Susan was nervous, even as the captain of more than two thousand people on this battleship, as a "superior person", she was full of fear for these two silver-haired girls who were likely to be "monitors".

———— had no idea what means the "monitors" would use to "recycle" their group of clones.

Therefore, although Susan made plans before falling into the freeze, when she really saw the arrival of the "monitor", she still decided to stabilize the other party first and slowly plan it.

[Since the other party is not as cautious as the previous "monitor", then it is likely that it is a newbie within the alliance to "brush the resume", then he can first stabilize the other party's emotions, deliberately close the relationship

, and then......] Yes, Susan's plan is very simple, kill or dump the "monitor",

and then implement Plan A:

forcibly control the spaceship off course and lead everyone to escape together.

] Of course, this

is likely to fail, after all, I don't know if there is any "monitor" eyeliner among the people under him

, so I will most likely choose "Plan B":

drive the escape pod alone, hide in a corner of the barbaric planet, and naturally wait for death to come.

Of course, some people may ask, why not make a bolder plan C and lead the clones to fight back?

Susan would only laugh at the stupidity of the questioner, and then said:

"Counterattack? Do you think of yourself as an ethereal god imagined by the natives of those lower civilizations? "


"Did you wake up early? Appetite is so good............."Hearing

the words, Xiao Nan paused there with the hand of "two bread and cheese

", but Liang Qu looked for the close button unimpressedly, although Liang

Qu could sense that the humans on this spaceship who were "awakening"

were just mortals who were about to run out of life yuan, and

it was not as important as serving Lord Immortal Venerable himself

But since Lord Immortal Venerable has the tendency to want to talk to this human who seems to be the host,

he should also follow her wishes and turn off these machines that are constantly producing food.............. Erm........

How did this thing get off?


"Ahem, ah, yes, yes, yes! We didn't pay attention to calculating the time when we 'set the alarm clock' before, so we were..." Xiao

Nan looked at each other awkwardly, there was a kind of embarrassment when he went to the "24-hour self-service vending store", watched the monitoring broken, and wanted to "buy for zero yuan"

, but when he went out, he happened to see the boss who came out of the underground warehouse.

After all, he is a small boss, and naturally understands this strange feeling.

Although Xiao Nan knows that she can pull Liang Qu away from the "video" at any

time, it is because the quality of these "videos" is too high, every time she participates

, there is always a feeling that these "dummys" are alive, so she will still give preference to the "sense of substitution".

And she can't say that

this "sense of substitution" was cultivated by her because of watching "videos", or ... That's what it is.

As for saying that it was "the fault of the alarm clock", Xiao Nan didn't know why, what he subconsciously thought of was actually an alarm clock.

It seems that what I fear the most is the "alarm clock".

"Alarm clock?"

Susan laughed inwardly when she heard that it was an excuse to be a lie.

[Sure enough, it is a novice "monitor", and even the people on the ship wake up by the control of the dormant warehouse, have you forgotten? ] Oh, maybe, I'll just............]

Susan's inner words were not over

, only listening to the sound of "BOOM", the sound of huge machine damage came in her and Xiao Nan's ears, and the two looked in the direction of the cat-eared maid in amazement

, only to see that one of the other party's small fists was still on the workbench, and

a fist pit with a large bowl mouth appeared on the console impartially.

Liang Qu slowly raised her head without changing her face, and saw the stunned eyes of Lord Immortal Venerable and the unknown woman, and she said in an indifferent tone like a certain JOJO:

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I just woke up, made a mistake in operation, and broke the equipment."

Susan's eyes were round, and she forcibly hid her hand that was about to shake into a fan gear behind her back:

What kind of terrifying power is this?! That's a lot of titanium! You can't sweep a single open material with an ordinary machine gun!

This girl was punched through?????

Is this the strength of the "monitor" ?!

At this moment, there were footsteps and conversations outside the restaurant, and

Susan suddenly felt bad, because she did not know if if the two "monitors

" would directly advance the "recycling" work if they were discovered.

And just as she was thinking about how to "hide" these two girls who seemed cute but were actually "incarnated by death", the

"master" who looked more like a normal girl said: "

Or, as an apology, we will cook you some food?"

[After all, if you break someone's automatic cooking machine, it's also a loss, and it's also in the river to help cook some food, right?]

Xiao Nan thought so, and what she didn't know was that

when she heard her say "I want to cook", the fist had not completely left the machine's Liang Qu

, not only the movement of the hand was "stuck", but the tail behind it also shook into a "lightning rod" in a thunderstorm.


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