Xiao Nan maintained a leaning posture and listened,

speaking softly next to Lili's head.

She heard, heard the words that were like committing some unforgivable sin

, and kept making "apologies and promises"

, which could be regarded as the voice of the heart, and it could be said that it was distressing,

which moved Xiao Nan.

"Is this Lily's 'child worry'?"

Thinking of what he saw with his own eyes, the well-behaved and sensible behavior of the little girl in front of him

, and thinking that Luo Qiuli occasionally said to herself in private:

"I think, I'm sorry for Lili's child..." Xiao

Nan thought that it might be that Lili and Luo Qiuli quarreled because of some small misunderstandings, and

let Little Lili take it seriously,

and finally fell into a bad dream.

"Lily is good, you are a good boy, a cute little angel."

Carefully using the small palm of his hand, slowly smoothing the folds that arched between his forehead,

Xiao Nan whispered softly in Lili's ear.

And in Lily's world, the soothing like a spring breeze

made her feel as if she had found the backbone of her heart.

"Could it be the god my mother said?"

Lili's heart at this moment is no longer the fear of loneliness

, but a little curiosity

, of course, there is some feeling of redemption

, although she is young, she does not know what "salvation" is

, but she did not think so much,

but shouted loudly:

"Are you the god your mother said?!"


"Are you . . . God............."

The unconscious sentence came out of the thin lips

, and in front of Xiao Nan, the little loli seemed to have some moist at the corner of her eyes, and

sighed a little helplessly:

"Hey, it seems that this kid really didn't sleep well."

Xiao Nan touched Lili's little head with some distress, and

felt that it was necessary to talk to Luo Qiuli, who couldn't find anyone for the time being

, [Such a young child, don't be too strict with her. ] Of

course, as a caring good person

, Xiao Nan also understands that at this time, he is not thinking about the persuasive words to Luo Qiuli

, "It seems that Lili didn't sleep well all night

because of this inexplicable misunderstanding and nightmare

, so let her sleep smoothly first!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Nan gently stretched out her two small hands and gently

held Lili's small hands that were clenched into small fists because of nervousness.

"Yes, I am 'God'. It's Lily, the 'God' you pray to sincerely.

"Really........ It's true........

"Really, it's as if marshmallows are always sweet."

Xiao Nan gently straightened the somewhat purple little fingers he was holding, and

at the same time, between the falling strands, he whispered to comfort the gradually relaxed little body.

"Marshmallow......... God, please..........

Please...... Please don't let me leave Mom.......... Please... Xiao

Nan felt the soft and boneless little hand

, tried to hold on to something

, smiled and straightened Lili's hair

, and then said softly word by word:

"Well, as long as you fall asleep obediently

, in a marshmallow-like dream, have fun,

your mother will appear next to you when you wake up."

"Really... Target....... The

girl, whose muscles have been relaxed, has become more sluggish

, is still consciously floating and telling her last doubts.

"Really, well, sleep

, listen to me

, '1', '2', '3'......... Beautiful dream paradise, the door is open..." With

a gentle descending tone, in a gradually decreasing voice

, patting Lili's shoulder, saying the strong pressure that allowed the fantasy dream to undertake the "military order"

, in the process of Xiao Nan watching the rhythm of the little nose gradually flatten

, listening to the gradually easing snort, looking at the stretched thin eyebrows that were like a pencil gently stroke,

Xiao Nan felt that he was relieved:

"Whew, it turns out that it is not difficult to coax children to sleep.

Nice! (๑•̀ᄇ•́)و✧

" Gently covered Lili with a small quilt, Xiao Nan held her face

, and lay on Lili's pillow with a smile

, "Since Sister Luo forgot to close the door, then I will wait for her to come back

, at that time, I must talk to her well, children

can't scare her."


"Kala....... "

Spikes like sharp metal

, like the tentacles of the sea cucumbers,

are densely clustered together."

They constantly collide and separate,

providing thrust forward for the huge body comparable to an asteroid.

The huge eyeballs like mollusks

, at the junction with the body,

are tall and thick blue-white vertebrae like majestic mountain peaks.

Although its size can already be regarded as a huge one that can devour the heavens and the earth

, it carefully avoids those huge "bubbles" that are like carapaces

, after all, as an old ruler who has spied on the doppelganger of Azathos and witnessed the arrival of the three pillar gods

, but has not yet turned into stardust debris

, cautious, this word to describe low-level creatures, but can be more prominent

Its character was mocked by the old dominators.

[Some ancient gods are very troublesome, if they can not be disturbed, they will be treated as if they can't see each other. Gracchi

, who only does things with certainty

, even in the face of these "juniors" who have been able to occupy a place in the universe

because of Gehros's "indiscriminate purge"

, will maintain the same caution as he treats the three-pillar god.

Of course, this does not mean that as an old dominator, its

nature in the body will be distorted

, and in the middle of thinking, with sharp long thorns, it separates the "spores" that can be transformed into a person similar to Su's life and death

, and through these "spore" believers, after sucking and crushing the newborn small world that has not yet solidified the rules, Gracchi

chewed heavily

The young new god, who was originally regarded as the supreme master by the believers of that small world

, stretched out his slender tentacles and searched for the "cute" wounded little snake

, "Jermongard, where are you?" I really want to be with you, and

I have waited too long for this day to get out of here. The

inhuman sound wave spreads around it with its huge mouthparts

, even if his own believers are accidentally injured to death


Gracchi does not care———— anyway, as long as the "spores" are not exhausted,

all believers can be "resurrected" in the blink of an eye.

When its rapid mind

is about to surpass the turbulent ripples generated by its huge body

, or rather, it is thinking whether to endure it and continue to lurk

, just as it had avoided the "farce

" planned by the chaotic "messenger", in front of it, in the distance of those "worlds",

a dazzling light, like after a thunderstorm

The first rays of sunlight that appeared from the edge of the clouds passed

above its huge body.

Gracchi felt the intensity of the breath

, and did not notice anything wrong,

"It seems that which little guy thinks that he has enough skills and wants to find trouble with that 'son of abundance'?"

Oh, it's just poor 'prisoners'..........

Well? Is it a small snake? Over there?

Before he finished sighing at the "anxious" "little fellow"

, Gracchi, actually followed the direction in which the other party came

, and found a trace of Yemengada's breath

, although it was very light, but it was enough to make it willing to move its bloated and huge body to take a look,

after all, it was already a little anxious.




【Happy Double Day to everyone! 】 ( ^ω^ )】

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