t have meritorious deeds and are not recognized by the people, that is to say, your virtues are not matched. If you insist on conferring a god, not only will you not succeed, but a catastrophe may occur, so you must be very cautious. Moreover, the court’s decision to confer a god is not

simply It’s a matter of an edict. The imperial court also has to pay a price for conferring gods, which is at the expense of the national destiny. The greater the priesthood, the more national destiny it has to pay. …” Henry Zhang completely let go,


the He didn’t stop carving, and he didn’t stop speaking. He kept talking wherever he thought. What he said included both ready-made content from previous life legends, and some of his own understanding, which he added privately. No one could stand up to question him anyway, so he just followed his own words.

Liu Meng had been listening attentively. He didn’t look like he was listening to a story, but the more he listened, the more shocked he became. He understood many things, but his doubts became more and more numerous.

When Bai Wuchang carved the words “Bai Wuchang God’s Throne”, the black and yellow air rolled in the sky and poured down.

Henry Zhang felt trapped in the huge warm current again.

Zhang Xuan promised Liu Meng to carve a few more door god statues in the morning, so he started carving.

Then, Henry Zhang thought about carving a statue of a god for the little girl and aunt.

Zhang Xuan helped Liu Meng carve a statue of the door god again, this time it was changed to the image of Yu Chigong, but of course the face was still Liu Meng’s.

After carving the statue, Henry Zhang carved the four words “Simen guards the throne of the door god” on the back of the statue.

Sure enough, there was another warm current.

Henry Zhang then carved two pairs of door god statues. After all, there are two door gods. Of course, they were carved based on Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong.

Counting the one carved yesterday, Henry Zhang carved six door god statues for Liu Meng.

Why are there so many carvings?

Actually not much anymore!

Firstly, I will receive benefits every time I carve; secondly, Uncle Meng keeps too much money!

Then, Henry Zhang began to carve statues for his aunt Liu and the little girl.

oh! It seems inappropriate to continue calling the statue!

Because Henry Zhang didn’t think of gods from past lives that fit these two people, he gave up and thought about it later.

Henry Zhang imagined his childhood aunt’s appearance when she was young, and based on the little girl’s eyebrows, he began to sculpt Liu.

After a while, the carving was completed. This time there was no wording on the back of the statue. Henry Zhang handed it to the little girl and continued to carve it.

The little girl took the statue of her mother and said happily: “My brother carved this for my mother. It looks great!” Then the little girl put down the carving knife in her hand and hugged the statue of her mother tightly in her arms.

After a while, Henry Zhang finished carving the statue he made for the little girl, and handed it to the little girl. The little girl liked it even more, hugged her tightly, and never let go.

Henry Zhang also confirmed one thing, if there are no statues carved with the names of gods in previous lives, there will be no warmth. I had just carved it for Aunt Liu and the little girl, but there was no warmth.

After the carving was completed, the sun had already set in the west and was about to set.

Henry Zhang stood up and handed the five door god statues and two black and white statues to Liu Meng.

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Henry Zhang sent away Liu Meng and the little girl who were carrying statues of gods, and then looked at the large handful of copper coins on the counter in a daze, which was much more than the amount in the morning.

These were what Liu Meng grabbed out of his arms when he left just now. He didn’t count many of them and put them all on Henry Zhang’s counter.

Henry Zhang feels so tired today and feels tired. However, thinking about Liu Meng’s confused expression at that time, wanting to ask but not daring to continue, I felt secretly happy.

Haha, it feels good to cheat the king!

Chapter 22 I seem to have discovered something amazing.

Henry Zhang recalled it, and it seemed that he had forgotten to draw the door god picture.

Let’s paint again tomorrow!

At this time, the sky has reached Youshi.

Looking at the two big statues in the courtyard, Henry Zhang picked up two pieces of rain cloth and covered the two statues.

I took a broom and swept the yard briefly, and then did Tai Chi twice.

Dinner is still brown rice. I really don’t have time to pound the rice today, so my original wish to eat polished rice has to be postponed.

In fact, if you are willing to give up firewood, brown rice can also be made softer.

Henry Zhang is not as frugal as the original owner. He is not used to eating that kind of rough rice that irritates his throat.

Henry Zhang took out the brown rice that had been soaked in water at noon, then put it into a large pot, added firewood and started cooking.

Bring to a boil over high heat, simmer for a while, then take it out, put it on the steamer and fumigate for a while; Henry Zhang repeated this operation two or three times, and finally stopped when he saw that the brown rice had become soft and glutinous. Of course, the consumption of firewood was also very high. big.

Henry Zhang took a look and found that with this method, the firewood in the kitchen would last for two or three days at most.

After serving the brown rice, Henry fried a plate of green vegetables with lard.

Eating soft and glutinous brown rice and a bite of fried green vegetables, Henry Zhang almost shed tears of happiness.

After dinner, Henry Zhang filled another bowl of brown rice – uncooked rice, then inserted the chopsticks and placed them in front of the statue.

Normally, two meals would be made in the evening, and today was no exception. Henry Zhang left the remaining rice in the steamer for tomorrow morning, when it would be slightly warmed before eating.

After everything was cleaned up, Henry Zhang sat down cross-legged and continued to meditate instead of sleeping.

Liu Meng took the little girl Liu Han’er back to the papermaking shop. The little girl showed the two statues in her arms to Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu picked up the statue of her own image from the little girl’s arms. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. I have to say that Henry Zhang’s carving skills are really good.

The statue of Mrs. Liu carved by Henry Zhang was about 20 years old. The facial image was carved by Zhang Xuan by combining the facial images of Mrs. Liu and the little girl. It may not be exactly the same as Mrs. Liu when she was young, but it should be indistinguishable, with a light sweep of Emei. , almond-shaped eyes, straight bridge of nose, small cherry mouth, smile between lips and teeth, all kinds of charm; a set of splendid long skirt covers the whole body, the long skirt is embroidered with white clouds, clusters of flowers, golden phoenixes dancing among the clouds, luxurious atmosphere. At a glance, it looks like the fairy Chang’e is coming to the mortal world.

“Xiao Xuan’s craftsmanship is so good now, much better than his father’s!” Mrs. Liu held it in her hand and looked at it repeatedly. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

Liu Meng placed several statues of gods in his arms on the table.

Liu Meng carefully looked at the five statues of gods carved by Henry Zhang for him today. They were placed together with the one from yesterday, making exactly three pairs.

Liu Meng focused on the new statues today, which were the ones carved according to Yu Chigong.

The first and most obvious thing is that the weapons in their hands are different. One is holding a pair of tile-faced gold maces, and the other is a pair of ink bamboo stee

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