Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1019: side effects of staying up late

Zhang Li Xiaohu in the crowd let out a whimper. He was even more saddened than the one who lost the competition, because he was going to lose a bet equivalent to five million Xuan coins, and he was about to go crazy.

"Don't forget to repay the debt, you have to give it to me tomorrow." Xiong Feixiu sneered.

The relationship between the Xiong family and Zhang Li's family is very bad, and Xiong Feixiu doesn't mind stepping on Zhang Li Xiaohu's foot if they can get a chance to get down.

"Fortunately, I don't bet much." Du Ni said with lingering fears after losing the bet.

Wrinkle Shenshen won the most, and got three million profound coins all at once, but he still looked at Zhou Fan in the field with a cold face.

He is stronger. Even if I enter the Dao realm like Xingxing, I can't win against him. He won very easily. He just used the means of Qi Gang section. Other powerful means are useless. I was thinking of entering Dao Realm challenged him again, and now it seems that this is not necessary... Wrinkle Shen Shen thought silently.

Hou Shisanjian also had a solemn expression on his face. He said to himself, "How did Brother Zhou manage to use so many swords? He said it was a kind of sword. It's really terrifying strength. The gap between me and Zhou is getting bigger and bigger. The bigger it is, is it really because I am lazy? Would you like to try the practice at eleven o'clock a day?"

Wen Xiao frowned slightly, he had to find a way to raise his realm as soon as possible.

Zhou Fan retracted the knife and sheathed it. He looked at the group of people who were standing still and asked, "Is it really okay?"

"It's alright, thank you for your mercy, Lord Zhou." A group of people shook their heads and opened their eyes calmly: "The powerful martial arts and abilities of Patron Zhou were rarely used in this competition. Are you using the little monk to feed tricks?"

Yes, Zhou Fan answered silently in his heart, he smiled and tactfully said: "The purpose of sparring is to prove what I have learned. I just entered the Qi Gang section recently, so I wanted to use the Qi Gang section more, but the Gang Qi is the strongest of a martial artist. If I hadn't cultivated Astral Qi, I might not have won you."

A line of silence did not speak.

The results of the competition have already come to an end, and everyone can no longer stay outside the wilderness, but walk towards the academy.

Zhang Li Xiaohu frowned, but he didn't say anything to criticize Xingying, because he also knew that Xingying had done his best, but he just blamed himself for making this bet too stupid, otherwise he would not lose so much.

People in Class A walk alone or communicate with others.

Zhou Fan and Li Chongniang were at the back of the crowd. Li Chongniang had just said something to tell him, so Yelaitianxiang and Xiong Feixiu didn't get close to them.

Zhou Fan was a little uneasy in his heart, he didn't know what the insect girl was going to say to him.

"Brother Zhou, I'm sorry." Li Chungniang said softly, her eyes like a winter lake softly looking at Zhou Fan.

"I'm sorry for what?" Zhou Fan asked slightly.

"I shouldn't have kept that from Big Brother Zhou." Li Chungniang explained softly.

"I don't think Insect Girl did anything wrong." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "Brother Li made it clear to me yesterday, I'm the one who's sorry, I can't help you."

"I can't blame Big Brother Zhou, it's me and Jiuyue who thought too much." Li Chungniang's face was blushing: "But my feelings for Big Brother Zhou are true."

After Li Chungniang finished speaking, she quickly walked forward to talk with Yelaitianxiang and Xiong Feixiu, and stopped looking at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's heart beat faster than usual, but after he calmed down, he felt a little disappointed. Even if his intentions are true, you can't be with me, so what's the use?

"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou." Hou Shisanjian called Zhou Fan twice.

Only then did Zhou Fan come back to his senses. He looked at Hou Shisanjian and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Brother Zhou, do you really practice for eleven hours a day?" Hou Shisanjian asked with some resentment: "Don't say it's fake, I just want to know how you did it? I hope Brother Zhou can teach me."

You don't believe me if I say false, Zhou Fan is helpless, he was originally worried about emotional problems, and now waiting for Thirteen Swords to come together, he wants to entangle this old problem, Zhou Fan said impatiently: "No skills, just hard work."

"But if you endure so hard, won't there be any problems with your body?" Hou Shisanjian said with a bitter look, "I'm lazy, but I learned from you and endured for a while before, and my state was sluggish, people were walking in circles, and then I gave up. ."

"How can it not be affected?" Zhou Fan snorted: "Look at me, I don't have a single hair, I just stay up all night and lose it all."

Hou Shisanjian was silent for a while and sighed: "It turns out that Brother Zhou's bald head is the reason, but this side effect is not bad, not like me..."

Zhou Fan's face turned black, he was too lazy to pay attention to Waiting Thirteen Swords.

Hou Shisanjian was wondering whether to stay up all night until a long time later, when Hou Shisanjian, who became a strong man, talked about Zhou Fan, he would say with admiration: "Brother Zhou is more talented than me, and he is more diligent than me. After 11 hours of cultivation, all my hair is falling out, it's all for the sake of getting stronger, how about you?"

Back at the academy, everyone in Class A dispersed again, and each went to work on his own business.

Zhou Fan's demonstrated strength made many people in Class A feel the pressure. They were all geniuses of the younger generation, but they didn't want to open a big gap with Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan returned to the library and continued to read and study.

The group left the academy. As a disciple of the White Elephant Temple, he was admitted to the academy's Class A just for the resources of the Class A. He didn't have much interest in the academy's martial arts books.

Back in the room where he lived in the White Elephant Temple, he was fine because of the minor injuries that Duke Ming had suffered, but he remembered the battle today and became silent.

He originally thought that he was ready after entering the Dao Realm, but he lost in the end, and he lost badly. The fact that his opponent clearly still had a lot of room to spare made him even more silent.

The gap has not only not narrowed, but it has become farther and farther...

" A voice sounded beside a group of people.

A group of people woke up, and he looked beside him, only to realize that his master Yuanhai had arrived at some point.

"Master, how long have you been here?" A group of people asked calmly.

"I've been here for as long as you've thought about it, do you know how long you've thought about it?" Yuanhai asked with a sigh.

A line of silence, he looked at the dim sky outside and knew that he had been sitting for a long time.

Yuan Hai knew that the first thing he did when he went out of the border was to challenge Zhou Fan, but he didn't need to ask him now that he, the disciple he was most proud of, lost again.

"One line, you are happy to win, and you can be happy to lose. In fact, the victory or defeat is not as important as you think. Even if it was the Buddha before he achieved the Dao, how many times did he lose in his life?" Yuanhai said slowly again.

"According to the Buddhist scriptures, the Buddha lost more than 3,000 times in his life, and suffered all the hardships before he was able to achieve the Dao." The party looked at Yuanhai and said seriously: "But Master, the Buddha can see hope."

"I don't see any hope of victory in that man."

"All I feel is despair."

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