave up completely.

"Uh..." Kampers, who had been observing silently for a long time, spoke carefully, "This shows that you have learned divination magic well, and you have never made a mistake."

"You can keep silent, really." Lenari said sincerely.

"..." Kampers pretended to be dead silently.


It is rumored that there is an office.

Lenari, who moved back again, slumped in the boss chair without a proper posture, spinning in circles while thinking about what he would do next.

First, I formally asked Team 7 for some information about the "evolutionary route" and the corresponding teaching materials, at least I had to make my magic clear.

Next, I had to find a way to make Lucia stronger... It's better to be safe than sorry, only being strong is the most reliable.


Since the satellite video has spread, the rumor of "the strongest dark system" has also spread inexplicably...

Perhaps, if I show a stronger attitude to the outside world, I can kill one by one, kill two by two, and kill those who are full and bored, which can save a lot of trouble.

In addition, it's better to lean on a big tree for shade, and I have to manage my identity as a non-staff member of Team 7 well.

Of course, I can just join Team 7 directly.


It seems that there is no end, my "life" is still long.

Speaking of which, why does "Carmenante's strange story" exist?

And myself, this exaggerated "freedom" is still unique so far...


Thinking about it, Lenari went off topic and didn't care.

In the boundless and unrestrained imagination, an idea suddenly came to Lenari's mind and took root.

——If, Rumored to Have an Office can move freely like a small free space, it would be great.

In this way, there is no need to worry about being robbed, and the Scarlet War Book and other monsters that must know the exact address cannot come to the door.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he felt that this was a good idea. Lenari was excited, and the shadow hand diligently brought the notebook and turned it on.

[Forever Gothic Lolita: Are you there?

Where do so many zhong er: What's the matter?

Forever Gothic Lolita: ... Your nickname?

Where do so many zhong er: Oh, I just feel about those guys on the dark web who are crazy about chasing the false title of "the strongest".

Forever Gothic Lolita: Oh... Is there a way to turn Rumored to Have an Office into a free space?

Where do so many zhong er: ... You think too highly of me.

Where do so many second-year students come from: You should ask the super-class magicians in the Magic Association about this kind of thing.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Speaking of this, I want the knowledge of the "six major evolutionary routes" and the corresponding textbooks.

Where do so many second-year students come from: Did the last "challenger" tell you?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Not really a challenger, she's seeking death...

Where do so many second-year students come from: I see... The "illusion" mechanism of the Scarlet Arena is really harmful.

Where do so many second-year students come from: No problem, but I can only give you the most rough introduction to the "demonizer".

Forever Gothic Lolita: I understand, I just happen to have no interest in this route.

Forever Gothic Lolita: By the way, do you have Lucia's complete physical examination data? What evolutionary route is she suitable for?

Where do so many second-year students come from: Uh, about this...

ForeverGothic Lolita: Go ahead, I can handle it, no matter what it is.

Where are all the chuunibun: Lucia's situation is very special. If the "qualifications" of people... creatures are compared to "skill grids", her "eternal youth" happens to occupy all the grids...

Forever Gothic Lolita: ...

Where are all the chuunibun: If you want to protect her, I suggest starting with "external objects".

Forever Gothic Lolita: For example?

Where are all the chuunibun: Magic props, such as space accessories, disposable magic scrolls, Gundam, etc. that are common in novels.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Gundam what, the style is wrong, right? ! Add an alchemy textbook!

Where are all the chuunibun: No problem! By the way, do you want to do an evolutionary route adaptability test by the way?

(Lenari thought for a moment.)

Forever Gothic Lolita: Sure, when?

Where are all the chuunibun: If you have time, now is fine.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Okay, old place.

Where do so many middle school students come from: Well, I'll let Elizabeth pick you up. 】


The test results are unremarkable. Lenari's adaptability of the five evolutionary routes is "high".

In the current standards implemented by Team 7, the adaptability of the evolutionary route is divided into only four levels: high, medium, low, and incompatible. All of them are "high", which can be said to be an extremely rare situation.

However, the members of Team 7 present did not seem surprised at all.

Seeing Lenari's doubts, Anthony, who had a rare opportunity to follow and watch the fun, took the initiative to explain: "The Ice Son has similar data. Not only him, but many psychics with S-level ability assessments have exaggerated adaptability test results."

"I see..." Lenari nodded.

"Otherwise, why do people say that psychics born with S-level abilities are God's own sons/daughters?" Anthony laughed and teased.

Just at this time, the "teaching materials" allocated to Lenari by Team 7 arrived.

After putting several boxes of teaching materials into the dark realm, Lenari said to Anthony: "By the way, how do you set up a sufficiently secure account on the dark web?"

"Well, I'll ask the Intelligence Department to get you one later." Anthony said casually.

"Is it so casual?" Lenari asked in confusion.

"This should be considered a tacit understanding between the dark web and Team 7." Anthony shrugged, "Team 7 won't pursue them, and they can't refuse Team 7's 'reasonable' use of the dark web."

"I see." Lenari nodded, and then asked, "How is Valya?"

"It seems that it can't be done in a short time..." Anthony smiled bitterly.

"Forget it, no rush." ​​Lenari said.

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