"Hiccup............ Ha~............."The

cute belch sound came from the downed gaming chair, Xiao Nan put down the backrest, and

collapsed on the chair in an extremely comfortable posture.

"Boom..." The

sound of running water in the kitchen reached her ears.

She buttoned her teeth with her little finger and whispered to herself:

"Lili, this child is also too sensible, not only did not run away immediately after eating, but patiently waited for me to finish eating

, more importantly, she actually took the initiative to carry the dinner plate and went to the kitchen to clean.......... At a young age, she has the posture of a good wife and a good mother, which is so much................

Wait, I seem to understand Cao Chengxiang's mentality, Cao Thief is actually myself?!"

Xiao Nan was a little bored and thought about the west, and with the regular sound of water flowing in the kitchen and Lili's soft whispering to Xiaobai

, Xiao Nan, who was already a little sleepy, slowly fell asleep as if taking sleeping pills.

The breeze blows and the shadows of the trees sway.


"Boom!" similar

to the muzzle of the Blue Star medieval flintlock gun, the smoke cleared, an insect creature about the size of an adult pigeon, struggled on the ground a few times, and finally lost its breath

, it had an extremely ugly appearance, ten knots as thick as chopsticks, distributed with sharp barbs;

its curled abdomen, with several short but shrunken gummy tentacles

(Don't underestimate these tentacles, when they are filled with blood, they can instantly pierce human skin); compared with

the body, the head that is somewhat too large, there is no standard "eyes"

, but three giant jaws like pincers

, and the tiny spots distributed on the giant jaws are compound eyes similar to flies, and they are also important organs used to transmit information and manipulate the prey body after piercing the cerebral cortex of their prey with tentacles


After opening, the maximum wingspan can reach nearly one meter on the pure black wings, distributed with triangular scales as hard as armor.

It seems that monster bugs, which were born to invade, parasitize, and reproduce, finally lost their mobility under the collective fire of a whole row of shooters.

However, this was not the end of its suffering

, several scorched yellow water jets were poured on its body, and then torches swept and red flames rose.

"Commander . . . We........... Win?"

the soldier in standard armor asked the middle-aged man beside him who was holding a double-edged long sword and his body was covered in blood.


, because the country was at war, military salaries were urgent, so as logistics troops, they

secretly came to the Cape Holy Tomb (according to rumors, this is the resting place of the Creator God) on the secret order

of the king, hoping to risk the world's condemnation and come here to dig up some treasures to sell on the black market, thereby easing the pressure of military salaries.

The group dug for nearly a month and finally found a building that resembled an underground spiritual temple, the

dilapidated walls seemed to be depicted with exquisite frescoes and reliefs, but because of their destruction, they had become obscured.

Soon, under the floor of the temple, they found hundreds of small boxes made of brass.

"We're rich!" After

cheering excitedly, he took out one of the small boxes and opened it to see what was inside.

However, instead of sacrificial utensils made of gold, what catches your eye is a small placenta that has just fallen from a cow's belly.

The fishy smell made the onlookers retreat one after another.

The soldier holding the opened box angrily left the box on the ground and cursed:

"What the hell!" But

what seemed to be a stillborn thing began to squirm and crawl wildly after breaking on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the strange insects mentioned earlier, together with the "amniotic fluid" that had not yet dried up, suddenly pounced on the face of the initiator

, and in the horrified eyes of others, the unlucky soldier instantly attacked everyone like he had stolen something addictive in a tavern.

They attacked in a hurry, and soon beat the "crazy" colleague into a sieve.

However, after being hit by a bullet, the strange bug seemed to be undamaged

, and after pulling out the slippery tentacle with the "tofu brain",

it immediately flew towards the soldiers and repeated the tragedy just now.

Everyone quickly fell into a panic, and at this moment, the middle-aged man, who was the commander of the logistics team, slashed the undisciplined subordinates to death, and said in a calm voice:

"Line! volley!" Finally

, they regained their backbone, and under absolute violence, they restored order

, as if facing the barbarian cavalry, and seriously carried out three rounds of strafing towards the strange bug

In the end, it finally stopped its action and fell to the ground, and only then did it have the scene just mentioned.


Looking at the strange situation that the ground was set on fire, it was only to burn the shell of the strange bug into a black seal.

The commander frowned slightly, and instead ordered:

"Throw this ghost thing, along with all the boxes around it, into the sea!

And as sunset approached, all the brass boxes were thrown into the rough, bottomless blue sea.

Looking at the ebb and flow of the sea, the commander brushed his beard and said to himself

: "I still don't believe it, you still can't drown?" Then

, he turned to look at the somewhat exhausted soldiers, and felt that this state was not suitable for continuing to dig for treasure, so he ordered:

"Everyone, camp in place, we will continue tomorrow, as a reward for everyone, add 20 grams of jerky for each person!"


cheerful atmosphere spread in the ranks in an instant, and no one paid attention to whether the small boxes that fell into the sea would really be completely swallowed by the sea as the commander expected,

they only cared that the bitter days of eating only 5 grams of jerky a day since joining the army were finally temporarily improved today.


"Boom..." Like

the sound of water with the highest level of headphones, it constantly echoed in Xiao Nan's ears, and the waves brought by the warm ocean current made the golden bubbles that wrapped around her constantly change the shape of the bubbles.

But I don't know why, the golden glowing bubble did not burst away, but was like an automatic driving with navigation turned on, heading straight in a certain direction.

"Hmm... What a comfortable feeling............."The

girl's eyelids trembled slightly, and finally looked around with the misty eyes that had just woken up after falling asleep.


discovering the "strange" environment she was in, although Xiao Nan was a little confused at first, she

soon realized that today's "reserved show" seemed to start early?

Silhouette' entered the viewing mode in advance, but I guess this is a little surprise for myself, right? "In

his dream, Xiao Nan, who had explored many dreamy scenes of the ocean, quickly recognized that the place where he was was in the depths of an unknown ocean.

"Although it's a little dark, compared to the 'light red ocean' seen several times before, the fluctuations of meteorite rain in the sky, strange fish tearing each other, etc., those scenes that you think are special meows

at first glance and use the wrong special effects, this ocean still seems a little normal~"

Xiao Nan's small hand behind his back, like a pure passerby casually visiting the exhibits in the museum, slowly controlling the golden bubbles around his body with his mind and moving in a certain direction.

This is not that she deliberately chose the direction she chose when she was not awake, but she felt that as long as she followed the direction of "intuition" and moved forward, she would definitely encounter "fun" things.

After all, this is just one of thousands of experiences.

"When I come to Kangkang, what fun will I have today, is it to see a giant dragonfish as wide as a mountain that I can only tremble, to the snake head who can only kowtow + croak at me? Or......... Well, what is that?"


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