"What's wrong with me..."

William looked at the haze around him in disbelief,

he couldn't understand that the telephone pole held by the monster

was about to fall on his bodyBut

when he closed his eyes and prepared to wait for death to come

, the expected pain was delayed, and

when he finally could not bear the fact that he had accepted but was delayed, he

chose to open his eyes.

However, what comes into view

is not the desperate scene of the previous firelight

, but a strange forest full of vines, thorns and swamps.


As an old mercenary who has been fighting in the inhuman battlefield for more than a year, James's

first reaction is that

he was subjected to "poisoning" by those strange monsters.


, when he reached out to hold a strange plant that looked as if it was poured with copper water into the palm of his hand, the

touch was more real than the blade of a saber and made

him frown.

He raised his hand to his eyes, and the red blood stain was so piercing.

"What the hell?"

He couldn't understand this strange thing

, but as if he felt something,

he twisted his head back.

However, in the eye was an old woman's face covered with dense slips

, and the woman's face seemed to detect Williams' return, and

at the same time showed a strange smile———— just like a virtuous wife seeing her husband who had not returned for a long time.


This bizarre scene

made James, an iron-blooded tough guy, frightened as if the heavenly spirit cover had been lifted.

He quickly retreated, and at the same time raised the pistol on his waist, about

to shoot the old woman in the face.

However, when he opened the distance, he found that

it was just a giant tree that no adult could hug,

and the so-called old woman's face

was just a tree hole with a strange shape.

"What.......... What! ! Bad luck!

As if venting his anger, he

kicked the "face".

However, the next second, he regretted it.

The fine branches, like barbed wire

, suddenly gathered towards him at a rapid speed

, and at the same time

, a voice sounded in his ears:

"Since you are a reckless fellow, then use your life to pay for it."

The harsh voice like sandpaper grinding

came from the canopy

, like the pain of fine needles piercing the skin, making Williams, who could not move,

feel that he had never felt such a strong sense of terror.

His eyes widened, and he wanted to "apologize" for the "forgiveness" of the seemingly talking monster.

However, just when he felt like a water bag about to be pierced

, a loud and serious voice came from all directions:

Is he a customer, or do you want to die?

After that voice fell,

those strange branches that were like a thousand needles quickly withdrew.

Even the strange tree disappeared from Williams' field of vision.

William looked ahead with a frightened expression, if

he could not still feel the

snow liquid that was still flowing from those tiny wounds,

he would have thought that he had fallen into absolute madness.

However, he noticed one word, "customer."

"What customer? Is this a place to sell things?

William looked around in disbelief

, he couldn't imagine what kind of guy

would sell something in this creepy place

, but while he was puzzled,

an indescribably special smell

came from some direction obscured by weeping branches.

In a trance, William only felt that

the scene in front of him seemed to be erased by some kind of magical eraser, and he seemed

to return to the unique welcome party when he first joined the army


The incomparably warm fireplace fire blocked the cold wind

outside the house

, and the thoughtful aroma

made him stop in the main hall in a trance,

only feeling that his stomach was hungry and about to deflat.

His mind was full of thoughts of "I'm so hungry, I want to eat",

and he didn't think about why

there was no one in the huge hall.

The intense hunger

made him trot forward,

or rather, the source of that scent.

"So fragrant......... I'm so hungry

.."He bowed his head and rushed through the long hall to

the long table full of delicious food.

It is a variety of beautifully made foods

that exude excitement that makes your taste buds burst.

Williams saw only the roasted and oily mountains of meat and the shimmering wine

, and like a scavenger who had been hungry for three days and three nights suddenly received kindness from a stranger, he

jumped on the table in three steps and made two steps,

completely forgetting the "etiquette" that a human being should have.

His teeth, yellowed from plaque

, gnawed wantonly on the burnt puff pastry,


Although he didn't understand why it was just a layer of puff pastry

, he had gnawed on it for so long,

but the delicacy that had penetrated between his teeth made his eyes

become as vicious as wild beasts.

"It will hurt, right?"

A refreshing female voice like a clear spring sounded directly in front of him.

William only felt that his brain was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and then repaired by the goddess in the story with divine power, and in

a trance, he saw a child.

Moreover, William can be sure

that the other party is the source of the fragrance that makes him yearn for it like a moth to a fire.

But at this moment, he just stood there dumbfounded, not daring to move............


"Lily, what are you talking about?"

Luo Qiuli looked at Lili next to her with a worried face, after walking out of Xiaonan's store

, when Luo Qiuli used the key to open the door of her fast food restaurant, Lili suddenly turned her back to herself

, towards the other side shrouded in dense fog,

and said a word

without a word.

This made Luo Qiuli very puzzled

, but she remembered that some elderly people who came to the store said casually after seeing Lili:

"Children, sometimes you see some unclean things, so you should care more about them."

Considering that her late husband, although he has been gone for a long time, before his death, he still liked to buy some amulets and other things

, saying that it was to bless himself from performing tasks without accidents

, so although Luo Qiuli did not believe in these "superstitions" much

, but also because of life experience

, she still had some avoidance of this, so

she took Lili's hand and urged her to go home quickly.

Lily naturally followed her mother back, but she was still thinking about the uncle she had just seen———

the strange uncle who used his teeth to bite his forearm out of the wound that his mother cut on a fresh pork chop with a kitchen knife.

"It must hurt, uncle."

In the eyes of the so-called "uncle", the angel-like girl who emitted a faint shimmer disappeared

there under the gaze of those embodied ghosts, leaving

only her arm in severe pain

, and these ghosts whose claws were bigger than themselves, stayed in place, looking

at each other from a distance.




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