Blue Star, inside a mountain, a confidential office underground, is carrying out daily monitoring work at this time.

This institution is a special existence that responds to paranormal phenomena and implements emergency countermeasures, the Paranormal Events Authority.

[Of course, their insiders prefer to jokingly call themselves "workers who roll over and tuck quilts for the sleeping ancient gods.]

"Whew............. It's another beautiful night where you can play single-player games and lie down and earn overtime pay for the night shift!"

a young man dressed in an open casual suit, with a messy hairstyle like a bird's nest, and a spiritless face, while Ge You sat lying down at a huge table with hundreds of monitoring screens playing the handheld in his hand, while

gossiping to a black-haired royal sister partner next to him who "closed your eyes and farted when you fart".

The black-haired royal sister looked at her colleague so unseriously, and said a little unpleasantly:

"Li Xiaoming, please be serious, it's less than ten o'clock now, we still have 7 hours before the handover of the people behind

, in case the leader.............." "Sister Lin, don't worry, I have used a few astringent drawings in advance to let the brother who can use the fire of Ifrit weld the door to death, so that if the leader enters the door, we will definitely have time to deal with it."

"Don't call me Sister Lin! My name is Lin Xia!" "

Okay, Sister Lin, no problem, Sister Lin."

Lin Xia rolled her eyes, not wanting to entangle with this bastard more, and took out her mobile phone.

Of course, this does not mean that she will take the opportunity to take a photo to report her partner

, because Lin Xia knows that although Li Xiaoming looks like a hanger, as a staff member of the Supernatural Events Administration, everyone has a special character, or in other words, holds a "taboo seal" that is suitable for her situation.

She slightly turned her head to glance at Li Xiaoming's right eye, looking at the dark gold lines that appeared around the other party's eye sockets, she said:

"You play this single-player decryption game and use the 'Eye of Horus', isn't it too dish?" When

Li Xiaoming heard this, his hand holding the handheld froze slightly, he didn't want to be mentioned that he was very good at playing games, although this was a fact.

"Sister Lin, you can manage this too widely, as long as the SAN value is not at the warning line, and the physical examination is completed every day, I don't need it, what does it matter

to you????? or do you hope that when we patrol in the future, we will really walk and patrol little by little with the SAN value detector in accordance with the requirements of the manual?????"

Hearing this, Lin Xia did not continue to speak, although she felt that this partner of a somewhat shady house was too easy to make herself angry,

But she also knows that thanks to the other party's Horus Eye, as long as they are on duty, they take each other to drive around the jurisdiction, and Li Xiaoming Horus Eye looks at it, basically can check the situation everywhere.

It greatly saves office time and improves work efficiency.

After all, the ability of the Eye of Horus to see through the truth is a more trustworthy existence in the Reconnaissance Department Seal.

She shook her head and was ready to use her mobile phone to brush the nearest "collapsed melon", after all, she is half a "little sunspot

", now, the cut collapsed house, she must "defend" the honor of cutting (brush the chicken brother's emoji in the comment area————), otherwise she will not be able to wear a mask and dance "Chicken you are too beautiful" with the aunts in the community.

However, as soon as she turned on the screen, the red warning light, which symbolized the state of emergency, suddenly lit up on the large digital screen, and the bright red shadow made her fingers almost smash the screen in fear.

"What's going on??!!"

She quickly threw down her mobile phone and looked up at the big screen with Li Xiaoming, wanting to quickly check what was happening.

But when they looked at the big screen, the warning light symbolizing the emergency had already returned to normal, and it seemed that at that moment, it was an unexpected failure.

"Don't panic, I'll take a look.

Li Xiaoming casually threw away the handheld in his hand, called up the monitor, and quickly checked everything that happened in the office just now with the eyes of Horus.

"Just now, on the urban village under our jurisdiction, there seems to be a situation of exceeding the SAN value of 1500%. Lin

Xia was stunned, more than ten times the SAN value of the warning line, it must be the ancient god himself.

In order to divide the degree of harm of events in daily work, humans combined various means to develop this special measurement indicator: SAN value.

Using a normal adult as a baseline unit, it should be 100 SAN values.

If he encounters a supernatural event, he will make his SAN value "judge":

the supernatural event itself will produce a SAN value less than 0, and thus reduce the SAN value of the party, resulting in different degrees of impact results.

Once the contact's SAN value is less than 0 after the calculation and judgment, they will fall into a dangerous state of "losing their minds and being fully assimilated", at which point they must be humanely destroyed.

Because the SAN value is below 0, it can be removed from the human category.

For example, an adult, after witnessing a ghost walking,

the SAN value of 100 itself is calculated with the negative SAN value (-30SAN value) generated by the "ghost walk" itself: 100-30=70

Then the SAN value of the party will change to 70, and fall into moderate chaos, and if you want to recover, you need timely psychological counseling, drug treatment and other means.

Of course, not all humans have an upper limit of 100 SAN value, like all the staff of the Supernatural Events Authority, none of them have a SAN value lower than 200, of course, this is also the result of their own strength and the blessing of the divine seal.

In a word, the more powerful human beings, the higher their SAN value and the stronger their strength; the more dangerous and mysterious existences, the smaller their SAN value is than 0, and the easier it is to assimilate and subtract everything around them.

Finally, in order to facilitate measurement, humans usually use absolute values to describe supernatural events, so the "super-alert line 1500%" they just said is equivalent to the absolute value of the SAN value at the place where the incident occurred is greater than or equal to 1600.

Lin Xia did not expect that in the jurisdiction, the most serious event in the past, that is, all the staff attacked, to face the ancient god projection that slipped out of the fantasy dream (that battle, directly achieved the physical forced demolition of the entire street),

and now, there is such an incredible thing.

However, Li Xiaoming covered Lin Xia's mouth in time, and made a silent signal, and then pulled Lin Xia, who was a little panicked, to the blind area of monitoring, and spoke:

"Don't be so loud, let me say, there may be a malfunction of that machine, because I just called up the dynamic monitoring of that area, if there were really ancient gods coming, there or together with our city, it would have been razed to the ground."

Li Xiaoming's methodical analysis made Lin Xia feel more and more that perhaps the sudden situation just now was really just a machine failure.

"Then what should we do?"

Lin Xia shook her hand and asked nervously, after all, her family is still in the city not far away, if it is really the arrival of the ancient gods, then herself...

"Let's go and see for ourselves, and if there's nothing wrong, I'll go back and delete the monitoring as if nothing happened."


Xiaoming looked sideways at Lin Xia and spoke

, "If something really happens, I will take the emergency rescue channel in my name, and at the same time sign my name on the final responsibility document, and you, will not be reflected." When

Lin Xia heard this, she nodded a little woodenly.

Li Xiaoming saw that Lin Xia was still a little uneasy, and said with a smile:

"Look at it scares you, it's okay at all, my eyes and judgment, is there a mistake?


Xiaoming recalled the map screen he had just seen, and said

, "Let's go to 'Xingwang Street' in the southern part of the city village, after all, the core location of the false alarm just now is there."

If it's okay after the check-up, I'll treat you to a late-night snack.

There is a fast food there, and I heard that the reputation is very good!"

They laughed and left the office, unbeknownst to them, the eggs of the black goats that "determine the SAN value" had already split into several petals like ripe pomegranates.


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