"Xiao Meng, have all of our fellow disciples in the main hall of the Xuantian Sect arrived?"

asked the disciples behind him who had come to report the gathering situation while resting his body.

When the male disciple known as Xiao Meng heard this, he immediately replied

, "Master Chan, there were one hundred and eighty-nine disciples in the Hall of the Right Path at the time of the incident, and now one hundred and eighty-eight people have gathered. When

Elder Gu heard this, he opened his bloodshot eyes and asked dissatisfiedly,

"Who is missing? Cough!

The opportunity we are fighting for, how can anyone still have a moth at this time?"

It's Senior Uncle Zhao Yun.............

""What?!" When

Elder Gu heard this, regardless of his injuries, he stood up suddenly, grabbed the disciple behind him, and said,

"Are you sure?!"


that the disciple didn't look like a lie, Elder Gu got up alone and walked towards the inner dormitory of the head in the main hall, ready to personally find the whereabouts of the other party, and at the same time silently said in his mouth:

"Yunyun, you must not have an accident, otherwise, I will really be ashamed of Sedum's heart........

." As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard a strange sound that seemed to be "jingling" from inside the door.

"Could it be that those thieves broke in through some shady means?!" Thinking

of this, Elder Gu's face changed, as an alchemy cultivator, he was not as good at hand-to-hand combat as other elders, so he quickly reached out and took out a few small bottles containing medicinal powder from his arms, ready to act at the opportunity.

He tentatively opened the door, and suddenly a huge shadow came towards him.

"Sneak attack?!" Elder

Gu uttered a certain Blue Star Fist Master, Teacher Ma's angry rebuke. He didn't expect that the villain would be so bold, without even hiding his body shape or considering his own strength, and directly attack in front of him?!

But at this moment, a familiar loli voice came:


Elder Gu was afraid of accidentally hurting Zhao Yun, so he quickly put away the small bottle, and at the same time spoke:

"Oh, Xiao Yun, you didn't..." Elder

Gu thought that Zhao Yun was careless when he opened the door and was about to fall, so he opened his arms and prepared to catch this hairy little girl............


door was ajar, and smoke was thick. Zhao Yun watched the huge bookcase on the ground that was two feet tall fall to the ground, and there were two spread palms below it.

She knew that she was in trouble again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! (> people <;)! I didn't mean to..." Zhao

Yun gritted his teeth and moved the thousand-pound bookcase made of Jin Gemu while apologizing to the injured person who was injured by his mistake.


"Ahem, Zhao Yun, how old are you, why are you still like this........."

"I'm sorry, Elder Gu... However, I was in a hurry, I searched in the house several times, but I couldn't find Senior Brother Sedum, Elder Gu, do you know where he went?!" Elder Gu

covered his mouth, and while feeding himself pills to relieve the pain, he helplessly looked at Zhao Yun, who looked a little anxious. He knew that the relationship between Zhao Yun and Luo Jingtian was by no means as simple as that of senior brothers and sisters, but he looked at the girl's face that he had seen since childhood, and he really couldn't bear to tell the other party the cruel reality:

"Yunyun, your senior brother... Go negotiate with those people, he asked us to start for the time being..." "

Negotiation??!...........! I see, he must have forcibly fought in pain! I'll go find him now!" Although

Zhao Yun was usually stupid and a little helpless, this time, her eagerness made her sanity temporarily improved, and she immediately figured out the matter, and as she spoke, she had to throw Elder Gu down regardless of etiquette.

And Elder Gu naturally saw Zhao Yun's thoughts, shook his head, and stretched out the sleeping pill bottle he was holding towards

the back of Zhao Yun's head: "Yunyun, don't blame me..........,"

Elder Gu said as his palm fell, but the medicine bottle in his hand was about three inches close to the back of Zhao Yun's neck, as if it had hit a copper wall and an iron wall, unable to move forward by half a point, and at the same time, the air splashed with fang sparks like fangs hammered with real fire on the blacksmith's platform.

It was this deviation that Zhao Yun had already trotted away from Elder Gu's side.

Elder Gu looked at the wound in his palm in a daze, and said to himself

, "How could this be, I am obviously two realms taller than that girl, how can she hurt me?"

Zhao Yun ran all the way out from inside the house, and naturally saw those who rushed towards the rear or maintained order.

She estimated that if she followed the construction route to hurry, she would definitely not be able to find Luo Jingtian in time, and even meet the elder uncle who wanted to forcibly take herself away in order to care about herself, thinking of this, she turned back slightly, and her eyes glanced at her back:

"Just now, I actually hurt Uncle Gu, it seems that the treasure given to me by Lord Immortal Venerable is likely to be 'confessed to the Lord', otherwise, how could it help me resist the crisis by itself?"

And now it seems that with the help of the Benthunder Immortal Sword, I should be able to achieve what Senior Brother said, 'Crossing the Ranks' in that case, I'll go outside!" The

"reckless girl" who made up her mind grabbed the window edge with one hand and ran out from the side of the hall with a gorgeous leap.

She looked around nervously, afraid that the guys who were besieging the main hall would find themselves and let themselves fall into the siege

, but the imaginary sound of fighting did not appear, but was incomparably silent.

She quickly looked around and found that not far away, there were many corpses that had been evenly cut into several pieces scattered on the ground, so she quickly stepped forward to check.

"This breath........... It's Senior Brother's Shadowless Sword Technique!" Although

discovering Senior Brother's clues made her a little excited, at the bottom of her heart, there were more worries:

"He was obviously injured so badly, but he still swung his sword to kill the enemy, if he met Zhang Tianao............. I have to stop him quickly!" Thinking

of this, she followed the corpses and residual breath of the enemy all the way, but soon she found that she did not need to deliberately observe at all, because the location of those corpses scattered was clearly along the main hall all the way towards the mountain gate, thinking of this, she quickened her pace.

Perhaps it was Luo Jingtian's previous practice of killing one person in ten steps that frightened those people; or perhaps the battle between the two major robberies in the world was too attention-grabbing, and some secret sentries did not stop or report in time after discovering Zhao Yun who was running wildly, which also allowed Zhao Yun to see Luo Jingtian's figure, and

———— into a desperate desolate situation.

Looking at Zhang Tianao's raised fist, Zhao Yun couldn't care less, jumped up step by step, and shouted loudly at the same time:

"Zhang Turtle! You stop me!" [

Because when Luo Jingtian privately commented on Zhang Tianao, he liked to call the other party "shrunken head turtle", so Zhao Yun also equated Zhang Tianao and Zhang Turtle.

When Zhang Tianao heard the somewhat familiar and offensive words, he looked at the place where the voice came from with a black face, and then smiled at Luo Jingtian Yin who fell to the ground:

"Hehe, it seems that the Heavenly Dao is helping me, I originally thought, after breaking your Xuan Tianzong, where to find your junior sister, after all, she is Old Zhao's own daughter, he must have left something for this girl, now, she actually came to the door herself, hehehaha!"

Looking at Zhang Tianao's incomparable smile, Luo Jingtian angrily reprimanded

: "You dare?!" Zhang

Tianao got up and stood up, while turning towards Zhao Yun, who was flying towards him, he joked: "

I not only want to cut the old Zhao family to the roots in front of you, but also want everyone present to see and offend my end!"

After speaking, the terrifying coercion that caused the True Qi within a radius of several miles to stagnate all around him, not only made Luo Jingtian lie down completely in pain, but also made Zhao Yun, who was running True Qi, roll on the ground because the source of True Qi was cut off.

Previously, the battle between Zhang Tianao and Luo Jingtian was a battle of the same rank, and naturally there was no gorgeous technique colliding, but now, facing Zhao Yun, who was several realms lower than himself, Zhang Tianao chose the most "gorgeous" way of playing to crush the other party with the realm.

"Zhao Yatou, I am the leader of the Righteous Path Alliance, how can I allow you to be wild like this, but I still adhere to my principles and do not take the initiative to attack the weak, so I will stand here and let you have a sword."

Zhang Tianao fanned his fan, smiled and issued a "challenge" to the girl with two ponytails who was trying to stand up.

"Ahem....... Okay, you said!" Zhao

Yun endured the pain, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and stood up tremblingly.

And around them, those battle watching cultivators who had lost the source of true qi because of Zhang Tianao's means, although they were forced to appear, they did not take the girl's words seriously at all, they were just worried, worried that if Zhang Tianao really got something from Zhao Yun, he who learned the news, would be able to leave alive.

Zhang Tianao waved his hand, facing the "audience" he selected: "

Don't panic, with me, this demon girl can't hurt everyone, everyone's lives will definitely be worry-free." Hearing

Zhang Tianao's words, everyone immediately knew that this was a sounding board for themselves to publicize the "original sin of Xuantian Sect to destroy the sect" in the future.

Since it was a microphone, how could it be dead?

Therefore, they began to expect, expecting Zhao Yun to be killed by Zhang Tianao, and at the same time, witnessing the disintegration of a huge sect.


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