[Not a natural fool: In theory, first come first served. Once you have locked on to the target, just shout in this chat room.

Forever Gothic Lolita: In theory?

Not a natural fool: Because someone is not convenient to take action, we can only send "subordinates", and there is a possibility that they cannot win. [funny.jpg]

Forever Gothic Lolita: So it's okay to send subordinates! By the way [funny.jpg]

Nuclear explosion: Hey!

Not a natural fool: As long as there is a superior-subordinate relationship in name and in reality, and the corresponding "order" has been clearly issued.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I see, I learned it.

Forever Gothic Lolita: By the way, Team 7 doesn't seem to know the basic information of "Trial of the Brave"?

Nuclear explosion: The confidentiality level... The truth of "Midnight Bell" is too involved, and we can't interfere too much, so we just set it to the highest confidentiality level.

Nuclear explosion: There is no problem with you continuing to sell intelligence, just don't reveal the real key.

Forever Gothic Lolita: [ok.jpg]

Forever Gothic Lolita: About the "fake doctor"...

Nuclear Explosion: Don't worry about this. As long as you are not hostile to the Green Star Federation, there are very few people who have the authority to see this information.

Forever Gothic Lolita: That's good. By the way, I caught 8 of them.

Forever Gothic Lolita: [8 humanoids tied up like dumplings by the shadow's little hands.jpg]

Not a natural fool: "Darkness" is really a very convenient attribute...

Not a natural fool: [5 humanoids frozen together.jpg]

Nuclear Explosion:! ? ? ?

Nuclear Explosion: There are only 13 in total! ! !

Not a natural fool: This "invader" doesn't know how to hide at all.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Yes, the presence in Destiny is as conspicuous as a high-altitude flare at night.

Nuclear Explosion: ...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Will the mission be completed if we kill them? Is erosion transformation okay?

Nuclear Explosion: Didn't you say that I should tell you! ? And what the hell is erosion transformation!

Not a Natural Fool: Yes, when the erosion transformation exceeds a certain level, the "world" will remind you that the mission is completed. By the way, when it comes to the distribution method, it has been a while since the capture.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Yes, I should have explained it right at the beginning.

Nuclear Explosion: ...

Nuclear Explosion: Forget it... Well, it's a routine matter, and I'm asking for a lot of money, tickets or samples.

Forever Gothic Lolita: One pound of valuable living meat in exchange for a textbook, high-level and above, can be delivered to your door.

Nuclear Explosion: There's no need to deliver it to your door, just let your team seven deliver it. Two pounds each.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Okay.

Not a Natural Fool: Hmm...

Nuclear Explosion: I don't really want to hear it.

Not a natural idiot: No need to listen, just watch.

Not a natural idiot: A living, complete one, for a star flower.

Nuclear explosion: ...

Nuclear explosion: The doctors will cry.

Not a natural idiot: 1 hour, if you exceed the time, the score will be reduced.

Nuclear explosion: What the hell is the score reduction! It's not a game!

Not a natural idiot: It will affect the reward.

Nuclear explosion: ... OK, I'll tell you.

Forever Gothic Lolita: It turns out that the time spent on completing the task will affect the evaluation... I'll log off first, and talk about it another day.

Not a natural idiot: Well, talk about it another day.

Nuclear explosion: ... This is not a dating platform. 】


Dark territory.

Lenari's attention shifted away from the clone in the bedroom, and he looked up and down at the 8 human figures stacked together and shivering.

In many cases, divination is really like a cheat.

For example, this time, Lenari just let the dark domain quietly extend on the surface of Green Star, and then divine...

With Lenari's current information processing ability, the volume of "global" is obviously seriously exceeded, but if divination is used, the most difficult step of "information screening" can be skipped, and the correct answer can be found directly from the huge and complicated ocean of information.

After all, the so-called divination is essentially seeking answers from "fate", and the only thing the diviner needs to prepare is "a certain degree of intersection" with the target in terms of fate.

As a "dark incarnation" to a certain extent, Lenari has the biggest advantage over human diviners, that is, she can use the dark domain to receive but not process information, so that she can be in a magical state of "knowing and not knowing" in terms of fate, so that the divination that should be "seeking the unknown on the known" becomes a simpler and more accurate "seeking the known in the known".

Similarly, since learning divination, Lenari no longer needs to refer to the reference object to jump slowly when she wants to go to a relatively far and unfamiliar place... At least, in the reach of the dark domain, she has truly realized "wherever you want to go, you can go".Where are you going?"

Lenari looked around for a moment, picked a female figure that he liked, and asked the shadow hand to take her out and free her head.

As soon as the female figure's mouth was free, she spoke eagerly: "@#¥%&..."

...There is indeed a language barrier.

Lenari looked at the female figure silently, pondered for a moment, and asked the shadow hand to tie her up again, and by the way, cut two and a half kilograms of living meat from each of the eight figures.

I don't know what these human figures are. As a race, the self-healing ability is quite strong. After losing two and a half kilograms of living flesh, the wounds were already wriggling and closing before much blood flowed, and they healed quickly.

After sending the living flesh away, Lenari asked the shadow hand to pick out the one that he disliked the most, and let the tip of one of the little hands turn into a spike and pierce it into its head without mercy.

——This time, Lenari wanted to try the "erosion" attribute of the dark domain.


About 20 minutes later.

6 of the 8 humanoids were scrapped, and in the eyes of the last two desperate In the divine world, the thorny shadow hand ruthlessly pierced into the second-to-last figure's forehead.

This second-to-last figure is a handsome man by human standards, with long silver hair like satin, blue eyes like the sky, fair skin, long legs, and outstanding temperament.

——If you ignore the two curved horns on his head, he will definitely attract a lot of men and women when he walks on the street.

Not long after the dark domain spike pierced this handsome man's forehead, his expression, which was distorted by his struggle, became dull, and his eyes rolled back. , his muscles twitched from time to time, looking like he was broken.

After about 8 minutes, the handsome guy suddenly struggled and twitched violently, and after a few breaths he calmed down completely, and was softly hung in the air by the shadow's little hand, motionless.

The shadow's little hand threw the handsome guy aside, and Lenari's always calm, academic-like gaze turned to the last female figure who was also picked out at the beginning.

The female figure lay quietly on the ground, her beautiful purple eyes dim, as if she had accepted her fate.

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