Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 998: hidden line

Zhou Fan was not in a hurry to launch the attacking talisman arrow. He looked cold and patiently waited for the opportunity.

Until the nightmare monster stretched out its three tentacles and stabbed the bewildered person underneath, Zhou Fan loosened the thick string he was pulling.


The huge air pressure sound of the arrows exploded, and the talisman crossbow rolled and splashed around, causing the surrounding warriors to retreat a few steps.

The huge golden talisman arrow burst out, and only a vague golden shadow could be seen passing through the air.

The Nightmare Monster heard the sound of the explosion behind it, it smelled great danger, and with a harsh scream, its four pairs of wings suddenly curled back and surrounded it.

The ten-foot-long golden talisman arrow arrived, until it penetrated its four pairs of wings.

The blue-green liquid spilled, and it let out a groan.

Its other two companions in the city also responded with voices, and they spread their wings and wanted to move towards it, but Huang Bujue and the others also shot, using methods such as attacking the sky and the crossbow to keep the two nightmare monsters behind them. its own area.

Dust billowed in the dark night, and a faint flame burned in the city.

The panicked screams of people echoed in the city.

"Arrow!" Zhou Fan shouted loudly.

The nightmare shot by Zhou Fan's arrow was strange, its wings shook, and with a snort, the arrow shot backwards, piercing the wall of a half-collapsed house.

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, the attacking arrows that infused his true energy did not penetrate the body of the nightmare, and even the power of the runes could not spread.

The Nightmare Monster opened his mouth and roared in the direction of Zhou Fan, and countless blue-green spit splashed out, this is the dream foam.

It began to rush towards the attacking talisman crossbow.

Its movement speed is very fast, and its body is still shrinking when it moves, and soon disappears in front of Zhou Fan's eyes.

Zhou Fan's expression changed again, how could this weird body get smaller?

Out of the corner of his eyes, he looked at the nightmare where the other two places were, and sure enough, his body disappeared.

Shrinking the body may be to avoid the attack of the attacking talisman arrow.

However, he soon stopped thinking about it, because the nightmare went on a rampage and collapsed the houses.

Soon appeared not far from Zhou Fan.

The Nightmare Monster had grown to the size of a human, and it spread its wings and squeaked in anger.

"Don't look at it, let me back." Zhou Fan shouted loudly, he had closed his eyes.

Xiaoxiao emerged from the top of Zhou Fan's head and sat on Zhou Fan's shoulder. She shivered, but she couldn't let her retreat at this time, and she became Zhou Fan's eyes.

The blue-green swirls on Nightmare Strange's wings didn't work on Xiaoxuan, who was also Strange.

Zhou Fan pulled out a rusty knife and a German character knife.

He entered a state of being in sympathy with Xiaoxuan, he could see what Xiaoxuan could see, and there was no need for Xiaoxuan to tell him.

This is what he thought of when he was in a hurry just now to communicate with Xiao Qian.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to fight against nightmares just by his ear-consciousness.

"I'd like to see what skills you have!" Zhou Fan sneered, and the purple gold armor covered him and Xiaoxuan.

Nightmare screamed and rushed towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's body suddenly disappeared in front of Nightmare Monster, and he appeared on Nightmare Monster's back.

Nightmare Monster is also turning around quickly, and its six-legged scythe-like slashes towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan double-knife and six-legged sickle fought for an instant.

The collision of infuriating energy and the strange force raged, and the surrounding houses collapsed, and cracks appeared on the ground.

Zhou Fan found that Nightmare's strange three compound eyes could easily capture his teleportation-level movement technique and quick-knife movements, and its six-legged slashing power was not even lower than that of a martial artist in the third stage of Qi Refinement.

Zhou Fan's mind turned when he blocked the nightmarish six-legged sickle attack, and the dead wood spread along his double knives.

It's just that Nightmare's body is moving backwards rapidly.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, and his dead wood force retreated back into the knife, but the nightmare screamed, and his body fled in the direction of the city like a blue-green light.

Zhou Fan's face darkened, he used the teleportation technique to chase after the nightmare monster.

This nightmare monster should be able to sense danger, otherwise he would not suddenly retreat when he was about to kill it with Deadwood Stance.

This is an ability similar to his consciousness.

The fast-moving Zhou Fan's soul suddenly throbbed, which made his complexion change slightly, and he stopped in a hurry, and the whole person took a few steps back.

Just now consciousness warned him that it was dangerous.

The warning of consciousness made Zhou Fan stop. When he was tracking the nightmare, his consciousness expanded to the limit of ten steps.

In other words, there is danger within ten steps.

Zhou Fan looked around and watched the nightmare disappear in front of his eyes.

Zhou Fan soon noticed that three thin silver lines appeared in the air in front of him.

The silver thread is looming.

Zhou Fan understood that if he hadn't stopped just now, if his infuriating defense and purple-gold armor couldn't resist, he would have been cut into three sections by the silver thread.

"It's really strange, how did you find my line?" A voice sounded faintly.

The voice seemed to be ringing in Zhou Fan's ears.

A man wearing a black and red mask walked out of the dark ruins with curiosity in his eyes.

He just set up a lore game, as long as he kills this master of Yiluan Division, the nightmare will fall into their hands.

But now it's the same, his companion has already chased after him, he just needs to stop the man in front of him Zhou Fan opened his eyes, he looked at the man in black and red mask, did not speak, and It was a teleportation and rushed towards the black-red masked man.

It's just that Zhou Fan's movements stopped quickly, he kept retreating, his eyes raised his eyebrows.

Because of the black and red masked man's body surrounded by countless silver threads.

The black-red masked man sighed and said, "It seems that you can really find out that it's not easy to refine my yin and hidden lines, but even my eyesight can be blinded. Although I don't know how you did it, but now I I can only kill you."

Zhou Fan said coldly: "You talk too much nonsense. If you are really a member of the mask organization, then I have killed several people in your organization, and I am not worse than you."

Zhou Fan disappeared in a swish again.

"I admit that your movement is really fast." The black-red masked man shook his hands, and there were countless silver threads looming in the air, covering him.

This is a special gang line that he cultivated in the qi gang segment. He once used this gang line to cut a Taoist cultivator into ten or so segments.

For him, Zhou Fan is obviously not a Taoist monk, and he will never be his opponent.

Zhou Fan's figure appeared to his left.

The black-red masked man's face was calm, and the gang line shook and enveloped Zhou Fan, shrinking and tightening to cut.

It's just that the astral thread penetrated Zhou Fan's body, but there was no blood splashing as he imagined.

The pupils of the black-red masked man shrank, but he had no time to do anything.

The rust knife sliced ​​through the air, cutting off his head.

The head wearing the black and red mask rolled on the ground, and his eyes were stunned. He didn't understand why his hidden line had no effect.

Zhou Fan tore off the talisman bag on the masked man. He didn't look at the corpse on the ground again.

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