Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1009: Choice of swords

Zhou Fan knew from the guide before that the limit of gray worms that a powerful blood slayer can get is 15,000 large gray worms, while the number of gray worms that a white slayer can get is eight. Floating between one thousand and thirty thousand.

Some of the **** rank can get more gray worms than the white slayer. This is not a strange thing. The judgment of the strange rank is divided by human beings based on their own experience, but it is not necessarily accurate.

On the ship, it also has its own set of complex calculation methods, which is why it happens that killing some **** monsters will get more gray worms than white killers.

But 20,000 big gray worms must be the level that only a white killer can achieve.

Zhou Fan originally thought that the nightmare monster was at the **** level at most, because a single nightmare monster was about as destructive as a monster like Bai Sui except for its concealment.

But it's actually a white murderer?

Zhou Fan thought it was a bit strange. Compared with the artificial classification, the ship's calculation of the Great Grey Worm was obviously more accurate. What kind of strength could this nightmare monster have to achieve the level of killing it?

Bai Sui was not killed by Zhou Fan before, and Zhou Fan couldn't catch a single big grey worm. Naturally, the 20,000 big grey worms could not have anything to do with Bai Sui, and his eyes quickly turned to Chofu's glass ball.

He didn't expect that Chifu's glass **** would accumulate 17,000 pieces so quickly. This speed really made his old father feel ashamed.

"Are you going to buy the golden qi refining crystal jade? If you don't, don't bother me." Seeing that Zhou Fan didn't speak for a while, Zhou Xiaoxiao urged her impatiently.

"You said that I can't afford it, so what should I buy?" Zhou Fan said with a wry smile, restraining all his thoughts.

The golden gas refining crystal jade is too expensive.

"You owe me one more possession, and you can get 100,000 big gray worms, and then kill the monsters and gossip." Zhou Xiaoxia said.

Zhou Fan hesitated for a moment or shook his head and said, "I still owe you once and haven't paid it back, how can I owe it again?"

"Forget it if you don't want to." Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't persuade him any further.

If Zhou Fan had enough big gray worms, he would definitely not hesitate, but he didn't want to achieve his goal through possession.

After all, it is not impossible to use the red qi refining crystal temporarily to practice. Even if it is the red qi refining crystal, he will only need more than 70 days to complete the cultivation of the Qi Gang segment.

When there is no urgent need now, Zhou Fan is unwilling to risk being possessed.

"Why do you want to be possessed one more time?" Zhou Fan tentatively asked with a smile: "Don't you have confidence in this possessing?"

"No." Zhou Xiaomao said coldly and frankly: "How can it be so easy to get out of the hands of an old man like a boat?"

"If I can escape in one go, the 100,000 gray worms will be given to you for nothing. To me, it's nothing."

Zhou Fan also shook his head. He didn't think Zhou Xiaomao would be able to escape in one go, so the big gray worm would not give it away in vain, and possession was still risky.

Zhou Fan said again: "You have also watched "The Promise Sword Gang", what kind of sword Gang do you think is suitable for me? If you don't want to tell me in vain, I can also produce a big gray worm."

Of course Zhou Fan can figure it out on his own, but if a cultivator with such a high realm beside him doesn't ask for advice, it would be a waste.

Zhou Xiaomao glanced at Zhou Fan and said, "A thousand big gray worms."

"Yes." Zhou Fan hesitated and agreed, this question is a bit expensive, but he felt that if he could get an answer from Zhou Xiaoxia, it would not be worth it.

Zhou Kitten summoned Zhou Fan's glass ball, and took out a thousand big gray worms from it, and she calmly said: "Stupid, you need to ask such a question, I really feel ashamed for your ancestors, how could you have such a problem? What kind of idiot junior?"

"You man, can you stop taking the eighteenth generations of other people's ancestors with you?" Zhou Fan said with a cold face: "Also, I paid you Big Grey Worm, not for you to scold me. "

"You are originally stupid." Zhou Xiaomao raised his eyebrows and said, "Think about what kind of knife you need and what you have learned. Combining these two points, you can find a knife that suits you. What's so difficult?"

"What kind of swords do I need?"

"What have I learned?"

Zhou Fan was slightly startled, then he walked to the side and lowered his head to ponder.

The corners of Zhou Xiaomao's mouth were slightly raised, that's right. If Zhou Fan didn't understand it at this level, she would definitely be unable to help beat this stinky boy.

Chifu was looking at Zhou Kitten curiously.

The corners of Zhou Kitten's slightly raised mouth disappeared immediately, and she walked over with a stern face and ate her own, which made Chefu feel inexplicable.

I have to say that this was originally a layer of window paper, but if Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't pierce it, Zhou Fan didn't know how long he would think about it, and he might even take a detour on the knife gang.

Zhou Fan now had all kinds of strange thoughts in his mind. He pulled out the rusty knife he had transformed into to test his ideas.

But soon, he found that it was not as simple as he thought. He frowned slightly and just kept trying, but he quickly overcame these difficulties. When he was about to leave the Grey River space, a series of different knives began to rust from the rust. Shot out of it.

Even though these knife gangs were just prototypes, Zhou Fan still laughed out loud, which shows that it really works.

"Thank you." Zhou Fan thanked Zhou Xiaomao with joy.

"You have a big gray worm, I'll answer it for you, you don't need to thank me." Zhou Xiaomao said with a stern face.

Zhou Fan didn't say but said goodbye to Chofu, and soon left the Grey River space.

When he woke up in the morning, Zhou Fan washed up first, and then asked the inn's shop assistant to bring him breakfast. Of course, it was inevitable to add two duck legs to Xiao Qian.

Zhou Fan is sure that in the eyes of the shop assistant, he may become a weirdo who can't live without duck legs...

After having breakfast with Xiao Wan, Zhou Fan went to the Yiluan Sifu to Dianmao. After ordering, he went to the academy.

Because Li Jiuyue didn't know when he would return, Zhou Fan naturally couldn't wait and do nothing.

However, Zhou Fan was in a very happy mood to meet Li Jiuyue, and he was looking forward to meeting him and having a chat as before in Tianliang.

But when Zhou Fan arrived at the gate of the academy, he saw the talisman car that the insect girl often rides, and Chen Pepi, who was driving the talisman car, saw Zhou Fan, she walked over and gave a light salute: "Master September has entered the city at dawn, he Host a banquet with the young lady in the mansion, and let me invite Zhou Gongzi over to the mansion for a chat."

"Senior Chen, don't be so polite." Zhou Fan hurriedly returned the salute, and then got into the talisman car.

He didn't expect that Li Jiuyue would enter the city so early, and invite him to visit so quickly.

Don't that guy need to rest? Don't be in such a hurry, right? Zhou Fan thought happily in his heart, he couldn't help but ask: "Senior Chen, if I didn't come to the academy, wouldn't you wait in vain?"

"If Zhou Gongzi doesn't come to the academy, then I will contact Zhou Gongzi through the message symbol according to the instructions of the young master, but it is a little rude to do so." Chen Pepi said lightly.

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