Under the towering ancient trees, the bright shadows of the bright moon are scattered, and there are also several young figures who have fallen to the ground with blood.

As long as we break through this formation again, we can go straight to the main hall of Xuantian Sect and join all the leaders!" The

strong cultivator with a height of about two meters holding a huge mace, while directing the Alliance disciples next to him who had just been slightly tired after fighting with the inner disciples

of the Xuantian Sect, smashed the legs of the man wearing the high-level disciple uniform of the inner sect of the Xuantian Sect in front of him with a mace full of thousands of pounds.

You bastards actually slandered our Xuantian Sect for having an affair with

the Demon Sect! Our Xuantian Sect has always been the core pillar of the Righteous Path Alliance, and you clearly want to loot us in the name of 'investigation'!

What is the difference between your actions and those Demon Sects?!" Xiong

Split Tian, who was angrily reprimanded by the man, showed a cruel smile:"

Hehe, it's no wonder that we, who let your head become the only ascension in more than a thousand years after the great changes in the heavens and earth of our True Cultivation Realm and the decline of spiritual energy last month.

Based on this, our Flame Sect suspects that your head has cultivated the evil method of the Demon Sect to plunder spiritual qi, and the other brother sects in the alliance also think it is reasonable and feel that it is necessary to conduct an all-round 'investigation' on you. "

No, no, no, Chief Lin, if you open the sect and let the leaders of the alliance verify, how can there be so many things, sure enough, the Lord of the Liu Alliance is right, you just have a ghost in your heart that you are unwilling to open the door for inspection, and now you can only use this not very 'friendly' means."


giant hammer fell, and the chief disciple of the inner sect of the Xuantian Sect was ended without a trace.

"I don't allow anyone to scold my mother, bah!"

In the Xuantian Sect, everywhere in the sect that was originally integrated with the mountains and beautiful waters, something similar to what Chief Lin suffered

, and the cultivators who coveted the treasures of the Xuantian Sect's Ascension Sect were all red-eyed, eager to lift every inch of the Xuantian Sect's land to the sky, and come to find the legendary Ascension Secret.

And in the main hall of Xuan Tianzong, the six peak masters of Xuan Tianzong are struggling to support the sect guardian array, and once it is breached, Xuan Tianzong is really dead.

But they did not choose to give up or betray, because behind the screen of the main hall, in the room that symbolized the residence of the leader, the acting head of Xuan Tianzong was trying to recover

his injuries, and they believed that as long as the acting head recovered from his injuries, all the difficulties outside would be solved, after all, although the acting head did not have the power of the real person in charge

But as the inner disciple of the real person in charge and the only cultivator of the Xuantian Sect who had passed the Tribulation Period, if he could get rid of the injuries caused by those sanctimonious guys, all the blood debts would definitely be repaid with a hundred times the blood!



The emaciated man who looked like he was standing for no more than a few years was barely maintaining the movement of making a seal, his smooth arms were "entrenched" with centipede-like scars

, he was trying his best to run the extremely blocked true qi, the purple qi symbolizing the toxin was constantly being forced out by him,

and a girl with a double ponytail was tearfully holding a white silk dipped in elixir to wipe the blood and poisonous substances that oozed out of the wound for the man.

"Senior brother, if we don't let those guys in for the time being, treasures or something, just let them go with these robbers! As

long as we can survive, then our Xuan Tianzong will one day..." The

man gritted his teeth and raised a hand in pain to stop the woman's "persuasion": "

Junior sister, not to mention, Master handed over Xuan Tianzong into my hands, I must protect it;

." Just letting that group of human-faced bastards enter the door, then it is really a salary to put out the fire

, not to mention that everything accumulated by the head and the predecessors of the past will be destroyed in one fell swoop, just the lives of the disciples in our door

will definitely be treated as mustard by the other party!"

"But..." The

tears in the corners of the girl's eyes fell like pearls with broken threads, and she didn't know how to use her somewhat childish rhetorical device to show her senior brother, The head of the Xuantian Sect and the heir designated by his father retorted————

Our disciples have died a lot, what is the difference between this and the consequences you said, senior brother?

Looking at the tangled appearance of the double ponytail girl, Luo Jingtian sighed a little helplessly, he knew that his junior sister was well protected since childhood because he was the only bloodline of the master, no matter what it was, as long as Zhao Yun cried, the master he would forcibly go out of the mountain to vent for his precious girl, even if he was in retreat.

But now, as the master of the biggest pillar of Xuan Tianzong, he has stepped on the clouds and soared, and Xuan Tianzong has temporarily lost the seat of the absolute strong, these sanctimonious guys in the past will eat the bear heart leopard guts to attack, and Zhao Yun does not have the careful protection of the real person in charge, naturally he is simply like those big ladies of the secular imperial dynasty.

But Luo Jingtian will not accuse Zhao Yun of this, let alone abandon the other party, because he has been under the door of the real person in charge from the beginning, and the opportunity to obtain the qualification of the disciple of the head is that when Zhao Yun secretly went down the mountain for the first time, he regarded himself, a mortal of the same age, as a confidant.

And he even made a vow when he was in charge of accepting disciples, to carry forward Xuan Tianzong, and to protect Zhao Yun, an ignorant girl.

But now, he knows that he may have to consider using the "means" that the boss left behind.

"Yun'er, don't cry, believe Senior Brother, we will be fine, you see what this is." While

gritting his teeth to temporarily suppress the pain in his body, Luo Jingtian took out a small object like a mortal copper coin from his inner pocket, touched Zhao Yun's small head, and put the small thing in front of the other party.

The girl quickly wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, looked at the thing in

Senior Brother's hand, and said: "Senior Brother, I know, although I am stupid and weak, and sometimes I may make a few elders and uncles and you angry, but this does not mean that I don't understand anything, isn't this just a copper coin?

No, Yun'er, it can, if I say, it is the life-saving treasure left by Master to our Xuantian Sect, do you think we will still have hope?" Hearing

Senior Brother's words, Zhao Yun was stunned, and she quickly urged:

"Then, Senior Brother, you use it quickly, since it is something left by my father, it should contain his strongest blow and other means, right?!" Luo

Jingtian shook his head with a wry smile, he calmly looked at the somewhat lost girl, and said seriously

"In fact, this is a 'key' left by Master, who said that

he left a secret place at the 'ends of the earth', and he said, 'If you are in a critical situation, you can use this object to go to the secret realm and obtain urgent things'. However, only Xuan Tianzong's successor head and you can go to the secret realm to get things.

There are two reasons why I have never mentioned this matter

, first, I am seriously injured, I can't move my body, go there to get things; second, you are too weak, of course, I don't mean junior sister, you don't practice hard, but only you in the Yuan infancy stage, I am very relieved..................

But now, Senior Brother feels that it is time to give this heavy responsibility to you, Yun'er, are you willing to share some pressure for Senior Brother that should not belong to you?" The

girl stood up when she heard this, and said breathlessly:

"Senior Brother, you are a fool, even if it is a sea of fire and fire, as long as it is for our sect,

how can I escape?!

Saying that, she was about to take the coin from Luo Jingtian's hand and leave, but even if it was injured, he held Yun'er's head with one hand to calm him down.

He smiled and said:

"Okay, junior sister, senior brother said the wrong thing, senior brother will give you the 'key', but in the same way, you have to take this away." Saying

that, Luo Jingtian swiped his finger beside him, took out a lump of furry things from the carry-on space, and threw it on Zhao Yun's head.

Zhao Yun quickly raised his two small hands, hugged the hairy and strange thing that moved from time to time on his head, and brought it to him to check.

"This..... Isn't this a holy beast master?!" Looking

at the "little kitten" who rolled his eyes at himself to express his helpless emotions, Zhao Yun was a little surprised, after all, as a sect holy beast, Liang Qu is a strange beast in the refining period, although it is not as powerful as Luo Jingtian, but it is also much stronger than those elders (the kind that is crispy in one bite).

"Yes, with it, I think your trip will be more secure."

"Good senior brother!"

After that, the girl took the copper coin handed over by Luo Jingtian, and asked:

"Senior brother, how should I use this thing?"

Go to your father's study, there is a secret door under the desk, and when you enter, follow the guidance of the treasure, remember that you must follow its guidance, or you will get lost in it and never get out of it.

"Good senior brother!" looking

at the "cat" on his head, holding a sword and a coin in one hand and running to the study in a panic, knocking down a few decorative stools by the way, making the precious calligraphy and paintings turn into a frizzy figure of waste paper, Luo Jingtian lowered his head and sighed

, he looked down at the ground and muttered to himself:

"I'm sorry junior sister, I lied to you, it's not a treasure to save the sect at all."

That's actually an

independent space set up specifically for you and me to spend the 'double cultivation journey' together in the future, forgive my 'selfishness', if I and Xuan Tianzong really unfortunately fall

, the aura contained in this independent space should be enough for you to ascend to refining

gods, and when you refine gods, the space will open and release you.

And with Liang Qu by the side, I believe that when you encounter problems you don't understand or are bored and sad, you can let it help you solve problems. "


Note: Liang Qu, from the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", is like a lynx and has tiger claws.

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