"Xiaobai, that person she just entered from this place, do we have to follow in... The total feeling... A little scared..." Zhao

Yun held his sword in both hands and looked at the "door" in front of him with some confusion.

It was an arch-like structure made of hundreds of skull

strands stacked, like plum blossom spots of blood stains irregularly scattered in the eye sockets, teeth and other positions of some head strands, and

the blue-green light fluorescence lingering outside the bones made Zhao Yun have a thrilling feeling that his own babies were trembling.

And what made her even more afraid to act rashly was that in the center of the offering door, there was a gray-black fog mass held up by several larger heads that

seemed to be some kind of ancient creature as a "base".

Just now, the woman who looked a little strangely dressed disappeared

from this fog gate, Zhao Yun wanted to follow her footsteps, but she looked at the purple lightning that flew out from time to time in the mass, and the howls of unknown creatures

, she felt that this fog gate was not a "teleportation array" at all, but the mouth of a giant beast that ate people without spitting out bones!

Its beast pupils stared closely at the strange fog gate, and its claws had already returned to their original sharp state.

It can clearly feel that those small skulls that are used as arch "building materials" are definitely not ordinary humans, if they are placed on their side of the True Cultivation Realm, they are also strong people such as the elders of Xuantian Sect!

As for the fog that was very strange at first glance, it was very sure that it had seen it, but it couldn't believe its judgment a little:

this fog was exactly the same as the Heavenly Tribulation that its master had ascended!

What kind of means is

this?!" Liang Qu did not dare to tell Zhao Yun about his discovery, because it had witnessed Zhao Yun's father's crossing of the calamity, you know, it was really a lifetime of nine deaths, and now, let this stupid girl under his feet to "cross the heavenly calamity"?

The strange fog door was like a big eye, tearing a crack.

"Click........ Click.......... Click...

"The familiar footsteps made them suddenly breathe a sigh of relief, after all, compared to the fear of the unknown, even a stranger with only one side of the relationship was a little reassuring, but when the silhouette stepped out of the front of the fog gate and

looked at them, Liang Qu's hair exploded directly!


The thunderous dragon groan lingered around the strangely dressed woman, and the invisible wind blade not only slightly blew the woman's hair and hem, but also made those invisible whispers choose a more equal attitude.

[Master, gave her his "collection". Then, you should treat the other person as an existence similar to yourself. 】


Ritas looked at the girl who held the sword like a crutch, although it was a little ridiculous, but she did not choose to mock, after all, the other party may also receive such a "blessing" as herself, so Ritas chose to take the initiative to make friends.

She slowed down and said to the girl who was shaking her sword into hot pot sprouts

, "He's in a good mood today, go in early, you may be able to get what you want."

Then, Ritas continued to walk away, just saying to herself in her heart:

"Strange, where's her cat?"

"Meow!" Zhao

Yun relaxed and appeased the frying, hedgehog-like hog beast

with a look of concern, while patting and caressing Liang Qu's cat body with her soft little hand, while nervously asking:

"Xiaobai, how did you become like this?

Liang Qu felt ashamed to face Zhao Yun's words of concern.

It can't always be truthfully said that the dragon power exuded by that strange woman

gave herself the illusion of facing natural enemies, and then was scared to stealth, lying on her head, and pretending to die three times, right?"

What is the origin of that woman?!" Liang

Qu's heart was very flustered, it was difficult for him to imagine that if the owner of that Longwei came face to face with him, he would not be directly frightened.

However, what made it even more frightening was that the woman actually used the most respectful pronoun to call the existence behind the fog gate, and even said that it might be the initiator of the creation of this terrifying region?!

Meow, Inside............ Inside, Yun'er, do you believe what Lord Ben said?" Liang

Qu's meow mouth snorted, forcibly stabilized his state, pressed down his hair, and asked the girl with an ignorant face.

After all, you are my father's contract spirit pet, and even more so the holy beast of our Xuantian Sect, I will listen to whatever you say!"

Of course, Lord Ben will follow you in!"

[Although I will do my best to hide my breath]

(Liang Qu added this sentence alone in his heart).


Yun was a little surprised, not understanding why Liang Qu, who had pressed his paw on his head to keep him from entering, had actually made a 180-degree change now.

And Liang Qu rolled his eyes and thought: I

can't tell you that if you escape, you are likely to be regarded as a faux pas by the owner of that fog gate, and then we are both cool, right?

Oh, Xiaobai, don't hit me in the head! I'm just going┭┮_┭┮

!" "Also, be sure to be absolutely polite, just like seeing your father, do you understand?!"

I understand............."

Zhao Yun reluctantly walked towards the fog gate

, countless whispers sounded in her ears

, but I don't know what was going on, obviously she couldn't understand the content of those whispered conversations, but she

had a kind of illusion that when the famous corner parade in the mortal world of the True Cultivation Realm, the onlookers cheered enthusiastically———— they were onlookers, and they were the poor little Dan.


"Hmm~ Although I didn't get small money, I got snacks and friendship from the young lady of the second middle school, I really ........ Thai pants are hot!"

Xiao Nan, who feels as if he has returned to his youth and has acquired the ability to communicate with two-dimensional peers, shakes his cute little head, happily tidying up the table, and preparing to end today's business.

"Although this kind of 'bartering' thing is fun, but this can't become my norm, in short, if there are guests next time, I must adhere to the principle, I must clear the money and goods, otherwise..." Just

as she was about to set her own "rules" for future transactions, a timid and crisp girlish voice came from the doorway: "

You.... Hello! The little woman's name is Zhao Yun, more.... How disturbing, please forgive me!" Zhao

Yun, whose back was already soaked, looked at the "blessed land" behind this fog door, and only felt that the "request" Xiaobai said was really extremely correct.

【Time goes back to a few minutes ago】I

originally thought that I would face some difficulties and dangers when I stepped into the fog gate, but I didn't want to, but in the blink of an eye, the scenery in front of me suddenly changed, and

the Dongfu stone stele that came into view made her, as the head of the Xuantian Sect, she only felt that she might have to read more books - there would actually be someone who condensed the ultimate spiritual vein into words, just for the words of the cave stele to become luminous?

Feeling the rich aura that made the meridians around her cheer, Zhao Yun felt that even if she let herself meditate under this stone tablet for a few days, it would be dozens of times more efficient than her retreat cultivation in the secret realm of Xuantian Sect's cultivation!

Looking at the heaven and earth supreme treasure that exuded a strong immortal aura that was sealed by countless transparent or flashing seals, like cultivation cards

, and although he couldn't name it, it was definitely a "dormant divine beast" that was more powerful than Xiaobai,

Zhao Yun suddenly had the illusion of doubting life:

Did the owner of this cave house put these supreme treasures that could subvert the pattern of the cultivation realm as displays?

And Liang Qu, who had been lying on Zhao Yun's head and using stealth, felt that he was going to suffer today.

It could feel more things than Zhao Yun, so it had a sense of hopelessness towards the owner of this cave mansion.

The Yin Phoenix Claws, Ghost Horse Faces, and Heavenly Pliers that were sealed by ice crystals and displayed on both sides of the cave mansion... When the

stump of the ancient divine beast still retains a powerful vitality, it feels that as long as the seal is broken, these generations can be regarded as the predecessors of their ancestors' divine beasts, and maybe they can be resurrected in place immediately with this remaining stump,

but now?

What's more, as a refining period, it could still vaguely sense that there seemed to be many hidden terrifying existences pointing at him and Zhao Yun.

The gaze from an unknown existence made it feel that its stealth technique was as useless and ridiculous as an axe

, and just as it was thinking about whether to appear at this point and pull Zhao Yun step by step to meet this supreme master

, his own stupid nizi had already come to the core of the cave mansion, and saluted the existence when he didn't notice.

"You.... Hello! The little woman's name is Zhao Yun, more.... How disturbing, please forgive me!" Liang

Qu followed Zhao Yun's line of sight, only feeling that his meow eyes were about to explode on the spot

, it was a presence that seemed to be similar to Zhao Yun's body, but it could cover all prying eyes, covering his whole body, leaving only a vague outline for people to look up to;

symbolizing that the heaven and earth avenue that countless cultivators had painstakingly pursued was just the gold and silver thread that made up his neon clothes;

The spatial crack that can tear everything apart, it is clear that the existence that the cultivator of the Tribulation Period can only cope with, actually flashes around her like stars around the moon.

Liang Qu closed his eyes and used all his knowledge of Meow Sheng to clear everything he "saw" in an instant.

Zhao Yun's reaction was obviously not as violent as Liang Qu's, which may be due to her low strength and inability to see the real "stupid people have stupid luck";

Or did she choose to keep her head down and walk, just to see the other party's slender toes and immediately respect the forgiveness of greeting?


Looking at the girl in ancient costume in front of her, listening to the greeting of the other party

, Xiao Nan, who originally wanted to set some "business rules" for herself, was stunned there:

What is the situation

????? this girl is acting, and then went to the wrong set?????

( ̄□ ̄;) ?????


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