"What's going on? We have all woken up, why are we still closing the door and not allowing us to eat or replenish some nutrient solution? "

When a small space is crowded with more than double-digit humans, even the most spacious room

will allow negative emotions based on the fear of the unknown to spread in the crowd.

Coupled with the intense hunger caused by brain recovery, the trained "executioners

" began to become restless like the "inferior natives" who were killed like livestock.

The voices of the discussion were bustling, and some clones with even good physical constitution even began to try to tap their hands on the walkie-talkie for emergency contact.

And at this moment, a crisp and sweet girlish voice sounded outside:

"HI~!" The friends behind the door let a let ha~! Violent opening of the door may cause accidental injury, so pay attention to safety!

Be sure to keep a certain distance from the gate! Hearing

the voice, which was basically the same as that of a child, some people who had not yet been completely consumed by hunger shouted:

"Who are you?!" What to do?!

The voice was quiet for a few seconds, and then said:

"I brought you food, because there was a little glitch in the restaurant, plus I don't know what happened, the cabin door closed unexpectedly,

considering that you just got out of that 'coffin'........ Ahhh! I'll be hungry when I wake up, so I'll bring you something to eat first. Hearing

this, the clones, who were already hungry, were also wary of the sound to a minimum

, and even began to spontaneously maintain order, making enough blasting safety areas for the closed gate————

[I guess, she should be planning to use explosives or the like to open the door, right?]

I hope you don't let the crumbs stain the food. 】


Liang Qu held the huge rice bucket in his arms with both hands, but there was a forcibly suppressed sense of panic in his eyes.

[You are so good-looking, can I eat you a bite?] The

gelatinous sticky object in the barrel constantly pats and rubs the satin-like tentacles around the

barrel, and in the cavity of the fine crack, in the form of "inner layer and inner layer", in the form of "inner layer and inner layer", in the way of mouth mouth, to the beam channel holding the barrel.

Liang Qu looked at Xiao Nan, who was talking to the other end of the gate in front

of him, and did not expect that he would really choose to give this kind of thing as food to these ordinary humans.

However, she will not question

it, because she can feel that although this "guy" who talks to her has an extremely distorted appearance, this

guy's body does contain the "power of blessing" from him.

[Perhaps, Lord Immortal Zun really intends to use his great power to help these poor people 'prolong their lives'

, and I regard these "spirit treasures" as outliers

, which should just be my understanding of "aesthetics", there is a deviation......... Liang

Qu thought uncertainly.

And at this moment, Xiao Nan turned around, waved his small hand at Liang Qu, and said at the same time:

"Liang Qu, leave it to you, you can just use the old way we left the kitchen just now!"

Liang Qu looked at the face of the girl full of vitality, and then looked at the "noodles" in his hand that temporarily "pretended to be dead".

Like a robot, she walked to the gate with a large bucket, and silently thought in her heart:

"Lord Immortal Venerable does things, there is a reason, I am just an obedient cat, I don't know anything, I just need to do it and it's done........."

Then, she threw her head back, her bangs swept back slightly, revealing the cute round brain,


"Duh!! Duh!! Duh!!

Xiao Nan looked at Liang Qu's cat-eared lady who "closed her eyes and seriously 'knocked on the door with her head'", and sighed slightly:

"Hey, although this cat-eared lady is cute, she is a little silly

, let her knock on the door, how can she be like seeing a ghost, and she has to hurriedly knock with her head?"

Aren't those little fists quite efficient?

The vat is not smeared with glue or a bomb installed, it can't be put down, it's really ...........

But this baby's head is indeed a little too iron, and even the steel door can be knocked............

No, go back and teach her well, otherwise when you watch movies in the future, there will always be an illusion of 'bringing children'........"


In the endless void, the owner of the broken star giant hoof and the polymer follicle (see chapters 35 and 38 for details)

slowly opened those golden-red eyes, and he sensed that from

the distant starry sky

, there was a certain existence, changing his control over a certain race.

But if it stops there, he doesn't bother to distract himself from "reproduction,"

after all, the avatar of chaos, the player of the final song, often does this.

And what really made it temporarily stop breeding and turn into a state of "thinking" was

that that guy actually made a "call" to that damn "Hegros"!

[Although it is only for a moment, you must warn the other party before there is an accident.] Black

Goat Sabu Nicholas, thought.


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