Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1044: Big dream 0 spring and autumn

After Zhou Fan calmed down, he reached out and crushed the silver talisman hanging in front of him.

The gray fog dissipated, and Zhou Xiaoxiao slowly walked out of it.

"Her cultivation is similar to mine, can you know how she eroded my dreams?" Zhou Fan looked at Zhou Xiaomao and asked.

Zhou Kitten didn't speak, she raised her hand gently, the golden bubble in the air quickly shrank, turned into the size of a fist, and landed in her palm.

Zhou Kitten closed his eyes, and the white mist of golden foam rolled violently.

After a while, Zhou Xiaomao opened her eyes, and she showed a hint of surprise: "She used her talent for deceiving people to invade your dream, this is a rare deception called Dameng Qianchunqiu. Human talent."

"In my time, this was a talent that could make it into the top ten. It is said that the unknowable eccentric who inherited the name Meng Chunqiu can not only sneak into other people's dreams, but what happens in dreams can also affect reality. among."

"She has this devious talent and can enter your dreams, which is normal."

"Big dream Qian Chunqiu... Meng Chunqiu..." Zhou Fan muttered to himself, he never knew that Insect Girl had such a powerful talent for deceiving people.

He suddenly remembered that on the way back to Gaoxiang City from Qianhuan Snow Mountain, he saw the insect girl kissing him in a dream, so the insect girl had invaded his dream at that time? The next September is a prank from the bug girl?

"This kind of deceitful talent is very rare. I have only seen similar records in the classics and heard people mention it, but this is the first time I have seen it." Zhou Xiaoxiao said with admiration: "If some existences know about her With such a powerful deceitful talent, she will definitely want to deprive her of her deceitful talent."

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly. He remembered the doctor who used to plot to deceive his talent in the village. Among the warrior monks, there are indeed some such maddened people.

But now was not the time to worry about that, he was more worried about something else.

"Then she did this to borrow seeds to have children?" Zhou Fan asked.

"How do I know this? Don't you know her? You have to ask her." Zhou Kitten snorted.

"How can you talk like this?" Zhou Fan said slightly angrily, "You promised me that you could find out her purpose."

"I said so." Zhou Xiaomao frowned slightly, "I thought she was using some kind of spell or tool, or some kind of weird erosion, but to my surprise, she used Da Meng. Qian Chunqiu's talent for deceiving people."

"With such a top talent for deceiving people, don't say that she wants to borrow seeds to have children, even if she wants to kill you by dreaming, it should not be a problem, as long as her talent for deceiving people has been developed to the extreme, and you have nothing good By means of defense, she can do it."

Zhou Fan's expression changed slightly and he said, "In other words, it is theoretically possible to have children by borrowing seeds?"

"It shouldn't be a problem." Zhou Xiaomao said seriously: "Unless her ability to deceive people is not fully developed, but as long as she has developed it, she can do it. The unique feature of Da Meng Qian Chunqiu is that it can act on reality through dreams. It also allows reality to act in dreams.”

"Simply put, what happened in the dream is true if she thinks it's true, and if she thinks it's false, it's false. She did such shameful things with you in the dream, and you can completely regard it as reality. happened in."

Sweat oozes from Zhou Fan's forehead. If it is considered to happen in reality, he has been with the bug girl for a year, and his body is very normal. It is estimated that giving birth to a child is a sure thing.

"How can there be such an ability in the world?" Zhou Fan said angrily, which was even more terrifying than what Miss Zhao said about the Thousand Miles of Chills.

"Why not?" Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "But this ability is so powerful that it can't be used indefinitely. After all, the user is not Meng Chunqiu, but a deceitful person. She has to pay a certain price to use it."

"What price?" Zhou Fan asked worriedly.

"This is not clear." Zhou Xiaomao shook his head and said, "Dameng Qianchunqiu's deceitful people are rare, and they have never disclosed what price they have to pay, but this ability is really terrifying, even if they don't set foot on it. The path of cultivation can also kill a monk who has entered the Taoist realm with this ability."

Zhou Xiaomao showed admiration on his face when he said this, "This is one of the few deceitful talents that can kill a Taoist monk as an ordinary person, but the deceitful talent is a deceitful talent after all, I want to rely on it It would be unrealistic to kill the top Taoist monks."

Zhou Fan's face was bitter, he guessed that Li Jiuyue must know that Insect Niang has this ability, maybe Insect Niang did this, or Li Jiuyue instigated it.

"What are you doing with a sour face?" Zhou Xiaoxiao sneered: "She is so beautiful and has such a strong talent for deceiving people. Even if she really borrows seeds to give birth to children, you won't be able to suffer much? I think You also took advantage, you are so hypocritical!"

"Of course you don't understand." Zhou Fan said angrily: "It's not a question of whether I'm beautiful or not, and whether my bloodline is excellent or not, but my most precious thing has been quietly stolen, even if the thief is beautiful, I am very Like her, but it's still stolen."

Zhou Xiaomao didn't care how Zhou Fan was feeling, she squeezed the golden foam in her hand at will, because it was meaningless to keep the golden foam, she said impatiently: "I will tell you everything that should be told to you. , you can continue to stay here now and go out when the time is up, and I can also send you out immediately."

"I want to go out now." Zhou Fan glanced at the deck again and said, "The ship must have noticed that my dream has been does it ignore it?"

"Then has it paid attention to your kind of thing before? When the boarding person is asleep, someone wants to kill the boarding person, and the boat won't help. Isn't this a normal thing?" Zhou Xiaoxiao wondered why Zhou Fan would ask Such a stupid question.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, as the boat kitten said, even if it was him, the boat was more of a spectator and rarely had any contact with the outside world.

Zhou Xiaomao flicked lightly, and the gray fog swept toward Zhou Fan. The gray fog covered Zhou Fan. When the gray fog dissipated, Zhou Fan had disappeared on the boat.

Zhou Kitten looked at the Gray River, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, but she quickly subsided and regained her calm expression.

"The child born by Da Meng Qian Chunqiu and his deceitful talent is really exciting." Zhou Xiaomao whispered to himself.

Zhou Fan woke up and found that it was almost dusk.

He sat up, feeling up and down, feeling bored, just like Zhou Xiaomao said, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't lose anything, but he still felt depressed.

Insect Niang did this because she definitely didn't want him to know. Maybe she would actually give birth to a child in the future, and the child would have to call Li Jiuyue her father.

Even though Li Jiuyue would raise the child for him, but his own child became someone else's child, he felt annoyed just thinking about it!

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