"Sister Luo, are you there?"

Xiao Nan gently opened the curtain between the kitchen and the main hall with his hand

, stretched out his little head, and looked inside the house.

After stepping into the fast food restaurant

, she found that in the past, no matter how busy she was

, when she visited, she would greet her warmly, and

at this moment, as if it had never appeared, she

could not even find a trace.

Looking at the stove, the operation box without a trace of oil stain

, Xiao Nan wondered, wondering if Boss Luo paid too much attention to hygiene?

"I remember, when I came here last time

, although it was very neat, the smell of fireworks was still very strong..."

Xiao Nan looked again, on the suction button on the wall

, it looked empty, as if Luo Qiuli had

never left a trace here, which

made her worry............

Boss Luo won't be a cleanliness in private, right?

[Is that why Little Lily pays so much attention to cleanliness?]

Wouldn't that be a bit overdone? "

Did you go out to shop?" But I remember

, Sister Luo went in the early morning

, and now this point.........." While

talking to himself, Xiao Nan tilted his head slightly

, looking at the outside, although it was a little gray,

it was absolutely certain that it was the time of day.

"But if Sister Luo went to purchase, then in general,

she would lock the door and let Lili stay at home

..................." Finished?! If Sister Luo was negligent this time and

forgot to lock the door, then.........?!

The divergence of thinking not only made Xiao Nan frown and think of why

the fast food restaurant was unrun and the door was open

, but also based on some of the anime she had watched

, the brain made up some guys with dark hearts

, and after entering the store, after discovering the current situation that can make their own dark ideas can be implemented,

they made unwarranted bad associations with that super cute little Lili


Although she has never thought about it,

she is obviously similar

to the delicate party who needs to be protected and cared for from the perspective of a normal person.

Then again, because she thinks, she immediately puts her ideas into action,

which is her style.

"Lily! Are you there?! The

small, soft hand made a "trumpet" gesture in front

of the mouth, pulled on the small slippers, and shouted anxiously in the room.

It seemed that this was a little inappropriate

, so the white-haired loli, who looked like a large porcelain doll

, casually smoked the shovel used to make the cauldron of rice, which was nearly twice her height, and

cautiously observed the surroundings.

"If there really is a villain, I will let him not eat and go!"

In the clear eyes, there was a full of energy,

and he was about to protect that lovely child tightly..................

Just as they choose their angels,

they will give blessings that are difficult for other beings to understand.

The little feet with a grasp and even flesh and bones

, at this moment, very truly reflect the mentality of its owner

, like a small athlete in the pole vault

, walking forward quickly, and at the same time

, constantly using a shovel to knock open those doors that seem to be locked

, but in their own perception, they are as fragile as paper paste.

"Not there.......... None of them are there?! ........... Yes! And the backyard! Xiao

Nan, who used the elimination method to determine what might be the correct answer

, immediately rushed towards the backyard with the crooked neck tree and the old spring, and

was about to open a scoop for the "villain", completely unaware that

the places he touched

were like paper meeting water, although it still barely maintained its appearance

, but upon closer inspection, it was already like a candle in the wind, shaking.

Soon, Xiao Nan carried the shovel and came to the small door with a gauze curtain,

because his mind was full of pictures of Lili being bullied by villains using vicious means........................

[Huh? What the? What is this picture, you ask?

Oh, since you asked sincerely, I will tell you mercifully

, which is basically similar to the long-haired royal sister in suspenders, holding sleepy black tea in her hand

, revealing a conspiratorial smile like a free boy wearing a dark mask

, using extremely skillful techniques, tying a double-button bow on the outside of Little Lili's hands and feet

, and then stepping on the pedal of the sewing machine with one foot,

in "Ji Ni is too beautiful" The BGM model said:

Little sister, look at my embroidery needle for sewing stockings.......... Does it look good?

"Accept the sanctions of justice! Idiot! With

a crisp loli voice, shouting a confusing declaration

, he suddenly hit the unpainted wooden

door, I don't know why, Xiao Nan felt that the feedback of this door

seemed to be more real than the previous doors?

But she didn't think so much, but like Sun Wukong playing with a golden hoop stick

, she swung two shovels left and right in the house, highlighting a sense of aura.

However, when she saw the situation in the house clearly,

she suddenly felt that she was not .......... Reckless?

( ̄□ ̄; )




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