Luo Qiuli held the mobile phone a little nervously

, and after learning that the other party was her deceased husband's old leader, Director Zhang, Luo

Qiuli understood that

she still did not completely benefit from the blessing left by her lover." Flee" out.

But when she thought that

there would be many people she didn't know again

, in order to satisfy her personal "love or awe"

, to disturb her and Lili's life,

Director Zhang's words moved her.

"Sister Luo, you don't have to worry, this time I contacted you

just to solve the problem of going to school for Lili, because of the nature of

our work, so in order to allow everyone to devote themselves to work,

we specially approved a school for the

children of our bureau insiders."

And contacting you is not a 'special care'

, simply according to the regulations, whether you are still on the job or not

, as long as you have worked in the bureau for more than one year, you

can enjoy this treatment.

Of course, if Lily goes

, I will definitely hide her identity

, and those ignorant 'cucumber eggs'

will definitely not bother you,

I promise you."

Luo Qiuli naturally believed Director Zhang's words.

Because the other party's qualifications are there,

they won't say anything against their will.

But what she didn't know

was that Director Zhang on the other end of the phone

was watching the surveillance video with full attention and

maintaining a high degree of attention to ensure that the other party could agree to her request.

After all, the so-called "internal school" is just a pretense

, it has existed a long time ago, and

its real name is ————

"Junior Paranormal Training School".

It is to screen out those "abnormal" children in the national physical examination

, determine the "potential stocks" in them, and cultivate the hidden existence.

"However, there are some things I still have to tell you

, although it is an internal school set up by the funding obtained from above in our bureau, there

must still be an 'entrance test'."

"That......... If my child fails the test,

will he still be able to go to school........?

Luo Qiuli knew that although Lili was smart

, if she compared it with those children who received bilingual education, eloquence and specialty learning since childhood,

she might not have any advantage.

Director Zhang, who was on the other end of the phone, said with a smile:

"Don't worry, it's just a process, and I won't embarrass her."

By the way, I will have a meeting later, hang up first

, the specific matter, you can ask the stupid big man in front of you.

Saying that, he hung up the phone

and looked across the table from him

, the huge petri dish

, the "thing" that constantly slammed the isolation cover and left a large blood mist

, and the figure of the staff coming and going around constantly conducting trial tests

, revealed a mysterious smile:

"Lili, you have to behave well

, for you, The above is a temporary approval,

so that you children can be exposed to the 'fantasy land'............

What kind of performance can 200 bean-sized 'weird children' perform in this 'exam' that temporarily changes the rules

? It's really exciting. "


And Luo Qiuli on the other end of the phone

has already shown a relieved smile.

She looked at the bald muscular guy with sunglasses who didn't know why, scratched his scalp, and


"Excuse me, what is the 'entrance test', how should I take it?"

"Ah, ma'am, you take this."

With that, he handed over something like an envelope.


at the plain envelope, only sealed with some kind of expensive looking material at the seal,

Luo Qiuli showed a puzzled look.

"Madame, please note that

this envelope must be opened by the reference in person in a closed environment alone, this

is for the need to prevent cheating.

Because in order to prevent cheating, we use the '100 million points' small method

, if there is a second or more people present

, the letter will be automatically destroyed after opening

, the test time is about two hours,

please do not disturb the child during this period.

After the test, please restore the envelope within the specified time,

otherwise the

letter will be automatically destroyed;

In addition............"

Luo Qiuli was stunned when she heard this

, and thought to herself, didn't she go to some organization similar to the disaster relief emergency team before her husband died?

How can it be like a supernatural institution????

But considering that in order for Lili to go to school without accident

, Luo Qiuli only regarded it as the other party's rhetoric to "scare" herself

, so she nodded and agreed,

and at the same time thought:

Isn't it afraid that the child will cheat?

I let Lily do the problem in the house by herself, and I went to the kitchen to do the work.


The wizened stump finger like a chicken's claw

, adhering to the desire for survival

, together with the unextinguished flame

, climbed towards

the "cliff", just when it (were),

thinking that they could take advantage of the temporary lifting

of the "seal" and regain their freedom,

the giant hand like a canopy of heaven with

the "sunlight" above the heavenly dome"They all smashed the situation

, grabbed a few "lucky ones" close to the "cliff",

and let the boiling magma that could be roasted together with the last remnant soul

explode on their bodies

........................ "Put so much, it should be enough, right?"

Xiao Nan tentatively poured the "secret dried fish" into

the bowl, considering that dipping in vinegar may affect the "flavor",

so she chose to use a separate bowl.


Liang Qu looked at the crumpled soul in the bowl with a dull expression

, and then looked at the plastic bag

, like a primate that was pushed into the incinerator when it was alive

, and screamed miserably

, the terrible picture that silenced it and the big guys around

it, Liang Qu suddenly felt that maybe Lili's life and death

did not have so much to do with herself, right?).

[Ahhh I really want to taste it........]

I don't know which guy who doesn't know whether he is dead or alive

, as if he has lost his mind, said the suppressed thought.

It twisted its chrysalis-like body

, trying to get close to the source of the "fragrance",

but was inadvertently stepped on by it walking out with a bowl


Liang Qu hurriedly covered his mouth

, because the guy who did not suppress his thoughts

turned into a living creature

like a falling height in his unintentional footsteps

, falling to the ground, leaving the organs in a miserable state like contact with the air,

but what made Liang Qu's scalp even more numb was the

triangular head with only five eyes and two mouths still intact


, he showed a "liberated" expression, and in the gaze of Liang Qu and other shadows

, with the only remaining tentacles

, he used the part of himself that had turned into minced meat, and with the most pious posture

, he stuffed it into the mouthparts that had lost its connection

, as if those "minced meat" were the prayers that Fang Cai was seeking,

the churning beautiful fragrance.

Then, in that slow chewing, it

gradually swallowed, and turned into a puff of blue smoke,

disappearing into Liang Qu's eyes.

At the same time

, the cute voice like a human child sounded outside the kitchen:

"Lily, don't play yet, eat!"




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