Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1060: confused

Xiao Xiaoxiao melted into the dark night, and soon another group of trots came back. Xiaoxiao merged them in and said, "Master, I didn't see the tree you mentioned."

Zhou Fan frowned slightly, unless the caravan cut off the tree, otherwise this place would not be where it used to be.

Why did the caravan still stay here so peacefully?

Zhou Fan was puzzled, but he quickly thought of a reason, the caravan did not know that they had been moved to other places.

Of course, the caravan saw Zhou Fan's bonfire disappear, but even if they found an abnormality, as long as it didn't affect them, of course they wouldn't investigate, or they would send someone to investigate. If they didn't find Zhou Fan, they decided to ignore it, just like Zhou Fan. Whatever you thought before, change with the same.

After all, there are so many people in the caravan and a lot of goods. It is not surprising that they did not expect that they would be moved as a whole.

Even Zhou Fan didn't think when he started, that if it wasn't for Xiao Xiaoxiao's investigation, he wouldn't find out until dawn.

Zhou Fan's eyesight can clearly see the expressions on the faces of the warriors on duty at night. From the expressions on the faces of the warriors on duty at night, he feels that they do not seem to be parasitized by monsters.

Those night watchers may have noticed Zhou Fan's torch, but they didn't move if the torch didn't approach.

Zhou Fan approached slowly, the night warriors of the caravan rioted, and some of them turned around to call for someone.

Some people began to draw bows and talismans, but they didn't let them go until they got the exact order.

"Don't fool around, I'm human." Zhou Fan shouted with his true energy.

"Even if you are human, you can't come near us any more." Someone in the caravan replied.

They might not be able to see Zhou Fan, but Zhou Fan could see them clearly. The person who spoke was a young man in a gray shirt, who looked only in his twenties.

"I am the loner who walked in front of you before." Zhou Fan revealed his identity.

Hearing that it was a loner, there was a low voice of discussion from the caravan.

"Is he not dead?"

"Who knows if he's human or weird?"

"Not to be trusted."


All kinds of discussions were heard clearly by Zhou Fan, who had opened his ears, which made him even more sure that the caravan should not be aware of the situation.

A chunky middle-aged man in a brocade suit is discussing with a young man.

"Captain Ding, what should we do now?" the middle-aged man asked politely.

The young man is Ding Feihan, the captain of the caravan's **** team. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Listen to what he has to say first."

"Brother, you should know that approaching us at this time is a big taboo." Ding Feihan shouted loudly: "If it's all right, leave now, or don't blame us for being rude."

"If you don't want to listen to me, then I don't have to." Zhou Fan said calmly: "But I think you'd better listen to me first."

"Do you know where you are now?"

The people in the caravan looked at each other, Ding Feihan said, "What do you mean?"

"It seems that you don't know." Zhou Fan said: "I mean that you are no longer where you originally camped, your positions have been moved, this may not be the fifth mountain road in Renqueshan, or even Renqueshan may not be. "

"How is this possible? He is lying to us." The middle-aged man in Jinyi whispered.

Their camp is business as usual, people, goods and even the bonfire are the original bonfire, how could it not be the original place?

"I'm just reminding you that it's up to you whether you believe it or not." Zhou Fan began to walk outside the mountain road, "I want to bypass you and figure out where this is. I hope you don't attack me indiscriminately."

The people in the caravan watched Zhou Fan go away with the torches, and began to circle the caravan.

Many people felt a chill in their hearts. Outside the wilderness, the most terrifying thing is this kind of confused situation that you are in a special situation and do not know, because at this time, any subtle danger will be infinitely magnified.

They all looked at Ding Feihan and the middle-aged man in Jinyi.

"He's just a stranger, we don't need to pay attention to his nonsense, maybe he has a bad intention for our caravan." The middle-aged man in Jinyi looked at Ding Feihan and said, "If we weren't in the original place, it's impossible not to find out at all."

"Outside the wilderness, nothing is impossible. If you really think so, it is very dangerous." Ding Feihan shook his head and said, "Yes or not, we just need to let people go out to check the surrounding environment when we camped, you guys Does anyone remember any obvious landmarks around here?"

Ding Feihan was in charge of the safety of the caravan. He said so, and the middle-aged man in Jinyi also shut his mouth.

Soon the warriors talked about the markers they remembered one by one.

They quickly decided to investigate three markers.

Divide into three groups, and walk out of the camp with torches to check whether the markers are still there.

It didn't take long for them to report back, saying that the three markers had disappeared, and the caravan made a loud noise, which showed that what the loner said was true, and that they were indeed not in their original positions.

Then it's a question of whether it's a human **** mountain.

"Quiet." Ding Feihan said coldly.

Everyone shut up. Ding Feihan was young, but he had great authority among the warriors of the caravan.

"Captain Ding, what should we do now?" The middle-aged man in Jinyi said calmly with a pale face.

There are countless dangers in this world. Those who dare to go out and do business are too timid to do such a So even if the middle-aged people in Jinyi are mediocre, they can still maintain enough calm.

Ding Feihan pondered, he glanced at the crowd and said: "It is estimated that there are still two hours before dawn, if I remember correctly, the lone walker's bonfire disappeared an hour ago, I am afraid that our position will be at that time. changed."

"We can be safe this hour, but that doesn't mean we'll be fine for the next two hours, because we don't know where this place is? Can you rest assured to stay here?"

"Let's go now and leave here first."

"Captain Ding." The middle-aged man in Jinyi couldn't help but whispered: "But we have so many goods, and this is a place we are not familiar with. We are so rambunctious, it is very likely that we will break into some unknown danger. It's better to stay where you are and wait for the morning."

"Mr. Yang, I understand all of this, but don't forget, the weirdness that moved us here in the dark." Ding Feihan said solemnly: "The weirdness with such abilities, you think it's joking with us. How likely is it?"

"It is very likely that it wants to use us as food, then it will not wait for it to move us over, and it may even infiltrate our caravan."

"Staying where you are, it's more dangerous than walking around!"

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