The brilliant magical reflection brings up other colors different from the blood red as the base color of this world

, and the blade of the iron like mud cuts through the stacked tree trunks, bringing the sonorous golden sound and the slightest fireworks.

Ritas knelt on the ground, her eyes sadly looking at the girl leaning on her knees,

the dried blood stains had glued the corners of her mouth together.

"Sister Ritas, I'm sorry I broke my ribs and lumbar spine just one fell swoop......... Ahem!" Ritas

did not blame the other party for ignoring the order and calling herself, although she did not understand why this ordinary guardian who did not even have the order to use this kind of affectionate title for herself

, but the other party's kindness of blocking the fatal blow for herself at a critical moment had made her ignore the iron law that "guardians must fight cursed creatures until the last moment", and provided a place for the other party to rest with her knees.

"You can step back and we'll do the rest."

Ritas used an icy tone to hide her panic, while the seriously injured girl smiled and shook her head, and continued:

"I know, this battle, our hope is slim........... But I am still very happy, I can die in your arms before I die, please allow me to thank you, the child at the checkpoint, thank you for taking care of her, she is actually mine......... Sister

Ritas, since the battle has exceeded our expectations, and you have contacted the Tower of Order, you should take advantage of the present......... Otherwise, I won't be able to save you a second time..............."

Saying that, her gaze fell on her peers who were still fighting, Ritas didn't look at it, but Ritas also knew that it might really be enough to go down in the history of the Tower of Order and be named the "72nd Guardian War".

The sudden upsurge made the guardians show their weapons and tricks, although they resisted the attack

of the human face tree at first, but as the flightless guardians were entangled to death because of the strange roots and branches of the other party

, they were horrified to find that the ground under the fallen guardian grew grass like ribs, and

then the human face tree grabbed the corpse. Sent to the mouth, as a big supplement of food to eat

, and what is even more terrifying is that with the special existence of the guardian, which is obviously of high quality compared to "ordinary ingredients", the wounds on the human face tree that were attacked by everyone have

also continued to recover as it eats, and the volume of the tree is also faintly expanding, and the details of the huge human face have become more and more natural.

After more than an hour of fighting, with the death of more guardians, the strength of the human face tree has also developed to the point that as long as that human face opens its eyes after a period of time, it will shoot a guardian with the blood light bursting out of its eyes.

Therefore, all the guardians present can only take advantage of the time when the face is "resting" and besieging it, and these are actually expedient measures

, because they have understood that in order to defeat this cursed-level creature with extremely high growth and high recovery ability, they must rely on the combat power of the human face tree to crush the other party with the power of thunder to destroy this terrifying abyss-level cursed creature.

All they are doing now is to slow down the progress of the human face tree and insist on the assistance of the Tower of Order, or the arrival of the elders.

"Lord Ritas, is there a reply from the Tower of Order?!" anxious

voices came from behind Ritas from time to time, not to reprimand the nun who was already covered in blood, but simply to hope that the other party would give a little encouragement to his teammates who could still fight.

Ritas looked at the girl on her knees who threw the meaning of "persuasion to escape", listening to the murmur of the battle behind her, and her heart was extremely sad.

She didn't know whether to tell everyone the truth about the guild president, let alone whether the hope she had exchanged for that great being in the first place should be so anxious to hand over to the guild elder to identify, instead of risking it here for a field experiment.

She was extremely sad and blamed herself.

Just when she wanted to raise the huge scythe in her hand, intending to enter the battle to avoid these gazes, questions, and other emotions that she could not respond to.

The excited cry of the star whisperer Nolander came from the air:

"will grow up to the !!!!

" through the power of the stars to achieve position change, is the embodiment of Norland's ability, although not the original guild leader Javier can step over the red moon, but as a rapid transfer of key combat power existence, he is indeed the "fastest man" of the Tower of Order.

When he stood still, the figure of the robe supported by his arm stood firmly on the top of the mountain, exuding extremely pure soul power, which not only made the people present feel an incomparable sense of excitement, but also made the human face tree enjoying the "big meal" feel a touch of crisis and stand still.

Wagler stretched out his hand full of healthy color and took off his hood

, like a handsome uncle who had just entered middle age, which not only amazed some young female guardians, but also made Ritas's eyes burst with joy - President He actually recovered!

Of course, there are also sane guardians who are cautious about the status quo.

"What if the guild leader can't defeat this human face tree?"

"I'm also worried about this, after all, the guild leader has a record of battles that can be called 'great achievements', and only that one battle with the blood butterfly, and..."

"And it was a victory with the help of several Guardians............."

They are worried about what to do next if they can't solve the human face tree.

Wagler glanced indifferently at the circle of guardians who were still alive on the battlefield

, ignoring the whispered discussions about him and the contrast that some people compared him to Avier the Tourer, he

stretched out a finger and drew a strange symbol in front of him at a slow speed at which everyone could fully see the trajectory.

As the pattern that simply depicted some kind of truth was drawn, a golden pillar of light burst out from it, but if you look closely, you will find that the light pillar contains a point of blue like the deep sea of blue stars, but it is clear that even the nearest star whisperer has not been able to find those blue blues.

The human face tree that always felt threatened and subconsciously gathered all the strange branches in front of him, as if feeling something

, forcibly opened his huge eyes, and the gurgling fluid oozed out from the facial features of the giant face, it was obvious that it broke through some kind of restriction and forcibly used its strength, and it also bore a heavy price, but it knew that if it could not prevent this blow, it was likely to disappear into this world.


"Ping-pong..." Like

the sound of ceramic objects being dropped to the ground and shattered into several pieces, it resounded in the ears of the guardians, and their eyes widened, unable to accept the fact, they looked at the huge human-faced tree

, like the whole piece of glass being knocked apart by someone with a giant hammer, turning into pieces of debris.

"This... It only took one blow.....

""Even His Excellency the Tourer written in the book can't do such an understatement............"


Everyone's discussion changed direction, and although there were individual screams of excitement, it seemed a little out of place, but the guardians present had to accept a fact that was beyond their awareness, but made everyone feel like witnessing history:

- The Holy Wagler single-handedly destroyed the cursed-level creature.

Just when more guardians began to think about whether the Lord Holy One was more powerful or the Pilgrim who only existed in books was more powerful

, the figure that attracted everyone's attention waved his big hand in the direction where everyone was

, and countless small blue water droplets fell on everyone's bodies like a slanting wind and drizzle, and they were surprised to find that the wounds on their bodies had miraculously recovered.

Looking down, the guardians who are regarded as "authority" by ordinary people are so excited that they are bouncing like the residents of the lower city celebrating a holiday, the corners

of Wagler's mouth are slightly upturned, and he also shows a smile like a child has received some kind of precious toy:

"Praise our Lord." "


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