After these two battles, uh... If it was to raise the ring ruler twice in a row and then hit it to count the battle, Feng Gongqing had a vague understanding of his strength.

The general ghost is not his own enemy at all, and the red-clothed ghost is probably not his opponent, and as for the words of the ghost king above, it is not clear.

Because the strength of the ghost king is too strong, it is almost two species with ordinary ghosts. You must not use the strength of ordinary ghosts to calculate the strength of the ghost king.

Feng Gongqing secretly said that this strength is enough, there are too few ghost kings, as far as he knows, there is a mountain-moving ghost king in Cangyan Mountain within a radius of two or three hundred miles.

Of course, as for whether there were other ghost kings in the shadows, Feng Gongqing did not know. But even if there is, there will not be much. After all, the ghost king is not so easy to achieve, if ordinary weirdness can become a powerful ghost and a red-clothed ghost as long as it continues to harm people, there is no insurmountable threshold in between, but it is not the same thing to become a ghost king. 10,000 red-clothed ghosts may not be able to cultivate a ghost king.

Taking back these thoughts, Feng Gongqing looked at the guard in the four directions of the village, everywhere had calmed down, nodded, and his thoughts moved, and returned to the ancestral hall and his temple.

For the land god, as long as he is within his jurisdiction, his mind can reach any place in an instant; As long as he wants to see wherever he wants, under God's eyes, nothing can be blocked, and he can even go back to the past, and the power is vast.

This is the main reason why he can kill weird in both directions in an instant.

In this battle to defend the village, there were no casualties, and Feng Gongqing could see that it was mainly the peace talisman that played a role.

When Zhang Xuan bought the statues, Zhang Xuan grabbed them and gave them away, and he didn't know how many there were. When he carved statues of gods, there would be a lot of wood scraps, and most of these scraps were made by him into peace talismans and other accessories.

In addition to containing a trace of the divine power of the land god, the more important thing is that it contains a subtle imperceptible Xuanhuang qi, and when the two are combined, everyone will have no casualties. Otherwise, how could Liu Feng, who was strangely pounced, survive, why was Tian Chong, who was rubbed out by the black bear monster, not injured at all, and why in that black fog, everyone was not affected at all.

Feng Gongqing found that under his divine eyes, Zhang Xuan's whole person was shrouded in meritorious golden light, and the merit light pillar above his head soared straight into the sky, and he could also see wisps of Xuanhuang qi constantly integrating into the meritorious golden light.

Feng Gongqing even doubted whether this god was the illegitimate son of Heavenly Dao, otherwise where would such a huge merit come from.

The moment He became God, He immediately knew what merit was, what merit looked like, and what merit did.

It was precisely because he clearly knew this that he was even more shocked, because the depth of Zhang Xuan's merit was completely beyond his comprehension. Moreover, Feng Gongqing also knew that Zhang Xuan's body was more basically Heavenly Dao merit.

He saw this scene during the canonization ceremony, when He was awake.

However, when he met Zhang Xuan once, and then looked at it, he found that Zhang Xuan had reverted to being an ordinary Terran youth, but Feng Gongqing knew that everything he saw was true, otherwise why could he casually canonize a deity.

On the platform at the entrance of the ancestral hall in the village, Zhang Xuan and Liu Qing were sitting quietly.

Because he was not in the Spirit Sculpture Residence, after Zhang Xuan got off the platform, he just closed his eyes in the shed next to him to recuperate, and two warm currents suddenly woke him up.

What's going on?

Zhang Xuan completely lost all sleep, so he walked out of the shed and went to the platform.

Liu Qing looked anxiously at the entrance of the village.

Zhang Xuan followed curiously, and saw that there was a clear sky under the night sky, and there was nothing.

"Brother Zhang, you continue to rest, I am here to guard it!" Liu Qing saw Zhang Xuan come out and said.

Zhang Xuan shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm not sleepy!" What happened?

"It's okay! Just now, there was a weird attack! Liu Qing did not specify the danger just now, after all, looking at the current situation, the danger has been lifted.

Although Liu Qing was quite far away and couldn't really see it, he could probably guess the difficulty of the battle just now at the west and south entrances of the village, and he wanted to go over to help, and the Fa Tai must be guarded, and he couldn't do without people for a moment.

Now that I saw that several battles were over and calm had been restored, I was relieved.

Zhang Xuan nodded and looked up at the sky, speaking of which was the first time Zhang Xuan had seen the night sky in the past few days since he came to this world.

There is also a curved moon in the sky, emitting a clear moonlight.

Because it is not a full moon on the fifteenth, you can also see stars in the sky.

In fact, there are still many similarities between this world and the previous life, such as the periodic changes of the moon, but unlike the blue star in the previous life, this world is thirty days a month, and there is no difference between large and small months.

This world is also a twelve-month year, so a year is three hundred and sixty days, and there is no such thing as a leap year and a leap month.

This world also has a method of counting the years of the heavens and the earth, but there is no such thing as the Chinese zodiac.

Zhang Xuan found that this world should be extremely beautiful if it was not strange and rampant.

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Zhang Xuan also sat quietly on the platform, waiting for the late night to pass.

After a night without words, accompanied by the sound of roosters, a morning sun gradually rose from the east.

Until this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally passed, and the ancestral spirit awakening ceremony officially ended.

On the platform, Zhang Xuan opened his eyes.

Under the legal platform, the old village chief was already waiting below, and when he saw Zhang Xuan open his eyes, he bowed his hand and said, "Brother Zhang, tired!" Please get off the platform and sit down in the ancestral hall with the old man.

When Zhang Xuan entered the ancestral hall with the old village chief, he saw that the ancestral hall had been completely new, and the new land god statue had replaced the original god statue, as for how to deal with the original god statue, Zhang Xuan naturally would not ask.

To Zhang Xuan's surprise, he found that the land god statue had changed, his face seemed to change to the appearance of Feng Gongqing he saw yesterday, and his hand had also become a folding fan and a ring ruler.

However, Zhang Xuan found that neither the old village chief nor the other villagers showed any abnormality to this scene.

After a little thought, Zhang Xuan guessed one or two, there was a similar description in the legend of the previous life, when the sealing of the god is completed, the god statue will automatically change into the appearance of the sealed god, and it seems that the same is true in this world.

There was a table in the courtyard of the ancestral hall, and the table was filled with a table full of meals.

The old village chief personally accompanied, this should be the most luxurious meal Zhang Xuan came to this world to eat, that is, the rice was still a little rough.

After a meal, the old village chief wanted to send someone to send Zhang Xuan back to the town with a palanquin, but Zhang Xuan directly refused.

Originally, the distance was not far away, just after eating, you can walk on the road and see the scenery all the way.

The brothers Wang Jiao and Wang Dong completed their task and rushed back to Wangjia Town at dawn.

Zhang Xuan was naturally not as anxious as the Wang brothers, and politely refused everyone's retention, and Zhang Xuan walked alone on the way back to Wangjia Town.

The road is lush and green, and under the morning sun, accompanied by the morning breeze, there is a soft sound of "rustling..."

What an idyllic painting.

"How nice it would be if there was no weird world!"

Zhang Xuan was also immersed in this scenery, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

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