Time goes back to the time when the Dark Lord was thrown out of the Black and Red Theater.

Outside a dimly lit room in the inner hall of a certain underground palace, a white-haired old woman once again stood quietly outside the closed door, staring at the stone door with cloudy eyes mixed with worry, fear and numbness.

It has been too long, since the Lord went to the Scarlet Arena to challenge the Son of Darkness, it has been too long...

So long that she no longer dared to have any expectations.

It was just a routine under resistance and despair, but unexpectedly, this time, a slight movement suddenly came from the dead silent room.

This movement was extremely weak and could be ignored if you were not careful, but it sounded like thunder to the old woman's ears.

The old woman's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she subconsciously wanted to push the door forward. Just after taking half a step, she hesitated and stopped.

The person in the room was the noble monarch, the unquestionable leader of the Dark Spirit Clan, and was no longer the introverted little girl who was raised by her.

After hesitating for a while, thinking about the excessively long "decisive" time and the possibility that the other party was seriously injured, the old woman was finally filled with concern and worry.

She took a few steps forward and knocked on the heavy stone door with some force.

There was no response from the room.

The old woman became even more worried. After waiting for a while, she knocked on the door again.

There was still no response from the room.

The old woman gritted her teeth, stopped hesitating, took a deep breath, and pushed the door open.

The stone door slowly opened with a dull low sound.

At first glance, the old woman saw a woman curled up on the ground, in a mess.

"Enti!" The old woman exclaimed, regardless of etiquette and scruples, and ran forward quickly to check the condition of the woman she called "Enti".


Enti was not actually injured, but she closed her senses, restrained her strength, and let the gravel hit her body, so she looked embarrassed.

Bleeding from all seven orifices?

Oh, that was just the aftershock of the fierce confrontation of high-level power. It's not serious, really not serious.

In short, the old woman hurriedly gave first aid, and I don't know which action triggered the "crisis relief reminder" reserved by the dark lord Enti, and successfully woke her up.

Seeing Enti wake up calmly and looking fine, the old woman finally let go of her worries.

"Sorry... I heard some noise in the room, and I knocked on the door several times but got no response, so..." the old woman said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, there's no one else here, teacher, you don't have to do this." Enti said slowly, his voice as low and gentle as always.

In response, the old woman subconsciously chose to change the subject: "Anyway, it's good to win..."

"No, I lost." Enti calmly told the truth.

The old woman was stunned, and didn't come back to her senses for a long time: "But..."

"The Scarlet Arena has become the possession of the Dark Son, and it is reasonable that the rules have changed." Enti said, reaching out to pick up the full-face mask that fell to the side.

"..." The old woman knelt on the cold stone tiles, staring blankly at the dark lord slowly getting up, her mind blank.

Seeing this, Enti stopped tidying up her messy clothes and patiently explained: "I lost, but the future of the Dark Spirit Clan is not lost."

"The gods exist, at the end of the purification road." Enti said, his usually calm face like a sculpture was full of fanaticism, "I lost, but I felt God."

"He is there, I, the Dark Spirit Clan, don't need to question myself." Enti declared firmly.

All along, she has been carrying the title of "Dark Lord" alone, playing the role of the "beacon" of the Dark Spirits with her fragile strength and false power, and was forced to stifle all her self-expression. Even the teacher who raised her and treated her like a mother had to distance herself from her.

Now, she no longer has to do this.

The Dark Spirits no longer have to be trembling with fear, fearing that when their beliefs collapse and they doubt themselves, they will be irresistibly shattered into a pile of fine crystal sand.

As an ancient alien blood, the Dark Spirits are a very wonderful existence in the eyes of today's humans.

They are the followers of darkness, with dark talents that are almost like elemental life. They do not like but are not afraid of sunlight. They are usually no different from humans, but when they doubt themselves, they will collapse into a pile of inorganic dark spirit crystals.

For the Dark Spirits, "shaking" usually means death. What's worse is that the dark spirit crystal is a very precious extraordinary material.

As time goes by, the once extremely powerful Dark Spirit Clan is now hiding and on the verge of extinction, and many precious heritages have been lost.

As a result, they had to secretly place an order with the Super Energy Factory to customize a half-blood that would not easily turn into crystal sand to serve as a "spiritual leader".

For such Dark Spirit Clan, the fact that "God is real and touchable" is enough.

The scary thing is not the difficult road ahead, but the lack of a way out.

"During this period, the clan"Has anything happened?" En asked.

"No, everything went well." The old woman answered subconsciously.

Enti nodded slightly and said, "Notify the elders to hold a meeting at midnight."

"Understood." The old woman instinctively obeyed the order, then realized the problem and advised with some concern, "You should rest for a while..."

Enti shook his head: "The fact of the challenge is on the dark web, and we can't delay. ”

“…” The old woman sighed in her heart, stood up silently, and immediately said goodbye and left to inform several elders.

In today's information society where there are all kinds of magical things on the Internet, the Dark Spirit Clan is very cautious about the act of "going online", for fear of seeing some weird remarks and being shocked and turning into sand on the spot.

However, standing still is tantamount to self-destruction.

Therefore, in the middle of each month, the Dark Spirit Clan will organize the tribesmen who have passed the mental evaluation in batches to go online to accept new things from the outside world.

Of course, the Dark Spirit Clan also has accounts on the dark web, although there are only two.

Strange Stories "Ghost Villa".

Lenari rolled up Wang Bao with his tentacle-like "hair" and observed him carefully from top to bottom.

"Sure enough, just this level of contact will not cause pollution to you." Lenari said.

"Woof..." Wang Bao called weakly, with a scared face.

"Don't worry, I just want you to confirm the situation of the rumored office and pass the message to Lucia. "Lenari extended his twisted abstract "arm" out of the wall and touched Wang Bao's furry head.

By the way, Lenari's current image is a black, twisted humanoid "silhouette", a flat one, without facial features or details, and with heavy "pollution".

"Wang?" Wang Bao tilted his head in confusion, as if he didn't understand Lenari's words.

"I am now in a state that carries a very serious "pollution", and "ordinary creatures" including Lucia can't bear it." Lenari explained patiently, "As for the office, there are too many "cracks" in the constant dark field there, and it is difficult not to be affected... But now, just "looking" itself will affect "ordinary things." "

"You didn't need to do much in the past, just take some photos and videos." Lenari said "gently", "Of course, it would be better to be able to "perceive" the details directly. "

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